100 Million People Dieting For 20 Years... Here's What Happened. Real Doctor Reviews Strange Outcome

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If a hundred million people dieted you would expect them to lose some weight

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right, but is that what happened? In this video I will comment on a study

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published this month in the Jama Open Network. It's a Journal by the American

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Medical Association and I want to comment on their strange and unexpected

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findings. Coming right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete

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and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really

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works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything. So this was a very large study it was over 48,000 people followed over

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a number of years and they found some things that didn't expect to find and

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this has been commented on it's been written up by WebMD and Newsweek and a

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lot of other people the first number they reported in the

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study was the number of people who were trying to lose weight in 1999 that

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number was 34 percent of people had been trying to lose weight sometime in the

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previous year and in 2016 that number had gone up to 42 percent so this

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represent over a hundred million people one of the head researchers in the study

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was Dr. Lu Kee and he said the following - "Where weight loss efforts are increasing

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we can expect a decreasing trend of obesity, but it is not decreasing." In

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other words they expected people to lose weight but it didn't happen I mean

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that's reasonable if a lot of people want to lose weight and they try to lose

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weight you would think that would be the outcome but from 1999 the body mass

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index on average in the u.s. went from 28 to 29 point four and the limit the

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the number where it turns into obesity by definition is 30 so it's like just

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the cutoff or going from over weight to obesity so the average American is now

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only a few tenths of a point away from obese the average weight in that time

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period went from a hundred and seventy-six to a hundred and eighty four

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pounds so more people are trying to lose weight and on average the population

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went eight pounds heavier and if we look just a little bit further back and we

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look at obesity in 1980 it was 15 percent in 1990 it was 23 percent

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1999 31 % and today obesity is 40 percent of the population the percentage

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being overweight went from 47 percent in 1980 to 56 in 1990 65 in 1999 and 72

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percent in 2016 so more people are trying to lose weight the body mass

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index is going up the average weight is going up the rate of obesity is going up

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the rate of overweight is going up so these numbers are raising some eyebrows

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they're having people maybe for the first time question if the guidelines

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are really right can we really follow the advice and lose weight so these

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numbers come from something called NHANES - National Health and Nutrition

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Examination Survey and it's been ongoing for decades and they keep this going so

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they can get ongoing data and they ask people in the survey what are you doing

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to lose weight and people are saying that they are eating less they are

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eating fewer calories they are exercising more they are increasing

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their water intake they're eating more fruits and vegetables and salads they

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are decreasing their consumption of sugar candy sweets junk food and fast

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food and they commented in the study and they said that most of these measures

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had improved sharply okay the number of people attempting these things have

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increased sharply so it wasn't just like a slight change so more people are

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trying and they're trying harder and yet not much is happening so if they're

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doing all these supposed right things but they're not getting any results then

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why is that happening so they try to explore these reasons in this research

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paper so in this research paper they also try to explore the reasons why this

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is happening if people are trying harder and they're doing all the things that

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are recommended then why is weight and obesity and BMI

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going up instead of down and the head researcher dr. Lu Qi one

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of the points that he suggested was - "Maybe they are trying to diet but aren't

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pursuing it in an effective manner." Well that kind of goes without saying that

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obviously if they're not getting any results if the results are opposite of

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what they're doing then it's not an effective manner and then he goes on to

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saying "Many of them might not have implemented weight loss strategies or

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applied a minimal level effort." So in other words he's saying that sure the

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people may be trying they may be saying that they're trying to lose weight but

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they're not either actually doing it or they're not trying hard enough so again

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it comes back to the idea that the suggestions the rules the

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recommendations are just fine but there's something wrong with people's

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character they're just not trying hard enough they look for more explanations

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and they say that "Adherence is the primary factor associated with a

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successful response to a weight loss attempt." In other words you have to stick

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to it and people aren't sticking to it so why is that? They suggest - "However

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adherence to such modified diets, which is the best predictor of success in any

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dietary modification, is very difficult to maintain. So again they say you gotta

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stick to it but it is really really hard so people don't so then what do we do if

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we have to eat less calories but then we get hungry so we can't keep it up then

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now what do we do so to kind of summarize the paper they

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say the following - "Taken together these findings suggest a need to increase the

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promotion of effective strategies for weight loss including calorie reduction

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and increased physical activity among all adults attempting to lose weight. So

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here's the problem they just keep reiterating the same dogma

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over and over you gotta eat less exercise more fewer calories in more

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calories out but it doesn't matter if the problem is that the guidelines are

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wrong or if the problem is that people can't follow it or won't follow it

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because the end result is the same people are not losing weight they are

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gaining weight year by year and here's the problem I have with blaming it on

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willpower because if it was all about willpower that were fat because we don't

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have the willpower to not eat when we're hungry then does that mean that we had

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willpower prior to 1980 that since 1980 we have given birth to a couple of

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generations without willpower that willpower was just something that was

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prevalent it was common it was a human trait prior to 1980 no obviously not

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okay willpower is not what has changed so we

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have to start asking why what is it that makes people hungry if people are eating

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more than they're burning which is obvious because weight is going up why

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is that happening what are the foods doing what are the

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hormones doing what are the factors that influence hunger because we can't just

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blame it on people if this many people try for that long and it's not working

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we've got to change something there was also an article in WebMD about

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the same study and they talked to some other people one was dr. Lee Kaplan and

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he had some other views on this phenomena he said that these results

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clearly indicate that there's a fundamental flaw in the way that we have

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been told to lose weight and dr. Lee continues there is one obvious

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conclusion we can draw the way we have been told as a population to lose weight

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doesn't work and of course I can only agree with that and it's refreshing to

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hear it a source that's actually even being

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published on Web MD and dr. Lee has some insight that gets us a little bit closer

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to the actual problem he says - "Eating less and exercising won't

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work long-term because your body regulates how much fat

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it carries and that regulation is outside your personal control." so there

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is one of my favorite words, regulates, it means that living things have

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behavior living things adapt to the circumstances so if the body is behaving

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a certain way it's because of something the body has been exposed to it

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regulates I do have to disagree though with the last part of his statement

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where he says that that regulation is outside of your personal control because

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he is right in one sense but he's wrong in another because in the moment when

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you're hungry your hormones are telling you to eat you don't have personal

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control in that moment over those hormones especially not more than once

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you can be hungry for a little while but you can't be hungry the rest of your

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life but what you can do is you can change the type of foods that you eat

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that will change the type of hormones that your body produces that regulate

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hunger so over time if you eat different foods then you have different hormones

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and you won't get as hungry so in that sense you have a lot of control over

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to regulate your hunger and your fat storing and fat burning so it's very

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refreshing to hear that viewpoint spoken by someone in a in the medical field but

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then of course it's just as disheartening to hear how they suggest

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to solve the problem because then dr. Kaplan suggests "A true cure for obesity

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is going to require medications or therapies that help readjust the body's

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self regulation of fat. Once you realize this is biology then you need a

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biological and medical solution." so this is why I have this channel it is

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to help people understand the difference between a holistic approach and a

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medical approach an allopathic approach in the allopathic approach we treat

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symptoms in a holistic approach we treat the whole organism we help the organism

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function better so that the symptoms go away and that is the key that we have to

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understand in this that the body does not require chemicals to regulate this

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if even if it was possible that they find a drug and medication a chemical

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that could force or trick or guide or help the body into regulating fat

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differently it would be imposing your will on the body and it would have side

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effects all drugs have side effects and I'm not saying that they would never

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ever be a case where that wouldn't be appropriate but for the vast majority of

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people they can just change the behavior that created the problem and then the

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body will come back to balance we just have to understand what those things are

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and they're certainly not about eating sugar and bread and processed foods and

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vegetable oils and six meals a day because that's what created the problem

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we just have to understand how do we reverse the problem and then how do we

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live like people lived before this problem was present what did people do

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so the single biggest issue that we have in this whole obesity situation is that

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we treat the weight as the problem all of these people if you ask these 100

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million people what their goal was I bet you that 99.9999 some percent would say

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I want to lose weight I bet you hardly any of them said I want to get healthy I

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want to get my body into balance so that it learns how to regulate this weight

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and that I can find a normal weight for my body type I bet you that

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hardly ever happen and everyone including the the doctors and the

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dieticians and the policymakers and the people trying to lose weight they all

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see the weight as the problem but the excess weight the obesity is a result of

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an imbalance we have to understand what the imbalance is and we have to fix that

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imbalance and if you watched any of the videos on this channel you know that we

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have a whole library that talks about in the mechanism there's one hormone in the

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body that is like a sledgehammer in terms of power compared to all other

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hormones in the body and that is insulin insulin is a fat storing hormone when

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you have a high level of insulin you become insulin resistant insulin will

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store excess food and insulin will make you eat more food insulin resistance

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makes you hungry insulin resistance prevents you from using stored fat that

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is the fat storing mechanism that dr. Kaplan was talking about and the vast

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majority of people can regulate that themselves by reducing the carbs and

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reducing the sugar and reducing the frequency of meals again like we talked

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about in a bunch of different videos about the mechanisms the tools that you

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have to do this but it is not about calories because once you try to cut

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calories you become hungry when you teach the body to regulate hormones you

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eat fewer calories because your body learns to regulate there's a world of

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difference there one works and the other doesn't so to really understand this we

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just have to look at the really simple facts that what did humans do before

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1980 we didn't live all these tens of thousands of years and where we were

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lean and we had a properly functioning hunger

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mechanism and then all of a sudden we got to 1980-1990 and humans became

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deficient in some drug or some chemical that helped us regulate it okay the the

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chemical whether it would help or not it's not the problem because it's not

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that we were missing it when we stayed thin for all those tens of thousands of

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years prior to 1980 so in order to understand insulin we just have to

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understand that it's really really simple insulin is a hormone that is

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released in response to food intake if you eat sugar or carbs then you will

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trigger a lot of insulin if you eat protein you'll trigger less and if you

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eat fat you trigger hardly any so the more sugar and carbs you eat the more

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insulin you trigger the more insulin resistant you will become over time so

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in order to reduce insulin resistance all you really have to do is reduce

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sugar reduce carbs and reduce the number of meals when you eat six times a day

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you're telling your body to produce insulin and to store the excess six

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times a day if you eat twice a day then you have a whole lot more time where

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you're not telling your body to store fat it's really not any harder than that

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the trick comes in it's very simple but it's not easy because life is hard life

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gets in the way they it's difficult to find food anymore if you go to the store

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there's maybe 50 things out of 50 thousand that help your health and the

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other interfere with your health and it's also difficult because we tend to

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look at each other we tend to listen to hey what did that person do and one

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person says oh all I did was go I just skipped snacks I ate three meals a day I

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didn't change anything else I ate bread and pasta and meat and vegetables and I

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lost all the weight well that's great for that person but for most people who

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are insulin resistant that's not going to do it so don't listen to that person

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and say oh well this is unfair because this stuff isn't working for

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me this is working for you you just might have to take it to a different

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level so what people have found works really well for 90 plus percent of

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people is ketogenic diet very low carb or intermittent fasting or a combination

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of the three and then some people have to go down to one meal a day and some

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people have to go down to one meal every other day but whatever it is then you

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have to do that to reverse the insulin resistance and then once the insulin

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resistance has been reversed now your body is going to be in some sort of new

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balance you may not ever be able to go back to eating six meals a day but

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you'll figure out what that balance is over time the key to understand though

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is that when you reduce insulin resistance you get less hungry when you

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start doing these things you get less hungry and that's the whole problem this

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is why these people fail over and over and over and over because when they cut

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calories without reducing insulin resistance they get hungry and you can

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only be hungry for so long so now the greatest weight loss experiment in human

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history has been recorded the results are in JAMA Open Network published them

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and they didn't seem to learn a whole lot they noticed that it failed

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miserably and then they suggested that we continue doing the same thing but

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that we increase the promotion of doing the same thing and it's still not going

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to work then dr. Kaplan suggested that you know this really isn't gonna work

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this is the wrong way we've been told the wrong thing you just don't have any

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control we need medication and that is equally frustrating to hear because we

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are seeing people who are doing this and they are changing their lives and

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they're changing other people's lives by by sharing it so keep studying and keep

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trying and keep learning enough that you can figure this out and how it works for

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you if you enjoyed this video then you're going to love

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that one and that one thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the

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next video

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