10 Body Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

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Hello Health Champions.

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Today we’re going to go over 10 important body signs and symptoms that you don't want

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to ignore coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly

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Master Health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit

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that notification Bell so you don't miss anything.

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So I want to go over a list of 10 different signs and symptoms but more than just listing

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them and knowing what they are we want to understand why they develop we're going to

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understand the underlying mechanism so that we can put the bigger picture together so

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make sure that you pay attention to every step along the way as well as the mechanism

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cuz otherwise you're not going to get the full value and if you stick to the end then

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I'm going to get you a really cool bonus you're going to enjoy sign number one is thinning

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eyebrows especially if you start losing the outer third or outer quarter of the eyebrows

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and you haven't been plucking excessively that could be an indication of hypo thyroid

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and hypothyroid is pretty important because the thyroid makes hormone that tells every

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cell in the body to do what they do it tells them how much to do of what they do so if

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the thyroid slows down it's like the thermostat for the whole body if the thermostat slows

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down in the thyroid slows down then your heartbeat slows down your digestion slows down your

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peristalsis your breakdown of food your absorption of food the rate of healing the speed of nerve

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impulses your metabolism everything slows down so if you're just have some thinning

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eyebrows than that in itself may not mean so much but if you see it together with weight

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gain and is feeling sluggish and a slow heart rate and constipation now you want to start

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putting it together and think that there may be some hypo-thyroid going on another popular solution

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to that there's two popular Solutions one is give the person iodine and the other is

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give them thyroid hormone and sometimes that's appropriate and sometimes it's the completely

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wrong thing to do so the iodine is because in some parts of the world people don't have

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much iodine in the soil and if there's no iodine in the diet then the thyroid is going

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to try to compensate it's going to start to grow it's going to upregulate it's going to

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hypertrophy so if you have a big blob sitting on the front of your neck that's your thyroid

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that has grown into what's called a goiter and that is a sure sign that you have no iodine

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and you need some iodine that part of the reason has mostly been eliminated since they

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started putting iodine in table salt but in some parts of the world they may still I'll

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do that so it's still possible that you could get a goiter but in the rest of the world

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where we have iodized table salt then the number one reason for hypothyroid is called

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Hashimoto's thyroiditis it's an autoimmune disease that starts eating away at the thyroid

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and what they do then is they just give you a synthetic hormone they give you Synthroid

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to replace the hormone that your thyroid isn't making an that sounds like a good idea the

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problem is that the root cause is an autoimmune disease you have a problem in your body where

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it's attacking itself there's a reason your body is attacking itself and if you don't

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do anything about it you just put some hormone in then you might get some more thyroid function

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added from the outside but you're not going to address the immune issue so if you take

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the synthroid if you take the synthetic hormone make sure that you also understand what else

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is going on with the thyroid and that you fix the immune issue if that's what's going

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on. Sign number two is if you have a ravenous appetite if you eat all the time but you're

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still losing weight you can have the opposite of hypothyroid which is hyperthyroid meaning

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too much the thyroid function is in overdrive and that's called Graves disease. So if you're eating

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and you're losing weight then that could be it but you also if you want to think Graves

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if you think that's what it is then you also going to have a high heart rate you're

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going to feel like your heart is pounding you're going to have a very fast digestion

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of food is just going to go straight you have a very high metabolism you're going to feel

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very hot you're going to feel like you can't wear clothes inside you wanted to be colder

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all the time you're also typically going to have bulging eyes to all of those are signs

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of graves disease if you find that you have several of those then you want to get that

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checked out there's one other condition that could result in ravenous appetite and losing

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weight and that's type 1 diabetes the difference is that you probably will have even more thirst

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than you do hunger because the type 1 diabetes is just going to drive all the fluids out

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through your body the fluids are going to need to lose fluids with all the sugar through

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the urine and then you have to replenish those fluids because then no insulin to absorb the

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nutrients so you losing weight you're eating and drinking but everything's just going straight

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through you sign number 3 you my pay attention to is poor wound healing if you got a cut

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and it won't heal especially on the lower extremities usually starts on the feet and

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that would be a sign of type 2 diabetes and what's the mechanism here well high blood

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sugar makes the tissues swell a little bit the sugar kind of leaks into the tissues and

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it holds water so the microcirculation get stagnant things don't flow through the way

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they're supposed to so now your overall circulation suffers and with that circulation you don't

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have the proper delivery of nutrients to the tissues cuz in order to heal something you

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need nutrients you need to replenish those tissues and even more than nutrients you

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need oxygen and that also of course is reduced when you lose that circulation the second

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thing that's affected is similar to the damaged tissue that won't heal is your nerve tissue

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you get neuropathy the nerves degenerate because they're not getting their affected

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by the same mechanisms so now you have the nerves degenerating and you can't send the proper

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signals to where they need to go and signals is another thing that you need to heal so

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you need nutrients you need oxygen and you need signals but because of that high blood

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sugar and the lack of circulation you're getting a reduction you losing all or part of all

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of that that's why type 2 diabetes is the number one cause of amputation and because

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it damages micro circulation it is also the leading cause of blindness and kidney failure

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sign number four if you stick your tongue out and look at it in the mirror it's supposed

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to be pretty clean supposed to be relatively pink like a neutral skin color what if it's

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coded if it has a thick layer especially if it's like a white frothy leathery thing on

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top of it then you probably have candida you have a yeast fungus overgrowth and what that

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means is that you probably have also dysbiosis in your gut because if you have an overgrowth

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of something in your body such as candida then you're missing something that's supposed

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to keep it in check and in your gut and your micro-flora you have about 40 trillion

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bacteria total with thousands of different kinds and there's a certain amount of good

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ones they're supposed to keep the bad ones in check and if that happens you have balance

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and then the bad ones aren't so bad but if you get an imbalance if you're feeding them

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improperly if you give them too much sugar than the bad ones are going to start to overgrow

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they're going to start getting out of control so what that tongue indicates is more than

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just a coated tongue right it means that there's a deeper problem there's an imbalance at a

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very deep level so if you go to a doctor and he says oh I can give you some yeast inhibitor

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I can give you something to kill off that candida then you might improve a symptom of

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a sign or symptom for a while but if you don't stop eating sugar and if you don't restore

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the proper microbial flora in the gut then you still have the root cause of the problem

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there and then maybe the problem will come back or it will manifest as some other problem

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right so that's why I always want to work toward the root cause and understand where

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is this imbalance coming from Body and Balance sign number five is an apple shaped body it's

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where when you look at the body and where they're supposed to be a waist then there

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is no waist but it kind of goes the other way when the midsection of the body has expanded

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sideways and forward and you have a big belly when you carry a lot of your weight in the

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midsection that's called an apple shaped body and why is that a problem other than that

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the clothes don't fit so well well it's the reason that the fat ended up in that particular

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place is called intra-abdominal belly fat or central obesity and it's caused by two

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hormones insulin and cortisol there's a disease called Cushing's that puts the fat exactly in those

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places because those people have a pathologically high level of cortisol cortisol promotes insulin

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and insulin resistance and together those two hormones create that body shape so what's

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so bad about that won't cortisol is a stress hormone and if cortisol is high that means

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and you don't have Cushings then that means that your stress level is too high that means

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that your nervous system which is supposed to balance between sympathetic fight flight

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and parasympathetic feed breed it is dominated by the sympathetic by the fight flight and

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when that happens that means that your parasympathetic is underactive and what does your parasympathetic

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nervous system do well just little things like digestion and immune system and healing

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so that apple shaped body means that your immune system and your healing and your digestion

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is not working as well as it should the nervous system is not allocating the resources so

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the apple shaped body is a sign that that is going on and how do you reverse it you

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eat less sugar you eat fewer meals to reverse insulin resistance and you learn how to de-stress

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how to rebalance the nervous system to activate that relaxation response sign number 6 is

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a loss of arm swing when we walk we're supposed to have arm swing their arms were supposed

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to match the movement of the lower extremity it's one of the earliest motion movement reflexes

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It's called a gait reflex it the first one that we develop as a pattern in the nervous system

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and you've practiced it every day ever since you were crawling to everything that happens

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in the brain everything that happens in the body is controlled by the brain and how well

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it works depends on how well the brain can control those signals so how clearly you speak

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how regular and controlled your handwriting is your physical skills your coordination your

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balance your arm swing everything depends on how well and balanced that nervous system

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is so if we start losing arm swing that's an indication that there's a deficiency there's

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a problem there's something in your nervous system in your brain that the signals are

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not coordinated perfectly anymore so that's one of the first signs of neural degeneration

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of a degenerating brain and this could happen long before you had any memory problems or

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any cognitive problem so this is an indication of Alzheimer's and if you catch it early then

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you can actually do something about it it's not the only thing you want to do want to

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cut out the sugar in can get some exercise and all that but it's one thing and if you

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practice when you're walking if you practice a symmetrical pattern of arm swing then you're

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reinstating you're practicing and rebuilding those pathways again sign number 7 is a loss

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of smell now you could get an upper respiratory infection you get a head cold and you could

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lose your smell but that should be temporary if you lose it gradually and it doesn't come

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back that's one of the earliest signs of Parkinson's disease Parkinson's is a devastating motor

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disease where people lose more and more control over their movement they get jerky and stiff

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and they can't initiate walking or movement

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in severe cases it starts affecting their speech and their thoughts even.

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And again it's because of brain degeneration, but in the case of Parkinson's

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it's one specific area kind of in the middle of the brain called the Substantia Nigra

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that means the black stuff and it makes dopamine

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and when you can't make enough dopamine then you can't control movement properly some other

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signs would be stiffness or jerky movements or temors and it could also be an early sign

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would be if you're writing and the handwriting gets smaller and smaller you kinda write slow

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with really small letters called micrographia that's another early sign of Parkinson's.

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Sign number 8 you want to pay attention to is snoring and now you're going well everybody's

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snores right well snoring is a brain thing again if you think about it don't a lot of

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people snore a little extra after they have had some alcohol to drink right and what does the

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alcohol do. It inhibits it interferes with muscle tone and motor control so snoring

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is a lack of muscle tone and it's in a specific place it's in the soft palate that the upper

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part of the mouth that can close and open the airway so if we lose muscle tone then

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it's more likely to close and then when we breathe and force the air through then it flaps

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in the wind and we create that snoring sound well that muscle tone is controlled by an

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area in the brain in the better that area in the brain works the better the muscle tone

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and the more control we have over the soft palate so the area that controls that particular

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muscle in the soft palate sits in an area called cranial nucleus number 10 cranial nerve

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number 10 is what controls that palate and it's the only cranial nerve that leaves the

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head and goes wandering in the body and that's why cranial nerve number 10 is called the

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vagus nerve which is the primary outflow for the parasympathetic nervous system right so

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if your cranial nucleus number 10 is starting to suffer it's starting to de-generate

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a little bit that means that you're also losing some parasympathetic functions so by working

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on some things to improve your parasympathetic function you can also actually improve your

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snoring they go together and what do you do about that then you can do little exercises

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one thing that works great is singing and if you are little embarrassed about doing

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that so anyone can hear then sing in the car no one can hear you there play the radio really

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really loud so if somebody hears something then they think it's just the radio and other

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thing you can do is you can gargle with water so you take a deep breath you fill your mouth

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with water and you gargle for as long as that breath lasts and you do that three times and

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you do that a couple of times a day so this is exercise for the muscles in the soft palate

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your stimulating your driving signals to cranial nucleus number 10 you building up the strength

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of there so you can control you have better muscle tone and control that snoring better

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and this is also what's involved with sleep apnea which is a buzzword these days it seems

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like everyone has sleep apnea and they're selling CPAP machines like they were toasters

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right so that can help some people improve quality of sleep but what if you could solve

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the problem naturally by rebuilding the part that isn't quite working. Sign number 9 if

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you stand up especially if you stand up quickly and you get light-headed so for a few second

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it's like you want to hold on to something cuz you're not sure if you're going to fall

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and some people actually pass out altogether and this is an adrenal problem this is called

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adrenal fatigue and some people claim that adrenal fatigue doesn't exist but let me explain

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here so when you sit down when you lay down sit down or crouch down and you stand up quickly

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what happens is your stretching out your blood you're moving your blood pool up against Gravity

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so gravity is going to pull some of that blood down toward your lower body towards your legs

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and your feet which means that there is less blood available for the brain and you get

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light-headed so what has to happen the moment that you stand up you have to have vaso-constriction

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your blood vessels have to squeeze tight to squeeze the blood up toward the head and this has to happen in a fraction of a

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second cuz if it takes a second or two it's too late you're already dizzy and the hormone

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that causes this vasoconstriction the tightening of the blood vessels is called adrenaline

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or norepinephrine and it's produced by your adrenal glands so if your adrenal glands starts

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getting a little sketchy if they get a little tired they get little fatigued then they can't

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kick in fast enough they can't produce enough adrenaline right in that moment and you get

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that woozy feeling so a lot of people in the medical world they don't recognize adrenal

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fatigue they have something called Addison's which is the extreme end-case of adrenal

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fatigue it's adrenal failure it's complete failure where the adrenals are just barely hanging

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on by a thread the really not working at all and any kind of stress just leaves you like

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a sitting duck you can't respond but in between normal and Addison's there is a gradient there's

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a lot of gray area in between called adrenal fatigue and if you have experienced where

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you're sitting down and you're standing up and you get light-headed then you have just

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proven the existence of adrenal fatigue and what can you do about that you can stabilize

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your blood sugar you can make sure you get regular and sufficient sleep and you can work

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to reduce stress because stress is the thing that wore out the adrenals in the first place

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along with unstable blood sugar so stabilize blood sugar get sleep and practice relaxation

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exercises sign number 10 is you stand in front of a mirror you let your arms hang down your

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shake it loose and you left your arms and up whatever they want to and if they end up

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parallel to the body that's normal that don't cheat just let them relax and see where they

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end up what's going to happen in a lot of cases is you're going to find that they're

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turned in more or less some people are going to have like a 45° some people are going

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to have a 90 degree and other people are going to have one at 45 and one at 90 and all

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this means different things so if your hand ends up parallel that means you have a balance

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between the internal and the external rotators of the shoulder and these are linked to stress

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so when you have stress like when you trying to defend yourself if you imagine a boxer

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or a wrestler if you're standing relax and then you get attacked you going to pull your

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shoulders up being a pull your shoulders forward to protect your neck and jaw you were going

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to turn the hands in to protect yourself and your going to have what's called a defense

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posture which has flexor dominance the flexor muscles are dominating over the extensor muscles

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and you're going to have internal rotation dominating over external rotation so if you

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relax them balance you'll end up in the middle if you're stressed then you'll end up more

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internally rotated and the reason this matters is that there's a portion of the brain called

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the frontal lobe that supposed to turn off that stress response so it's normal to have

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stress and then we activate the internal rotators but then the brain is supposed to turn them

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back off and the side that is the most internally rotated is the side that doesn't get turned

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off as much so if you have someone looking like this then this side which is my right

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side would be the weak side of the brain so there you can tell kind of how balance your

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brain is it's an indication of how well that brain is balanced.

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It's not the only thing to look for because some people have just done too much exercise where all

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they did was bench press and arm curls and then they're going to have they've developed a flexor dominance

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just from repetitive use but for most people who haven't done that there should be a pretty good balance

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So one thing you can do in general is you can practice posture exercises and then you basically do the opposite of

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internal rotation you practice external rotation and extension and the other thing you can

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do which is a little too complicated for this video is you can selectively stimulate the

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side of the brain that's the weaker one and over time you can restore that balance between

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left and right so congratulations for staying through all 10 and for paying such close attention

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now we can talk about the bonus so this has a lot in common with some of the things we

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talked about but this is really cool so it's not cool to the person that happens to but

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the mechanism once we understand it is kind of interesting so a loss of impulse control

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with age so if we get older and all of a sudden we stop being able to control some of the

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things that we've been able to control such as kleptomania this sounds weird but it actually

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happens in a lot of older people as they start getting demented even though they can fully

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well afford to pay for something they steal it because they have lost the ability to inhibit

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inappropriate behavior they have an Impulse but they don't have the part of the brain

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that tells them that's not appropriate that's not acceptable social behavior so they start

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going back to more primitive or uncontrolled or even criminal behavior so this is very

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similar to the previous point with the palms facing inward and as we age we lose the ability

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to inhibit certain things so just like the frontal lobe inhibits the stress and our palms

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turn in that frontal lobe also inhibits impulses and secondary stimuli so that the same mechanism

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that is responsible for ADD if we're supposed to pay attention to something but something

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flashes over here and we lose the attention that's attention deficit cuz the frontal

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lobe supposed to inhibit that secondary stimuli something else that you might notice is people

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who have been calm and well behaved for most of their lives all of a sudden they get

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angry they have temper tantrums in their old age or they start using profanity they start

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They start using bad words. People who have been mellow and well-behaved and polite all of a sudden start

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cussing because the impulse is there but the frontal lobe isn't there to dampen the response

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to dampen the impulse to this came in very handy from me just a very short time ago when

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I recorded this video the first time and after coming to the end of it I discovered I hadn't

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turned on the sound so the frontal lobe then managed to keep me a well-behaved frontal

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lobe managed to keep me from breaking something really expensive so that frontal lobe came

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in handy to control that impulse so here's an interesting thing that this impulse control

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is not something that were born with. It's something that develops with age babies have no impulse

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control children have very little teenagers have some but it's not fully developed and

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the Brain the frontal lobe keeps growing it keeps stabilizing it's called myelination

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okay the white fatty substance that fills in the pathways and matures the brain the

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brain is not fully mature or myelinated until age 25 and an interesting little tidbit here

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is that's why you can't rent a car in the United States until you're 25 years old and

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they probably don't know that at the car rental places but they do know that people are more

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accident-prone before age 25 and the reason is that the brain is not fully developed enough

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to inhibit spontaneity and impulses. So then unfortunately it comes full circle so the babies have to

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develop it at age 25 we have it fully developed and then we keep it throughout life but then

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as we age and the Brain starts to go south and start to degenerate now we regress and

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we don't have that inhibitory capacity and we go back to having the lack of impulse control that we had as children.

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This channel is kind of unique in that we really try to not just list things, but we try to help you understand them

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, because if you fully understand the mechanisms and the concepts and you watch videos that build on

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each other then you will end up with empowerment then you understand your body you can trust

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your body you can have confidence in it and most importantly you don't have to fall for

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every little thing every little fad or trend that comes around you will know enough about

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yourself that you can make the right decisions for your health

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So if you want to learn more we have videos in our library on virtually every one of these videos and if you enjoyed this

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video then I think you should go look at that one next thank you so much for watching and

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I'll see you in the next video

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