What I do in a Day to make Muscle & Business GAINS...

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don't look at me

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what's up guys welcome to a brand new

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episode of my calisthenics

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transformation series

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so we're already at week four and i just

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hopped on the scale this morning and

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my weight was 78.5

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and the first time when i stepped on the

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scale in episode 1

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my weight was 76.4 so i already

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gained two kgs in about four weeks

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so that's great my goal is to weigh 80

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in six weeks so let's see i'm close but

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i still got some work to do and now it's

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getting really tough to get all the

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calories in

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so i'm currently eating around 3 000

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per day i started at 2700

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and now i've just increased the calories

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so anyway today guys i'm gonna show you

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a few days in my life

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as an athlete as an entrepreneur so i've

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got some exciting things

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on the planning so let's get this day

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started i'm going to the gym

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so let's do this

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all right all right so we are in the gym

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with the bro

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yonick and with the man the magician

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the magician so we're gonna do a youtube

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video shoot

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we're gonna try to do three or four

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videos so

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let's do the first video y'all let's go

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let's do it let's go

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all right all right so we just finished

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the shoot so yannick what the

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what videos did you create so i did two

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videos the first one was the short

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mobility workout that i want to do for a

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long time

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and the second one is a russian dip

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video so stay tuned for these videos

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exactly and i also did two videos so i

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created a

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core workout routine that you can do

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before your workouts

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before skill workouts especially but

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also to strengthen

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your core to get a six-pack and next up

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was a

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tux planche video on how to increase

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your turk planche that's also

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very interesting will be on the channel

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in the next coming week so

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stay tuned for that and stay tuned for

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the edits of this man

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all right all right so after the

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day it's around 6 00 p.m right now

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we're pretty tired but we still have to

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get a workout in

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so i'm gonna have a pool workout and

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you're gonna have a push workout man

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push workout today yes

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and you're about to do so i'm doing

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handsome push-ups now so i've

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not been doing handsome for one month

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because of my

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shoulder injury so i'm really curious

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what today is gonna bring so let's see

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let's see

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at least i have to straighten my arms

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four repetitions pretty happy man nice

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all right so i'm now at my third

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exercise my pull workout

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it's a straight arm from leave for

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tucked firmly for races so

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let's do it it's not as fancy as uh

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there has a push-up but this exercise is

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so good guys

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definitely put this into your routine so

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it looks like this

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bring your knees in as close as possible

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and i'll

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pull but completely straight arms all

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the way with your feet

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to the bar one

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especially that last part then you feel

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you you do this exercise as well yeah

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i'm only doing six repetitions so

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six but you know the the last part when

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like pull the last part then you really

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full feel

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like the last 10 centimeters is it's the

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harder yeah you really feel the squeeze

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yes so make sure to do a full range of

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motion with this

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so now let's continue with this pull

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workout oh [ __ ] guys i'm in the middle

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of my pool training

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and a delivery came in while i was

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from this dhl

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so let's see what's in the package

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i already know it but i don't know how

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it's going to turn out so

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like i said we are working on a lot of

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new projects

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working on our new kelly fam equipment

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and probably this one is going to be

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also a new item

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this is what i'm looking for so

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let's open this up i'm so excited

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this takes months of work before i

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finally get this

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alright guys so these are gonna be our

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wrist wraps that you can put on your

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and use for handsome practice planche

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basically everything that put a lot of

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stress on your wrist

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and we wanted to have our own wrist

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but not the standard wrist wraps these

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are like as you can see are really

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long and you can turn them on your wrist

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and that's just a lot more convenient

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when training and you can also like

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squeeze them how you want it

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so that's perfect so i'm just gonna fit

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this and let's see how it's gonna turn

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all right guys so conclusion the design

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looks really good but the quality needs

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some more improvement

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so i keep you guys updated when this

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item is available

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in our web show stay tuned

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okay guys so now you're currently

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looking at our storage room

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and the color on this wall is so

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freaking ugly it's way too orange

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although we represent the color orange

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in our dutch national football team

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i don't like this color in my storage

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room at all

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and if we look this from the other side

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it's even worse

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i really can't handle with this so time

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to fix this

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and clean this up

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all right guys so this is the end result

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looks a lot cleaner and this is gonna be

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my next project in this storage room

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over here

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got a lot of work to do man but let's

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say it keeps the job dynamic

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and fun as well hey hey

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so we just finished a business meeting

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with uh with bromania pro to uh

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maybe set up a new califam equipment

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line in the future

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because we are getting a lot of

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questions from you guys um to

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create a like a home pull-up system or

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like a home equipment that you can use

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at home and that is why we are meeting

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with romania pro

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also the founder and the creator of the

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mania pro rick that we have downstairs

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in our gym

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so we just had a meeting it was a good

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meeting right yes exactly man

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so we'll see how this is going to turn

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out and

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it's a new project i'll keep you guys

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and guys have something else which is

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a new package came in these will be my

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let's see how it's gonna turn out my

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favorite sport brand

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for shoes so these are

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my new shoes

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damn they look sick but i'm just gonna

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use them to train

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downstairs because now i know that when

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i walk in the gym with these rainy days

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then we want to keep the gym clean so

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that's why i'm going to use

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these shoes only for my workouts and

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guys these shoes only cost me

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40 euros so i really don't need shoes

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that are really expensive to train with

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and these are from nike and i got them

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this brand solando dutch people will

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know this brand

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saturday night we have something to

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celebrate we ate clean

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all week long so here we have

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uh the damage is uh pretty small only uh

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two mcflurries so this is yours

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thank you

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what's up guys so we're here in the

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i'm together with my sister again hi

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we are preparing all the orders that we

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got from you guys

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from the new merch from the sweaters

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from the new t-shirts

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so we're gonna sort it out and then

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deliver it to all of you guys so

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let's do this

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all right guys look what we have two

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storage racks so we can organize

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everything in the office

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for all the deliveries so let's

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set this up and start delivering all the

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packages the new orders the resistance

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bands everything

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so let's do this

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all right guys so we just finished this

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storage rig

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so now we're gonna put this rig over

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there in the storage room

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and guess what we have all these boxes

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over here

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these packages and guys this is not what

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you think about it

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is when it came in i thought something

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else as well

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but these are the new

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resistance bands in a nice skeletonix

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package with all the bands

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in here you can see

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five different sizes and colors so

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we're gonna sort this out put everything

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in the storage room

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and then we have some more space

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and we can finally deliver all these

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things so let's do this

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all right guys so we are done as you can

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the new storage rig and also all the

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resistance bands

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sorted out very nicely and here the

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caliphate merge

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so guys if you need any resistance bands

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the new caliphate merch

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check out our webshop and we are ready

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to prepare

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everything and sort it out and deliver

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it to you guys

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alright guys so i'm gonna end the vlog

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right here so i hope that you liked this

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video let me know in the comments

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uh subscribe for more and make sure to

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stay tuned for the next episode because

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in the next

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vlog we will visit stem brownie i'm

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gonna check out his new space his gym

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and studio so we're

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really looking forward to that it's

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going to be a very interesting video

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so stay tuned and i'll see you guys next

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week peace out

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