Why Calisthenics Brings People Together... | BARJAM SUMMER 2018

Time: 0.03

what's up guys Michael and Jana career

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from Keller Sonic's family and today

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we're gonna take you to our first bar

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alright guys so we are at the place to

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be in poppin all look at this park we

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got the first part over here and we got

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another park over there I think there's

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enough space for everyone to join so

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let's see how many people welcome we

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actually don't know we expect about 30

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people right yes so we are very curious

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about today we have a little program of

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today right now it's about 11 o clock on

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12 o'clock we're gonna do a a meet-up

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and then we're gonna do a warming up all

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together and at two o'clock you have a

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Showtime so it's gonna be Showtime it's

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gonna be an epic show time everyone is

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gonna show their best skills so what are

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we gonna do we're gonna start off the

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day with a sick freestyle session like a

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sick combo so make sure that you check

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this video out to see it and what's next

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so next up we're gonna do three little

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battles so we're gonna do a maximum

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handsome hope we're gonna do a maximum

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backless road and we're gonna do a

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maximum muscle ups so let's see who can

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win these battles yeah so I think we're

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ready to do this and let's see how

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crowded is gonna be and if it's gonna be

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a sick day I think it's gonna be really

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epic it's a first bar jam so we really

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don't know what to expect at all so

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let's see and yeah enjoy this video

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we got some bread and some fruit to stay

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energized the whole day here on my metal

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bar McKenna yes sir but don't touch it

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I'll knock over

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Supercop without him we dr. market sold

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its escape this top of that field you

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were doing in there therefore no camel

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to fear their skills from that just came

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back today

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watch your back seat the time alone Leah

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and Sami think you're doing this or what

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super thoughtful da exercise a lot of

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Athena metal forming up you're gonna put

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warm water to you like Dyna comma after

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the critique own engage for knowledge

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wealthy dreams acting and now today here

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on Showtime and had even holds the best

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set on skills that steam my narrative

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people in event at fans my company a lot

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Hosey which gone which obviously and on

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yeah but more like it

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all Osaka be stylin the grapple

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espouses such a PCA energy monster will

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Cabana from my protein or our pressure

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the Holloway a national focus

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well that's Showtime but out of then

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blown either de la cosa best of skills

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for an Optima God that seemed luckily

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she was gone I just came inside my phone

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better do that

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thank God that the brothers on the rise

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now boy but this is hard now but the

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time man what you are we tell the time

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go ahead

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couple chains on because I like goats

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and I thought of my mouth

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every ticket I stole

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down the Seine on the man-bats bro

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that's my haters tell me where there

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everybody wanna do the same thing do my

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own thing and I maintain throw like

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water so I'm going main strength I'm

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gonna mainstream flow like water some

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gourmet straight yeah I'm gonna main

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straight flow like what a song for

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a string

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so like what a song I'm going mainstream

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although the pain seems to follow

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like a shadow dark and cold to the time

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or not just do what you do

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put a star okay boys let's go

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these schooners

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our movements the honor

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alright guys so we just finished our

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first bar jam it was a really really

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sick day I think we had like 50 people

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in total almost 50 yeah we expected to

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have like 30 people and everyone really

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enjoyed it so it was really fun and yeah

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we didn't expect it to be this crowded

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so many people also a lot of new people

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and a lot of friends we already knew and

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we also of course learned a lot of new

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stuff and we did actually our first

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combos together we have never done we

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did a human flag together we did like a

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human cannon that was really though and

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I almost had my shrimp flip and as you

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guys now I'm working on my shrimp flip

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and I had it really close today so I

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hope I'm gonna get it really soon we

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will see it in the future and also guys

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one thing that you already notice

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probably there is this one right here

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the background our banner so we got a

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new banner a calisthenics family banner

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yes actually a picture in the background

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I'm not sure if you can see it on the on

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the camera on the video but this picture

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is actually taken one year ago exactly

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the same spot actually at this bar so

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and now a one year later we are here

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with the first bar jam with 50 people

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it's just crazy to look back how far

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you've come like in one year one year

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yes and yeah many people asked us to do

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another bar jam and other additions so

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we will definitely do that maybe we're

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gonna do a winter edition somewhere

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inside or Vegas or we just gonna do it

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outside in the snow like what should we

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yeah like just comment down below what

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should we do indoor or outdoor in the

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snow and that was it for today I think

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all right guys so we had an epic day and

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I hope that you liked the bar game as

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well I hope that you like the video if

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you like this video please put a thumbs

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up it will really help us and also make

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but if you haven't yet because we are

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gonna drop many many more videos many

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more tutorials progressional videos so

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make sure to subscribe and that's it for

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this video guys we will get you in the

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next video as always guys peace out

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peace out

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