Top 3 Exercises to Master the HANDSTAND PUSHUP

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what's up califam so today i'm gonna

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teach you how to unlock the handsome

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push-up so

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stay tuned for the video

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all right guys so the hands and push-up

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is just a really cool skill to unlock

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but it's also a very good exercise to

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grow your shoulders and get

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shoulder strength it's almost the only

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exercise to

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have a vertical motion like this and you

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can compare this exercise with the

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shoulder press for the military press

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with the barbell and the handsome

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push-up is just the only exercise to

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simulate this gym exercise so this

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exercise also helped me a lot

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to grow my shoulders so let's get right

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into the video on how to unlock

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the handsome push-up so first of all i'm

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gonna explain some

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progressions because it's very hard to

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start off with the hands in push-up

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so i'm gonna do five exercises to work

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up to the strength that you will need

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for the handsome push-up so the first

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exercise will be the bike push-up and

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this exercise starts

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on the floor so for the park push-up you

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will stand in a

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bike position with your hands at

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shoulder width and this is actually

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the most basic exercise to work your

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shoulders and

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when you can do this exercise for about

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12 repetitions you can move on to the

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next progression

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and this will be the elevated bike

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push-up so this exercise

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is a little bit harder because you're

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gonna move

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more weight into your shoulders and

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you'll have more weight to press because

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legs are elevated so with this exercise

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you're gonna grab a box or a bench

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and you're gonna place your feet on top

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of this box and then you're gonna make

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the exact same move as

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with the bike push-ups so when you can

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do 10 repetitions of the elevated bike

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you can go on to the next progression

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and this is actually

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quite a hard progression because now

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we're going to do the wall hands and

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so this is actually the first exercise

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where you have your whole

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body weight onto your shoulders so you

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need to push your whole body weight

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um up and down so you're gonna go to the

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and you're gonna do a wall kick up and

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you have a pretty

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wide shoulder stand so that makes it a

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little bit easier it's also easier to

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so from here you're going to move your

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head onto the floor and then get back up

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until you have straight arms like this

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so this exercise if you can do eight

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you can go to the next exercise this is

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the last progression

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before the free handsome push-up and now

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we're gonna do the reverse

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wall hands and push-up this is actually

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a really similar motion

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as the regular hands push up because now

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you're gonna have

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your feet behind your body you're gonna

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lean forward

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and this is pretty much exactly the same

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movement that you do

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with the hands and push up so you will

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notice that when you practice this

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exercise it's already

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really really much harder than the

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regular balanced push-up so

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when you can do six repetitions of this

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you definitely have enough strength to

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work on

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the free hands and push-ups so these

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were like

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five progressions to build your strength

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to work

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up to the hands and push-ups so once

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you've got the strength

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let's move on to the technique of this

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exercise and i've

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uh three really really important

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exercises that help me

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to unlock the hands and push up and i

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really can't remember that

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i practiced this exercise all so many

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week in week out every workout and these

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really help me to lock the hands and

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push up so let's move on

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to the exercises

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all right so before you're gonna move on

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to the free handsome push-up it is

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really important to know that

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you've just got to be able to do a free

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handstand because that is the hardest

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part of the free hands and push-up

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so i would recommend to be able to do a

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free handstand for like 10 to 20 seconds

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and when you can do this you are

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definitely able to

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have the balance to do the hand push ups

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so if you're not

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able to do a 10 second handstand then

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just check out our handsome tutorial

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which i will link

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here in the corner so the requirements

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are 10 to 20 seconds of

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a good handstand and then you can move

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on to the next exercises

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which will really help you to unlock the

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hands and push up so

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the first exercise will be the negative

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hands and push-ups

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so for the negative hands and push up

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i'm going to use the parallax

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because parallax just gives me more grip

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you can also

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practice this exercise on the floor so

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what we're going to do we're going to

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start in a handstand position

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and then we're going to do a negative

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motion you want to focus

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on moving your head forward to make a

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triangle with your hands

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and your head so like this

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kick up

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and now move your head forward

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so that is just one repetition and your

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goal will be to

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perform this exercise for five seconds

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so the total duration from

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top to bottom is five seconds

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so when you can do eight repetitions of

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that negative

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and push up you can do the next

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variation which is the handstand

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to bend on planche to get even more

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stress on the shoulders

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so that would look like this

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so you don't have to hold the bent arm

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planche just go

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towards this position and then let go of

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the parallettes

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and then prepare for the next repetition

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if you can master this exercise you

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already have

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a lot of strength in your shoulders to

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get ready for the freehand push-up so

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let's go to the next exercise

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alright so the next exercise will be the

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headstand push-ups

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this will actually be the first exercise

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that we do in a concentric way

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which means pushing without using a

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like a wall so what we're going to do

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we're going to grab

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an elevation i've got four of these

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little boxes so you're going to place

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in front of you now what you're going to

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do you're going to do a hat stand

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on this box and then you're going to

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press up towards

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a handstand position so that will loop

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like this

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that's good

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so if you are able to do this you can

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make a repetition so

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from a hat stand go back to the mat then

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go back up and your goal will be to do

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three repetitions and when you can do

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three repetitions

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you can just remove a block to make the

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even lower until you have like a range

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of motion that you

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want to have to unlock the free hands

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and push up

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so let's go to the next exercise

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this will actually be the one that's

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really close to the freehands and

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and we will call this the hands and

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push-up pulses

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so what you're going to do you're

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actually going to do three hands and

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push-ups but then

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not as deep as you want because you're

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just going to practice to

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bend your elbows and then go back to a

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handsome position

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bend your elbows and go back to hand

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position so

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that will look like this

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the hands and push-up pulses

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little bent and back up

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little bend back up

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a little bend back up

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so this actually already a free handsome

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push-up but now we are working in a

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shorter range of motion

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and the progression with this exercise

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suggests to go

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step by step a little bit deeper and

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deeper so

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your goal will be to do like three or

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four repetitions

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of one variation and then once you can

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do that you can go

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a little bit deeper so if you're gonna

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make a workout routine you will

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have to incorporate this exercise into

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your workout routine

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but also the hats and push-ups and also

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negative handset push-up and you will

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always need to work

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on your handstand because you will never

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practice dancing enough i mean the

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better your balance is the better you

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can perform

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the handsome

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alright so if you are able to do a hands

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and push up with a 90 degree angle

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in your elbows you officially unlocked

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the hands and push up

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but once you reach this level we also

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like to go a little bit deeper to do a

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full range of motion hands and push up

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just like this

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so we will call this the nose to floor

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hands and push up

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and yeah that's pretty much all the

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progression that you can do and all the

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exercises that can

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help you to unlock the handsome push-up

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like i said

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personally those last three exercises

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really helped me to

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get to this level so i would really

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recommend to do this

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into your workout routine alright so

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like i said before the hands and push-up

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is not only

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a skill that is very cool to unlock or

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to show

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in public but it's also a really really

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good exercise to work your shoulders

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in my opinion it's actually the best

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exercise in bodyweight training to work

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your shoulders

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so whether you want to make strength or

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you want to make mass in the shoulders

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you just got to incorporate one of these

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progressions so

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these progressions and also the

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handstand push-up are also incorporated

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in our programs for example

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you will unlock the full hazard push-up

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in our full journey program but also

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variations like the elevated pipe

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push-ups are incorporated in our

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own program and other programs so if you

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want to check out these programs just

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visit our website

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in the link in the description now you

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know exactly how to

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unlock the handset push up so definitely

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try this exercise out your next workout

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routine so

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this was the video about the handsome

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push-up we will catch you in the next

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peace out

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when i found calisthenics family and

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they were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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so i decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics i would

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highly recommend this

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it'll it'll do the same for you i'm

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gordon and i've been with calisthenics

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family for

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almost three months now and all the time

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i've had yannick as my trainer

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like michael ariana can just be like

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that little extra push

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to keep you going you're also seeing the

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pictures i'm really proud of myself that

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what i achieved in the last eight weeks

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go for it and start your journey

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