We Decided To Make A Change | & FREE Calisthenics Guide!

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what's up guys Michael Angelico freer

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from calisthenics family and as you can

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see in the title we have something

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important to announce and also something

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to give away as well at the end of the

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video so make sure to watch the full

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video all right so let's jump right into

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it we are gonna make a big change and

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for some people it will be good news and

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for some people it will also be bad news

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because we are gonna switch to Dutch

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videos only from now on so that means

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that we're gonna do like almost

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everything in Dutch right now so that

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involves instructional videos YouTube

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Instagram website most of our online

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coaching and we were gonna do this in

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Dutch for a few reasons

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so yeah just let us explain is why the

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first reason is because we want to add

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more value to the people that are

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watching our videos and when we're

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making videos in English instead of in

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Dutch we couldn't really explain

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everything detailed enough and in Dutch

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we feel like we can do because we can

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explain everything so much more so much

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better and more details so that's

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actually the most important reason why

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you're gonna switch to Dutch videos and

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secondly we also want to show a little

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bit more of our personal lives in our

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videos because we get a lot of questions

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from people especially from Dutch people

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to show a little bit more of our

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lifestyle next to our kill essential

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workouts because making progress in the

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gym or at the park does not only depends

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on your actual workout but also on like

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the rest of your life

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so that is what we want to show as well

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but in English sometimes it just didn't

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feel natural for us to grab the camera

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and talk in English well everything

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around us is in Dutch yeah it's like and

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we also think that we can reach out to

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people that are in the same situation as

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us Dutch people because when we are

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making videos in English we don't really

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feel that we are like connected

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with Dutch people and like the other way

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around as well when we're talking in

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English we don't really feel that we are

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connecting with the english-speaking

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people because it's not like we cannot

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speak English but it remains pretty

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basic when we speak in English and we

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cannot really express ourselves like we

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should normally do when we speak in

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Dutch so when we are gonna talk in touch

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again it will be much more fluent and

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also much more realistic so that's one

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other important thing why are we gonna

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make the switch to better connect with

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so in short when we're speaking English

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we feel limited and when we're speaking

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Dutch we feel freely and we can just say

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everything that comes up in our mind

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which makes it for us a lot more natural

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and also more fun to make videos yes

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exactly which brings us to the third

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reason which is the strength factor very

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often when we want to report a video in

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English it was very time-consuming

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because we had to do a lot over and over

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again because sometimes we just couldn't

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say what you want to say or we we got

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stuck in like the words so we have to do

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some parts over again and this was

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time-consuming but also it wasn't very

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enjoyable do it like this and also if we

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look to our goals we actually want to

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provide as much value as possible and we

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want to do this especially in the Dutch

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community because we think we can add

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way more value if we do everything in

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Dutch in Holland because if we look

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internationally we see already a lot of

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youtubers like think of 10x Austen turn

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em get ascetics movement they're all

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doing it in English

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so they provide a like similar content

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that we do but we think if we do this

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exceptional for Dutch people we think we

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can just add more value and be more

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connected with people in the Netherlands

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and also in the Netherlands scale

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aesthetics is not really big it's not

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like it is so big like in United States

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right or in in Russia it's pretty small

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but it is growing and we think we can

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support the Dutch community a lot more

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if we do it in Dutch because we also see

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a lot of people that don't have anyone

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to train in the Netherlands a lot of

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people are just they come to us ask us

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many questions about calisthenics and

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they mostly say that they are just

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training on their own without having any

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friend or any anyone that they know like

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in their neighborhood to train with so

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they come to us but we just want to

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spread like a new community in the

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Netherlands and grow that community so

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everyone can join calisthenics and it

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becomes more accessible in the

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Netherlands to start with Kevin studies

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alright so the last reason why you want

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to switch to Dutch is because our

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biggest dream our long-term goal is to

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open up a gym in the Netherlands a

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calisthenics family gym and this can

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only happen when we have like big

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support from the people in the

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Netherlands and we think that doing

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videos in English I won't really add

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value to to the support we have in the

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Netherlands to open up a gym and also

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one important aspect is because we both

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like to give local training so we also

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do a group training at the moment we do

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personal training

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and we would like to do this more often

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and therefore it's important for us to

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have our own spot so we can invite more

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people to help them realize their

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cutting skills by giving workshops and

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food training but also professional

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training but I don't want that once like

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a personal coach but guys don't worry we

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won't be gone for the English people we

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will of course keep posting our

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calisthenics progress we will also keep

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our venues website online and you also

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keep these programs online so you can

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still like get our programs also the

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custom program the meal plan and movies

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you can also get online coaching in

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English so it's not like that we are

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completely gone but we will still be

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there for support

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help and maybe online coaching but we

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will just switch our focus from English

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to Dutch that's basically it

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one last thing guys we make a free

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calisthenics training guide that

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includes a lot valuable information

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about our training method example

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training routines example training

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methods also a nutrition guide a

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supplement guide and frequently asked

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questions and also more information

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about things we offer elective programs

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and apparel and equipment that we use

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yes exactly so this training guide

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contains over 40 pages and already some

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people told us that they have never seen

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such a valuable free training guide so

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definitely make sure to check it out and

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also for the Dutch people this is the

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first time that we are releasing it in

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Dutch as a gift because we are like

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switching to the Dutch community so we

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are also making this available for the

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Dutch people but it's still also in

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English so check out the link in the

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description and you can download it and

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that's it I think yes exactly and one

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thing to mention is that we will also

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release a Dutch website and we will also

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make this program so the full judy

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program will also be available in Dutch

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yes and one very last thing to mention

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and this doesn't mean that we will never

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do a video in English for example if we

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are going to do a collab or if we're

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going to travel maybe in the summer then

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we probably will do a video in English

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but like for the most time we will focus

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on Dutch videos so that's it guys we

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hope that you understand this decision

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from us

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please let let us know what you think

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about this just write a comment down

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below and that was it for this video

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please like this video subscribe for

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more videos and we will get you in the

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next video yes peace out guys

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peace out alright so let's just write

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into it it will also help a possibly

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something Valeo silvana w do I have

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experienced an ex

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