10 Alarming Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Too High

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hello health champions today we're going to talk about some common signs and

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symptoms of high blood sugar and we also want to understand how this works and

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how to catch it early because you don't ever want to develop any of these signs

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and symptoms coming right up

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hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything the reason this stuff is so important is

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that first of all high blood sugar insulin resistance and diabetes are

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sweeping the world it's an epidemic but a lot of people don't even know that

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they have this stuff because you can't feel it until it's gone too far so even

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though we have millions and millions of diabetics 25% of the diabetics are

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undiagnosed they don't know they have it and as much as 90% of the people who are

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pre-diabetic don't know it so that's a ticking time bomb and pre-diabetes means

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that if you don't change the way you're eating if you don't change your

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lifestyle then you'll probably have diabetes within 5 years so we're talking

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hundreds of millions of people and you never ever want to let it get to where

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you have these signs and symptoms but you still want to know about it so that

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you can keep an eye out and maybe help some other people as well so number one

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weight gain now that's an early sign it's very very common

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okay even though it takes a while to develop this it's not something that's a

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really severe pathology and you have plenty of time to do something about it

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but weight gain is primarily caused by high blood sugar because high blood

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sugar drives insulin and insulin resistance drives weight gain and

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especially the central obesity the the belly fat

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number two increased or frequent urination if you go to the bathroom all

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the time if you're losing a lot of fluid that way then that could be an

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indication of high blood sugar because if you can't control your blood sugar if

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it just gets through this roof then the only way the body has left to get rid of

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it is to get it out through the kidneys to pass it out through the urine and now

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that sugar takes a lot of fluid with it the sugar and the fluid that's kind of

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an osmotic pressure there so you lose them together you get rid of some sugar

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but you also lose a lot of fluids so now you get dehydrated you get thirsty and

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another part of dehydration a very common symptom of dehydration is

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headaches so increased urination increased thirst and headaches they all

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go together because you're losing a lot of fluid now if we add a fourth thing to

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this if we add hunger this is a more severe case of untreated undetected type

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1 diabetes so if you're super super hungry you're eating your body is

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absorbing it your blood sugar goes up but there is no insulin there to take

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the sugar from the blood into the cells now your cells are still starving okay

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they don't have any energy there's plenty of blood sugar but it can't go to

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where it needs to be that's called starvation in the midst of Plenty so

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with that you're gonna have hunger you're gonna have increased urination

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but at the same time you're gonna have weight loss because none of that food

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you're eating can make it into the cells and build new tissue number three sign

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of high blood sugar is blurry vision so there's a tendency where there is a lot

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of high blood sugar we talked about here that the blood and the water go together

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so the sugar is going to hold liquid to it and

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you can have a swelling of the lens in the eye so when you change the shape of

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the lens you can get blurry vision this is different from the long-term problem

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of retinopathy that's when the retina the find blood vessels in the retina get

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destroyed by neuropathy and is the leading cause of blindness but that's

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further down the road the short term is blurry vision because of the swollen

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lens number four sign is nausea vomiting confusion and these are pretty serious

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things this is associated with something called diabetic ketoacidosis and a lot

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of people are scared and a lot of people are trying to scare people doing Kido

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and saying that ketoacidosis is a bad thing so you shouldn't do the keto diet

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well these are totally different things the diabetic ketoacidosis happens

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because the blood sugar runs into the hundreds but there's no insulin to take

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the sugar out of the bloodstream and into the cells so the only thing the

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body can do is to burn the fat and this is why you're also losing weight in the

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middle of all of this and when you're burning fat you're making ketones and in

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the absence of any insulin when the body is only burning fat then that creates a

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pathologically high level of keto acids and these can cause swelling of the

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brain and it can cause all of these nasty things and untreated it can lead

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to death but that's very very different from a nutritional ketosis because when

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there is some insulin present then you will never get the levels as high as

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those pathological levels that's and nutritional ketosis is actually a very

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very stable and very healthy level of ketones that's how humans have existed

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for hundreds of thousands of years anytime that there is less food we make

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ketones and we just fine number five common sign would

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be recurring and frequent infections and high blood sugar depresses your immune

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system but it also feeds all of the pathogens all the opportunistic

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pathogens in your body so if you have yeast infections for example the most

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common reason for that is excess sugar because the yeast thrives on that sugar

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sign in symptom number six is fatigue and poor focus and this is one of the

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strongest correlations one of the most commonly found things with high blood

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sugar and with diabetes they even call it if diabetes fatigue syndrome but even

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with that being that common they still don't know exactly why it happens they

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don't understand the mechanism that just know that it happens and if it happens

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after you eat it's especially common right after you

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eat and then it can be because your body is busy converting that glucose into

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triglycerides because if your insulin resistance and you have high blood

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glucose then the cells don't want the glucose so the body has to do something

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else with it and that's where the glucose turns into triglycerides and

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that's a costly it's an energy demanding process sigh number seven is slow

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healing a lot of diabetics a lot of people with high blood sugar they notice

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that they get a cut and it takes forever and it just won't heal very very common

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number eight teeth and gums same thing there's slow healing they get inflamed

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they get swollen and bleeding you get cavities and this is thanks to something

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called the bacterium called streptococcus mutans and guess what that

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little bugger likes it loves sugar it loves carbohydrates and even if you

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don't eat sugar if you eat carbohydrates those start breaking down already

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in the mouth so it doesn't have to be even

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though sugar is worse because it's concentrated the any kind of carb will

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feed that drip to caucus so that causes the cavities and it also causes the

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plaquing on the teeth so if you go on a keto or low carb diet you will notice

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that the plaquing and your teeth is reduced dramatically number nine is any

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form of skin changes all right so if you have dry itchy skin then that could be

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high blood sugar if you get blisters they look like burned blisters but they

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don't hurt like burn blisters they could be itchy but they're different they're

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associated with diabetes as well skin tags especially in the folds of the the

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neck and elbow and armpit and so forth very very common with high blood sugar

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and diabetes and also something called a cam dosis nigricans which is a darkening

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of the skin it looks kind of like a dark soft leathery appearance of the skin

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again particularly in skin that that folds and number 10 is neuropathy and

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this is very strongly associated with diabetes and high blood sugar so if you

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have things like tingling and numbness especially in the feet and the hands

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because it's the furthest away it's a distal body part so the circulation is

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poorer and then when circulation is decreased because of diabetes and high

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blood sugar then it is it happens there first and you want to watch this

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especially if it is bilateral meaning if you have it on both sides so you could

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for example have a little bit of a musculoskeletal structural imbalance but

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then it's more likely that you just have a problem in one hand if it's in both

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then you want to start thinking that it's more of a metabolic issue and you

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want to start thinking blood sugar and neuropathy can happen in

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many places so it can happen in in distal body parching yet numbness and

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tingling but you can also have more severe neuropathy where you lose sensory

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and motor control so you can have something called shark owes joints which

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is where the whole joint breaks down and degenerates because you don't have the

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proper sensory feedback another form of neuropathy is what we talked about with

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the retinopathy it's the most common cause of blindness because the nerve

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swells from all that blood sugar and it just doesn't work as well but one more

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thing people don't think about often is gastroparesis that means paralysis of

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your stomach and intestinal tract so this is because the vagus the vagus

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nerve is cranial nerve number 10 and it walks all the way from the brainstem

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down into your gut into your intestinal tract and it supplies the innervation it

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sends all the signals that coordinate and regulate your digestion and your

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motility the movement of your intestines and of the food through your body so if

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the Vegas gets neuropathy if it gets compromised and inflamed and swollen now

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the intestinal contents don't move the way they're supposed to and you can get

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things like constipation you can have if it really gets stuck than anything you

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eat comes right back up you you vomited back up so this can have many many

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different expressions you can have pain it could have irregular bowel habits etc

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so virtually all of these different signs and symptoms they're expressions

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of a few common mechanisms and those mechanisms are that blood sugar and

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insulin increases inflammation in the body it decreases circulation that's

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where you have the the slow healing and so forth

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it increases swelling which is with the blurry vision and the neuropathy

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it decreases the immune system it reduces the immune function at the same

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time that it feeds the pathogens so high blood sugar is a really nasty thing

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because all of these things can happen and will happen if you don't control it

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but now there's two different thoughts of controlling it on the one hand you

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can take a drug to try to push the blood sugar down something like metformin or

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insulin etc or you can reduce the cause you can undo the cause which means you

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start eating less sugar and carbohydrate and which one would be the better way

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well let's think about this if you watch some of my videos you know some of this

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already but let's quick recap that if you have a high carb diet you get high

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blood sugar you get insulin resistance and then you treat the blood sugar you

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reduce the blood sugar then you're helping the body get the blood sugar out

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of the bloodstream and into the cells which means you're promoting the storing

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mechanism you're promoting the clogging mechanism and now we're pushing the body

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into metabolic syndrome and what is metabolic syndrome it is a cluster of

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conditions including high blood pressure cardiovascular disease insulin

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resistance diabetes stroke etc so if you maintain the high carb diet and you

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treat to lower the blood sugar you're moving the body toward metabolic

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syndrome so it's like you're out of the ashes and into the fire the other way of

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dealing with it is to reduce the sugar and the carbohydrates to take away the

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thing that caused the problem in the first place I know that's a novel

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thought but believe me it works now if you take a low sugar low carb diet now

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you're gonna lower the blood glucose you're going to lower the insulin

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the body will be restored to health so I'll let you pick which model you prefer

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but I don't think it takes rocket scientists to figure that one out but

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what if we do something even smarter what if we don't wait for any of these

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to happen what if we decide that I'm not going to wait 20 years for these

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problems to develop I want to do something today to make sure that they

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never happen all right and that is so simple it is so simple you measure your

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blood sugar how about that and it's amazing to me that we have millions of

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people with diabetes and prediabetes who have no idea and all it takes is a

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little prick in the finger little blood drop and you can measure and you can

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find out exactly where you're at and if you measure it now you can save decades

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you don't have to go through this you don't have to watch any of these steps

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develop you measure your blood sugar that you can do for yourself you go to

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the lab you measure your a1c and your fasting insulin and now you have a

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picture now you know exactly where you stand in relation to this and if you

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don't have a problem then make sure you don't develop one if you're starting to

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get a problem then learn how to develop a low carb diet lifestyle so that you

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can reverse these changes before they turn into these terrible signs if you

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enjoyed this video make sure that you take a look at that one also thank you

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so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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