We Decided To Make A Change | & FREE Calisthenics Guide!
what's up guys Michael Angelico freer
from calisthenics family and as you can
see in the title we have something
important to announce and also something
to give away as well at the end of the
video so make sure to watch the full
video all right so let's jump right into
it we are gonna make a big change and
for some people it will be good news and
for some people it will also be bad news
because we are gonna switch to Dutch
videos only from now on so that means
that we're gonna do like almost
everything in Dutch right now so that
involves instructional videos YouTube
Instagram website most of our online
coaching and we were gonna do this in
Dutch for a few reasons
so yeah just let us explain is why the
first reason is because we want to add
more value to the people that are
watching our videos and when we're
making videos in English instead of in
Dutch we couldn't really explain
everything detailed enough and in Dutch
we feel like we can do because we can
explain everything so much more so much
better and more details so that's
actually the most important reason why
you're gonna switch to Dutch videos and
secondly we also want to show a little
bit more of our personal lives in our
videos because we get a lot of questions
from people especially from Dutch people
to show a little bit more of our
lifestyle next to our kill essential
workouts because making progress in the
gym or at the park does not only depends
on your actual workout but also on like
the rest of your life
so that is what we want to show as well
but in English sometimes it just didn't
feel natural for us to grab the camera
and talk in English well everything
around us is in Dutch yeah it's like and
we also think that we can reach out to
people that are in the same situation as
us Dutch people because when we are
making videos in English we don't really
feel that we are like connected
with Dutch people and like the other way
around as well when we're talking in
English we don't really feel that we are
connecting with the english-speaking
people because it's not like we cannot
speak English but it remains pretty
basic when we speak in English and we
cannot really express ourselves like we
should normally do when we speak in
Dutch so when we are gonna talk in touch
again it will be much more fluent and
also much more realistic so that's one
other important thing why are we gonna
make the switch to better connect with
so in short when we're speaking English
we feel limited and when we're speaking
Dutch we feel freely and we can just say
everything that comes up in our mind
which makes it for us a lot more natural
and also more fun to make videos yes
exactly which brings us to the third
reason which is the strength factor very
often when we want to report a video in
English it was very time-consuming
because we had to do a lot over and over
again because sometimes we just couldn't
say what you want to say or we we got
stuck in like the words so we have to do
some parts over again and this was
time-consuming but also it wasn't very
enjoyable do it like this and also if we
look to our goals we actually want to
provide as much value as possible and we
want to do this especially in the Dutch
community because we think we can add
way more value if we do everything in
Dutch in Holland because if we look
internationally we see already a lot of
youtubers like think of 10x Austen turn
em get ascetics movement they're all
doing it in English
so they provide a like similar content
that we do but we think if we do this
exceptional for Dutch people we think we
can just add more value and be more
connected with people in the Netherlands
and also in the Netherlands scale
aesthetics is not really big it's not
like it is so big like in United States
right or in in Russia it's pretty small
but it is growing and we think we can
support the Dutch community a lot more
if we do it in Dutch because we also see
a lot of people that don't have anyone
to train in the Netherlands a lot of
people are just they come to us ask us
many questions about calisthenics and
they mostly say that they are just
training on their own without having any
friend or any anyone that they know like
in their neighborhood to train with so
they come to us but we just want to
spread like a new community in the
Netherlands and grow that community so
everyone can join calisthenics and it
becomes more accessible in the
Netherlands to start with Kevin studies
alright so the last reason why you want
to switch to Dutch is because our
biggest dream our long-term goal is to
open up a gym in the Netherlands a
calisthenics family gym and this can
only happen when we have like big
support from the people in the
Netherlands and we think that doing
videos in English I won't really add
value to to the support we have in the
Netherlands to open up a gym and also
one important aspect is because we both
like to give local training so we also
do a group training at the moment we do
personal training
and we would like to do this more often
and therefore it's important for us to
have our own spot so we can invite more
people to help them realize their
cutting skills by giving workshops and
food training but also professional
training but I don't want that once like
a personal coach but guys don't worry we
won't be gone for the English people we
will of course keep posting our
calisthenics progress we will also keep
our venues website online and you also
keep these programs online so you can
still like get our programs also the
custom program the meal plan and movies
you can also get online coaching in
English so it's not like that we are
completely gone but we will still be
there for support
help and maybe online coaching but we
will just switch our focus from English
to Dutch that's basically it
one last thing guys we make a free
calisthenics training guide that
includes a lot valuable information
about our training method example
training routines example training
methods also a nutrition guide a
supplement guide and frequently asked
questions and also more information
about things we offer elective programs
and apparel and equipment that we use
yes exactly so this training guide
contains over 40 pages and already some
people told us that they have never seen
such a valuable free training guide so
definitely make sure to check it out and
also for the Dutch people this is the
first time that we are releasing it in
Dutch as a gift because we are like
switching to the Dutch community so we
are also making this available for the
Dutch people but it's still also in
English so check out the link in the
description and you can download it and
that's it I think yes exactly and one
thing to mention is that we will also
release a Dutch website and we will also
make this program so the full judy
program will also be available in Dutch
yes and one very last thing to mention
and this doesn't mean that we will never
do a video in English for example if we
are going to do a collab or if we're
going to travel maybe in the summer then
we probably will do a video in English
but like for the most time we will focus
on Dutch videos so that's it guys we
hope that you understand this decision
from us
please let let us know what you think
about this just write a comment down
below and that was it for this video
please like this video subscribe for
more videos and we will get you in the
next video yes peace out guys
peace out alright so let's just write
into it it will also help a possibly
something Valeo silvana w do I have
experienced an ex