10 Amazingly Easy Steps You Must Do Before Starting Keto For Beginners

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hello health champions what is the best way to start the ketogenic diet and what

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would you want to do even before you start the ketogenic diet so there's

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going to be a lot of good information for a beginner here but there's also

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going to be a lot of value for someone who's already doing the ketogenic diet

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because it's going to solidify all the reasons and the understanding that you

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have of why you're doing it coming right up

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything to make sure you watch carefully on each

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of the 10 points so you get the full understanding and also make sure you

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stay to the end because I've got a really exciting bonus for you the

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ketogenic diet has received a lot of attention in the recent years because

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people are getting results but there's also a lot of criticism there's a lot of

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skepticism there's some people who are just totally opposed and then there's

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others who say that reluctantly that yes it does help with weight loss but you

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don't want to do it long-term so there's a lot of fears like why would you want

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to do it if it helps but you can't do it long-term and all of that is based on

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misunderstanding so today we're gonna clear all of that out and we're gonna

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give you the perfect way to start a ketogenic diet a lot of people are

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afraid they don't know if they can do it right and they've also heard about all

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these reactions the keto flu the nausea the stomach upset the headaches and I'm

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gonna show you a way where none of that is gonna happen number one I would

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suggest that you set some goals and this may sound a little strange what does

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that have to do with keto I just want to lose weight well the more goals the more

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reason you have the more likely that you'll feel good about it and the more

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likely that you're gonna follow through so first of all you want to figure out

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what is your goal do you want to lose weight you want to

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get healthy spell it out write down five things you want to get more flexible you

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want to get more athletic you want to have more energy spell it out and then

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you want to also give yourself sort of the the negative motivation and this I'm

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not in favor of being negative but this can be very very powerful you write down

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what will happen if you don't change what will it cost you health-wise what

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will it cost you in terms of quality of life if you don't change anything all

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right that can be very very powerful because then right after that you look

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at the flip side of that and now you talk about you spell out even more how

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do you want to feel how are you going to feel when you've accomplished all those

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things when you have your ideal weight when you're flexible when you have the

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energy when your life is the way it's supposed to be spell it out give

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yourself five or ten different reasons for each one of these points and then to

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really really sort of knock that out of the park

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you will write down five to ten reasons why you absolutely will succeed why you

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deserve it why you can do it and why it will happen and if you take an hour or a

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couple of hours and you do this and then you write it down in an easy form where

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you could look at it on a daily basis there is no way that you can fail with

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this so the first why is personal why do you want to do this the second why is

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why kedo what's so special about Kida what is it that that kita will do that

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other diet hamund done so here is where we first need to understand that most of

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the health problems that we have most of weight loss most of all the modern

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diseases are because of insulin resistance the vast majority and the

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ketogenic diet is a very very powerful tool to reverse insulin resistance

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because a high carb high sugar diet triggers a lot of insulin when we have a

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lot insulin for long periods of time we

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develop insulin resistance insulin resistance creates even more insulin

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production over time and all that insulin is a storage hormone so it clogs

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us up it packs on the fat and we develop all these things associated with

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metabolic syndrome the type-2 diabetes the high blood pressure the

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cardiovascular disease the increased risk of stroke and also Alzheimer's

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disease and dementia all of these are insulin resistance so

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how does the ketogenic diet reverse that well fat is the only thing that doesn't

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really trigger any insulin so by cutting back the sugars to a very low level

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cutting back the carbs you're going to trigger very little insulin but then you

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need to eat something else instead of those sugars and carbs and the obvious

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choice then is fat because fat doesn't trigger insulin and the second thing

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that the ketogenic diet does is it produces ketones there by the name and

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when you cut back the carbs the body has to find an alternate fuel source which

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is fat and at first the fat will be in the diet but as you get fat adapted your

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body will start burning the fat off the body and when the insulin goes low

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enough now your body doesn't care if you get the fat from the diet or from the

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body it has equal easy access to both which means that you start losing weight

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and your hunger goes down but a byproduct of fat burning is ketones and

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ketones is the alternate fuel for the brain so ketones is an alternate brain

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fuel if you eat a ton of carbohydrates and sugar then almost a hundred percent

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of your brain fuel is going to be glucose but if you get on a ketogenic

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diet then as you get into deeper nutritional ketosis you will have up to

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75 scent of the fuel for the brain be

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provided by ketones right so that's a good thing in itself but what's even

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more important is that if you're very insulin resistant your brain can also

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become insulin resistant and the insulin has different roles in the brain but

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basically if the brain is insulin resistant then it doesn't work quite

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right and it is lacking in fuel so now if you produce ketones then you have a

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fuel for the brain that doesn't depend on insulin so you've bypassed the

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resistance of giving the brain the resources and once you understand all of

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that you also understand that I know you want to lose the weight but the weight

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is not the problem the weight loss is not the goal the goal is to get healthy

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to get the insulin resistance lowered and to provide some good fuel for the

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brain so your body starts working again then you'll reverse the metabolic

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syndrome and all of these things and guess what the weight loss will be a

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bonus but don't focus on it because it's really irrelevant I know it's sort of

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what's bugging you and you wanna get it done but focus on the health and

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understand that the weight loss is just the result of insulin resistance so you

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can lose weight by exercising five hours a day you will lose some weight but you

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may not get your body back to balance you may not reverse insulin resistance

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and then it's gonna be a constant fight and as long as you can't any time you

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can't keep up the five hours of working out then the weight will tend to come

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back so you have to get the body to balance you have to get healthy then the

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weight will come off number three thing you want to do is to learn what foods

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are ketogenic and there's a lot of misconceptions here some people think

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that it's all about bacon and meat and fat and and butter and yes those are

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good things but that's not the bulk or not definitely not all of the food

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you're eating so any whole food that is non-starchy is

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okay what does that mean so you can eat meat you can eat fish you

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can eat chicken you can eat venison but you want to find a good quality and

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understand that if the animal was unhealthy then it's not going to be

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healthy for you if the animal was unhealthy it's gonna have all sorts of

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inflammation and the wrong ratios of omega-3 fatty acids but if the animal

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was healthy then everything was taking care of the animals imbalance and he

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will provide good nutrition for you then you want to understand that you can eat

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fat whole healthy fat and you can eat any non starchy vegetables

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okay so broccoli cauliflower you can eat kale and lettuce and spinach and and

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beans and asparagus there's hundreds and hundreds of different items that are

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perfectly fine so it's not just about loading up on the fat and eating bacon

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you can have some bacon but have some vegetables and some avocado and things

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with it and then you want to learn to count net carbs and net carbs means that

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you look at the total amount of carbohydrate in the food and then you

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subtract the fiber because fiber is technically a carbohydrate but you can't

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digest it so it doesn't count for you it doesn't contribute to any blood sugar it

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doesn't give you any calories it just passes through so you don't count it the

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fourth thing you want to do before you start keto is you want to recover from

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fat phobia alright we have fat phobia it's so widespread it has penetrated

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every level of health care and education whether people have are intelligent or

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not they just have fat phobia because we heard it so many times but we need to

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understand about fat that fat is good fat is food it's a normal healthy part

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of what humans have eaten for as as we have been around as long as it's

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not altered alright if it comes from an animal that healthy then it's not

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altered if it comes from an avocado or a coconut or from an olive then it's

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healthy if we take the avocado or the olive or the coconut and we squeeze it

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and we make oil it's still good as long as we don't add excessive heat or

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chemicals so that's why coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil and butter are

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good fats because they are easy to produce you don't have to punish them

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you don't have to destroy them you don't have to apply all that heat and pressure

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if it's easy to get the fat out of them then the fat is unaltered and it's a

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good fat the thing to understand and the biggest reason that they keep putting

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out studies that show that fat is bad is because they don't understand what

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insulin does and they don't understand what a low carb diet is earlier this

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morning I saw another study another article and they said oh look saturated

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fat is bad and then they said on a low-carb high-fat diet and they ate 40%

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of calories from fat and 40% of calories from carbohydrate that is a moderate fat

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high carbohydrate diet it will keep the insulin high and insulin plus fat is a

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bad thing because insulin doesn't allow you to burn the fat it doesn't allow you

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to use the fat the whole point of this is to allow the body to switch from a

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carbohydrate metabolism to a fat metabolism and if the insulin is high

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you're not allowing that switch and 40% of calories from carbohydrate is going

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to keep insulin way way too high it doesn't give you a body a chance to

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recover from that insulin resistance so whenever you see a study then

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ask yourself how did they study this are they really understanding what they're

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doing did they keep the carbohydrates below 10% or in keto maybe even below 5%

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because if they didn't it's not a low-carb high-fat study what you will

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find is if you do that if you keep your carbs really low and you eat whole

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healthy fats from good sources then your blood triglycerides will drop within

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days if you run the blood work they will go down which proves that if your lower

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insulin you will burn the fats and then fat is a good thing it becomes a fuel

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not a burden the fifth thing you want to do is to throw away sugar okay some

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people say that you want to go through your whole pantry or whole house and

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throw out anything that is not keto I don't think you have to start there but

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you do want to throw away anything that is sugar anything that is sweet anything

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that has an addictive effect anything that you know that you can't have just

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one piece because those things are drugs and they make you lose your equilibrium

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they make you lose your sense of hunger they have drug-like effects and they

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will sabotage your efforts so you want to throw away any candy ice cream potato

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chips anything sweet anything processed or

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starchy alright because their drugs what you can keep is dark chocolate and you

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want to find a good quality that you like and if you can't tolerate it yet

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you want to work your way up to where you really enjoy seventy five percent or

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higher chocolate cocoa content why is that because at that level the sugar is

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so diluted by cocoa that it doesn't have that drug effect and it's different for

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different people so you're gonna have to experiment a little bit but what I find

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is I like 78 or 85% chocolate and if I have a piece

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then it's very satisfying I don't have the urge to have another right whereas

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if you eat milk chocolate or you eat chocolate with 50 percent then the first

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piece gives you a desire for more and more and more and more and you can't

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have that number six do you want to start measuring something and I would

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strongly suggest you get a home kit to measure blood glucose and ketones you

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don't need to measure ketones right away because there won't be any but you want

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to get in the habit you want to have the equipment and you want to learn a little

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bit about where your glucose levels are and how it behaves with different foods

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and then as you get ready to go into ketosis you want to have the kit ready

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so you can start measuring and seeing what those changes are then I would also

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suggest you get a lab test either just go to any lab where you just pay upfront

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or you can get it through your doctor at a visit and you want to get the a 1c and

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you want to get fasting insulin because I've done a lot of videos you could look

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at why that is important on insulin resistance and home iír and so forth but

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you want to understand what your baseline is and because first of all you

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can see where you are so you might see how far do you have to go how hard are

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you gonna have to work what how drastic of a change do you have to make but it's

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also going to allow you to monitor progress other than just on the scale

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and how you feel this will be a very concrete measurement so these are the

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four things that I would suggest glucose ketones a1c and fasting insulin get

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yourself a kit for home and get yourself a lab test so you know where you stand

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as a baseline number seven is electrolytes and if you go cold turkey

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which is not what we're talking about in this programming these recommendations

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then electrolytes can be a big problem because you're going to lose a lot of

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fluids you're going to lose a lot of electrolytes and that's where most

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people get their keto flu their headaches there they don't feel good if

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you do it the way we're talking about to do it gradually

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then electrolytes are probably not going to be an issue and you get plenty of

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electrolytes from your non starchy vegetables and you can make sure that

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you get enough salt on your food you get a good quality salt like a pink salt or

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a sea salt then you probably won't have any problems but it never hurts to be a

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little extra cautious because electrolytes are super important not

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just if you're doing the keto diet or not all right you want to make sure that

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you you have enough and you notice how you feel and so forth it's very easy way

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to supplement number eight I would strongly recommend that you start a food

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journal you can write it in on a piece of paper in an Excel spreadsheet you can

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get a food app on your phone but you want to keep track of what you're eating

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for many reasons the first one is to be honest with yourself so be totally 100%

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honest and put everything in there first of all you're gonna notice what you're

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actually eating some people go oh my god I had no idea

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I ate 22 times a day but other people are also gonna notice that they once

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they get in the habit then you pick something up and you go oh I have to put

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this in my journal well you know I didn't really want this that was just a

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habit I just picked it up because it wasn't there so it helps reinforce what

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your habits are and how to change them the other reason for a food journal is

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that you can keep track of your carbohydrates and in order to get into

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the ketogenic diet then you want to keep them for most people at least below 50

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carbs but most are probably going to have to get down to 30 and for some

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people with really stubborn metabolism and insulin resistance you might have to

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get down to 15 or even 10 at grams of carbs per day before you

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start reversing your insulin resistance and before you start making significant

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ketones number nine learn to cook keto foods so there are lots and lots of

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recipes out there so if you already know how to cook then just go on the internet

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get yourself one or two or three good cookbooks

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on the ketogenic lifestyles you have ketogenic keto recipes and if you don't

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know how to cook then you'd better learn and it's super easy it's just one of

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those skills don't give yourself any excuses anymore just learn how to cook

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and by following these recipes and by picking up a recipe here and there

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you're gonna learn faster than you think it's like any other habit but it's a

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life skill that you have to know if you're gonna be healthy in the long run

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so a good goal I think is to on the internet or in a cookbook find two to

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three new recipes every week just try stuff and some of it you're gonna love

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and some of its gonna be not so interesting and then you create a little

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archive of all the stuff you love and before you know it you'll have 10 15 20

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wonderful recipes of food that you love food that is satisfying that's based on

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actual whole food and then you're well on your way that's how you turn it into

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a lifestyle rather than just a diet because diets don't work if you think

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you're doing something temporarily then somewhere in the back your mind you're

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planning to stop doing it and then chances are you're gonna go back to all

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the stuff that created the problem in the first place

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maybe not all at once but you'll start down a slippery slope if you haven't

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ingrained a really solid lifestyle habit the tenth thing you want to do before

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starting a ketogenic diet I believe is get fat adapted alright the whole point

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of this is to transition from a carbohydrate dependent

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metabolism to a fat based metabolism where your body learns to burn fat and

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where it can go comfortably and for long periods without sugar and carbohydrates

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that's called getting fat adapted and the easiest way to do this is to start

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assuming that you eat three meals a day or let's say you eat three meals a day

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plus snacks then the first thing you do is to reduce the snacks and then you

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replace one meal with a ketogenic meal one of those things that you've learned

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to cook now so one meal a day is a ketogenic meal and what you'll find is

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if you were snacking before you won't want to snack anymore because the food

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is going to be so much more satisfying it's going to fill you up and you'll

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have no need to to supplement your your energy with any snacks alright and once

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your body is comfortable with once you cut out the snacks and you're

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comfortable with one ketogenic meal per day then you replace a second meal per

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day assuming you eat three meals a day so now you have two out of three meals

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being ketogenic and you are learning to cook you're learning to eat fewer meals

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your body is adapting and learning to live off fat instead of carbohydrate and

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then once you feel ready for it now you take all three meals you replace the

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third meal as well with a ketogenic meal so you have three killer genic meals and

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you're gonna feel very very good you're gonna feel satisfied and stable all

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right are you ready for your bonus the very last thing that you need to do

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before starting a ketogenic diet is to realize that by the time that you have

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done numbers items 1 through 10 it is too late to start a ketogenic diet you

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have already started you are already doing a ketogenic diet line

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style you have replaced three meals with ketogenic meals and if you haven't

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started measuring yet you will find by now if you do that you are having

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ketones in your blood streams and that's probably why you're feeling so much

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better at this point so this is how you can transition into it without even

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realizing you're doing it people talk about the keto flu and these drastic

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changes and will I get hungry and for some people that's okay you can do that

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but in my humble opinion I would say that if you do it this way it's going to

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be so smooth you're not even going to notice it and before you even have

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realized it you are already on track to doing what you want to do to reaching

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your health goals and it's going to be so easy so congratulations on your new

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lifestyle it is not dangerous if you eat whole food and real food and a variety

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of food it is what we are supposed to eat once you reach your health goal then

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you can decide if you want to start introducing a little bit more carbs that

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may be okay depending on on where you are some people probably want to keep

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the ketogenic lifestyle at least 80 90 to 100 percent for years and years and

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years others can probably go 5050 between a ketogenic and a low carb

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lifestyle figure out what works for you experiment see where you feel the best

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where your insulin where your glucose where all these different markers work

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the best and where you function the best if you enjoyed this video make sure you

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take a look at that one as well I appreciate you watching and I'll see you

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in the next video

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