Ultimate Calisthenics Battle ft. Anthony Kruiver
what's up guys welcome to another video
and today we're gonna do a ultimate
calisthenics challenge me and Yannick
we're gonna battle against each other
and today we are with Anthony Crawford
you know over there he's gonna join us
but it's work out so he's gonna join us
for some challenges that we're gonna do
and we're gonna divide this challenge
into three different aspects the first
one is explosiveness then we're going to
do some skills and at the end we're
gonna do some strength challenges so
let's get straight into the challenge
all right so the first exercise is going
to be the muscle ups but we're not going
to do the muscle of strict so we can use
our knees to Kip so let's do it
a big let's go by
three shock fear
thank you smile come up you got it
take you to these go hey hey let go
on sir we have to follow the muscle fell
yeah boy
okay amazing sighs a man ooh ah oh
Oh love songs avoid loss number two
see that's the kind of good
now allow me that said the kitchen guys
when I wanna come
don't open activate them
yeah seek one another thank you
alright guys so it just started to rain
but we still managed to get three videos
in today we have the challenge video for
my protein and a six-pack a protein
together with Anthony on seven exercises
so this video will be up on his channel
we'll put a link in description also the
video of my protein we'll put a link in
description so it was nice to have you
guys here in Hampstead and what might
record something else in the future if
you guys like this video leave a like
comment subscribe on the channel and
yeah that was it for today yes we will
catch you in the next video peace out