What are 19th Century Calisthenics and Swedish Free Gymnastics? A Brief History & Introduction - E04

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when people think of gymnastics now

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they typically think of athletes doing

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flips swinging from rings

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and balancing on parallel bars but

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gymnastics simply meant any type of

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physical training

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that is anything done in a gymnasium

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calisthenics comes from the greek words

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kalos meaning beauty

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and thanos meaning strength which is an

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interesting combination

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beauty clearly implies an ascetic

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element a part which is largely left out

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of calisthenics today

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when people perform modern push-ups

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pull-ups and similar exercises

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the primary thing on their minds is

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cultivating strength and doing the

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largest number of repetitions

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however that wasn't so in the mid-19th

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century especially when you consider the

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rise of swedish free gymnastics

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which went on to hugely influence many

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aspects of physical culture

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in both europe and america so what

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exactly were these

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free gymnastics the origins date to the

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1790s when the swedish method

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began to be developed by pierre henrik

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ling a fencing master

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poet and world traveler about whom there

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are some pretty amazing stories

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to relate merely one while in old age

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ling was teaching a class

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on the importance of principles and

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science over strength

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and was vocally doubted by one of his

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students whereupon he ordered several

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other students to take a pike down off

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the wall

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a pike basically being a large military

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lang put his back against the wall and

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ordered the students to try to run him

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through with the pike

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and when they rushed him he parried the

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entire weapon using only his little

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deflecting the point just passed him

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into the wall

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so ling was a pretty extraordinary guy

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around 1810

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ling officially founded his

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comprehensive system of physical

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exercise which became known as

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quote free gymnastics because it was

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done empty-handed

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you could practice the exercises anytime

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and anywhere with no equipment or

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in your bedroom out in a field or

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onboard a ship

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swedish gymnasiums did contain ropes

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stall bars and parallel bars

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but the bulk of the system required

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nothing but your own body

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which made it extremely useful for

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soldiers and sailors who could do these

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exercises every day

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no matter where they were ling devoted

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his entire life to the propagation of

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this system

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which he believed to act as a sort of

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preventative and curative medicine

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designed to counteract the quote evil

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effects of our modern civilization

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swedish calisthenics was not merely

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concerned with the development of

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but also with elasticity balance

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coordination respiration rhythm

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neuromuscular control skill and

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attention was given to every part of the

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body no matter how minut

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and unbalanced power in any one

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direction was to be avoided

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thus ling's swedish method was truly a

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holistic system

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its fundamental principle expressed as

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quote the oneness of the human organism

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the harmony between mind and body

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ling's method became hugely popular in

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and later spread throughout europe and

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america and it was influential on the

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other physical culture methods of the

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even informing the use of wands indian

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and dumbbells because the way that the

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swedes looked at it

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very scientifically was that any part of

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the body could be made into a lever

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to provide resistance and eventually to

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get stronger people added additional

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weight to those levers in the form of

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exercise tools

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but it wasn't just physical it was also

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mental and spiritual

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and aesthetic just as the kalos part of

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the word calisthenics implies

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indeed as one treatise described it

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the exercises should not flavor too

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strongly of the circus

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dancing school or barrack but should

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contain some of the good characteristics

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of each in recent decades some have even

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speculated that the swedish method

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was derived from chinese exercises like

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tai chi

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and that in turn modern yoga is itself

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derived from swedish gymnastics

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and although i disagree with those

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theses and may address them in a future

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it is easy to see how someone could

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think that if you superficially glance

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at the photos and drawings of swedish

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exercises from those times

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but although the pictures are static the

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postures shown in them were not static

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as in yoga

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nor were the movements similar in theory

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purpose or mechanics to those of tai chi

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postures were only momentarily

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maintained or in the case of advanced

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for no more than a handful of seconds

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swedish gymnastics were all about the

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extremely slow movements that involved

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transitioning between these postures

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so much so that it became known in the

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west as the quote

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movement cure the swedish system of

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gymnastics comprised three main

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military gymnastics which were movements

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for control of others such as fencing

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wrestling and boxing medical gymnastics

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which comprised massage and physical

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exercises for healing

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and educational gymnastics which were

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movements for self-control

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that is calisthenics all these

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categories were said to complement the

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it is the last category however

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educational gymnastics

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which comprise the free exercises and

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which went on to influence so much of

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19th century physical culture

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with countless treatises published in

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scandinavia germany

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france england and america

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and in later exercises with dumbbells

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and indian clubs

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one can observe some of the same

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postures and movements used in the

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swedish method

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as we'll eventually see the last good

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footage of swedish gymnastics comes from

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the 1940s and 50s

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by then it was already in severe decline

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and although there have been some

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attempts to revive it in recent years

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one can see that the attention to

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precise form and synchronized movement

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do not match what can be seen in the

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footage of the past

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in our next video we will practice some

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of the exercises from 19th century

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and swedish free gymnastics doing our

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best to adhere

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to its original form and aesthetics

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