We Tried The Hardest Push Up Challenges With Stan Browney

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so i challenged these guys to do some of

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the challenges i've done on the channel

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and that are some of them quite hard and

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some of them are just really fun

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we're going to start with you might

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magic push-up magic push-ups a magic

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here we go sounds tricky so it's

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basically an

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elevated broomstick or something you can

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find at home something elevated

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uh just plates here it can be anything

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and well basically you gotta

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elevate this and do a push-up while

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keeping this elevated like this so you

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got it

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cool like that

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all right all right there you go so i i

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missed it now

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there you go

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oh all right so let's do this

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nice yes yes i will keep it it slipped a

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little oh

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man guys that's hard man yeah

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it's doable though it's doable though

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so um now uh now you're up yo it's my

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turn yeah man

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let's do this

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yes yes come on

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oh oh push it out

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there you go yeah man

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next challenge what's next brick pusho

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here we go i got some bricks here

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so i got three bricks over here and this

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this one is actually uh next level this

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sort of the magic push-up which is as

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you can see it is

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it is doable but it's still really fun

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um but this one it is quite hard to

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let's just do it let's just do it you do

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like that oh

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wow like that it is really fun but it is

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it's harder than this one i think it is

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yeah i think it is but it depends

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like maybe you're really good at this

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let's find out

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what makes it extra heavy here is

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because the

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the bricks are heavy as well like this

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is a little bit

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and keeping them together let's try this

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out man

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yes go on go on

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exactly this also hurts a little bit

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this one doesn't really hurt

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the magic pusher but this one uh it

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hurts a little yeah

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come on yes you got it you got it come

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on push down push down

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push up

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it's like you you have to deal with

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balance you have to deal with a lot this

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is gonna

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go this way this is way harder man

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you wanna try this out let's do it

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i think this guy's gonna do it he's

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gonna do it

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oh man that was close i was it was very

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it was really close like this brick in

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the middle was slipping away

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yeah that's the hard part because you

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got to deal with pressing it together

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you got to deal with the balance you got

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to deal with the doubt

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so the pressing off part is the hardest

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all right

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one more time

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come on come on oh yes

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that's it

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oh i killed it feeling challenging

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oh that was really impressive all right

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can you handle the next one

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that's the question we'll see the next

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one is that the most fun one but also

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the hardest one right

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it is comparable to the last one but it

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is this is a bit of a weird one because

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it is sort of

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a one-armed push-up uh and

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and this one is here just for fun but

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this one actually makes it harder

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because if you look at this

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from that angle you're gonna put it here

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like that um yeah and then like that

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let me get the other side i'm gonna do

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it with this arm

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come on come on man come on come on come

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on push

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ah yes

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dfo i think you can do this you can do

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this come on

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this feels so much harder man yeah

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this hurts man i just i just numb the

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pain i don't feel anymore because of all

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the challenges

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yes push

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all right let's do it let's do it

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come on come on push push

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push yeah it looks good yeah yeah yeah

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nice nice one oh you guys are killing

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the challenge i didn't expect anything

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but uh that's that's cool

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next challenge is the hanging sweater

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hoodie switch challenge something like

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that it went viral and tick tock that's

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why i did it

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and it was actually a lot of fun so you

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got a hui right there

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hang on the bar both of them at the same

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time they got to keep hanging until the

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hoodie is transferred from one person

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to the other basically and oh you got to

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get rid of the sweater and you gotta

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put it on yeah so let's see how you guys

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are doing

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all right hang on the bar all right

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yes and then you gotta you better start

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oh yes yeah

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it's a tight sweater man the caddy fan

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sweater oh yeah it's a it's a games one

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it's a game sweater

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oh yeah this is a hard one yeah

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yeah yeah yeah oh you're doing it you're

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doing it yes

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yes go for it go for it these guys are

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still hanging

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damn oh yes he did it

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he basically did it sick all right here

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we go man

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do you want it like i need the old soy

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sick oh yeah can i help him

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actually i uh we're gonna well i'm not

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probably gonna help you man

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oh you do it all you should know he did

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not help you either so no

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oh he's doing yes he's doing nice yeah

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oh yeah that's definitely easier oh yeah

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that's it faster we did it man

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yeah sick game

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all right guys kelly from sweater link

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in the description

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check it out check it out right check it

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out smash leak on this video

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subscribe hit that bell yeah man that's

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it so thanks for watching i will see you

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guys in the next video also check out

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stem brownie on youtube

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exactly see you there see you there

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peace out

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