This Is How We Built Our Business In 1 Year | #TFJ Ep.5 (CC)

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welcome all michael and yannick

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here from calisthenics family

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and in this video

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we look back at the year 2018 and

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we look forward to the year 2019

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Welcome all to this new video

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in this video we are going to look at 2018

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we are going to look at all the goals we have

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realized in 2018 and we leave

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also a bit of what we do as a business

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behind the scenes in 2018

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and in addition we also show

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what kind of activities we have all done

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think, for example, of the barjam

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we also organized some workshops

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we also have

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helped a lot of customers

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think about online coaching

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we have skyped with people all over the world

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we look back on that

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and we are actually looking at what we have achieved

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and how many people we actually have helped in 2018

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we have made a number of notes

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in the notebook and we're actually going to

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just finish the timeline from January 1st 2018

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up to 1 January 2019

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first of all actually to start with

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in January 2018 we have

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an instagram post shared

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Let's just leave that

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see in the screen

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and this was actually the moment that we were

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about one and a half years or two years into

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calisthenics training

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only with the two of us actually

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and we got more and more questions from people

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yo how do you do calisthenics can you

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help us

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then we have on January 1, 2018

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decided to go to the chamber of commerce

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to sign us up

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to start a small business

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to help people achieve their

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calisthenics goals so we have then

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made the choice to not just on

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to focus our own progressions

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but also for other people

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help with that

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So that was actually the start of a new year

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and of the existence of calisthenics family

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Yes, exactly

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and actually we are also around that time

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started with group training

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I think it was a little earlier even a month earlier

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and since then we actually have

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done group training every week

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and we have switched from locations

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and of course also grown

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with the number of participants all very cool

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For example, we started in a gym

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and ultimately we are in a good one

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crossfit box

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the end of the year

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super cool progressions also made in it

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so we're going to look at all kinds of things

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then the first big step

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from 2018

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it was releasing ours

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own website that we had done on January 1st

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a lot of work has gone into this

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in 2017 I think we will be the whole

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winter with two people every day

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sitting at the computer

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to create our own website

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yes I think we are in the summer of 2017

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even started

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with the creation of the website

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the beginning did not go that fast

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and in the winter we worked very hard

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to have the website live on January 1st

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and that was also successful

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the website was not quite right yet

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so we actually have

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During the year, 2018 more and more developments were done

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we even switched

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to a completely different platform

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namely wordpress we even have

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a web designer asked to create our website

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or to help because in the beginning

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we have done everything ourselves and yes

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we are not really web designers

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you really have to

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something of a study to do that so

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did not go very fast when we did it

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it did manage to create it

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only to really realize a good working website

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you can

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just the best

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ask for help from someone who specializes in this

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and then of course we can

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engage ourselves with

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the things that we like to do and that is

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of course helping people

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and with the sport calisthenics are busy

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So that was actually the first highlight of 2018

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and then in February when the

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video shared with body and fit

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it might be fun

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just look back at the video

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and then the next big milestone the

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second activity was realizing

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online coaching in which we actually for the first time

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could help people online

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not only

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in the Netherlands but also worldwide

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That was something super cool and we

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are still doing a lot of work now

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yes, but we also have other side

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people coached in America so of course

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English talking online was for us

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also new

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it was also exciting for us I remember

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exactly the first time I speak in English

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someone had to go skype

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that super good English can of course

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an American so that was of course

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see if I came out of my words and things

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but in the end everything went well

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next topic

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shortly after we have

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together with myprotein a larger company

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a new collaboration realized

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in which we actually received a permanent sponsor

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so for us again again a confirmation

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that companies saw a chance

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in the sport calisthenics because

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that is what we find the most remarkable

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if you look at body and fit and

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myprotein for example that are companies

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who focus very much on bodybuilding

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a lot of bodybuilders and actually still

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never really have calisthenics athletes

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worked together and when they did that with us

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then we had something like okay

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not only

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a small sport

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but it is also something

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what will grow in the future and that companies

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seeing growth in the future

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So that is a very good thing in itself

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and a nice progress to see the sport itself

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next topic is actually in the

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summer in June when we have for the first time

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our own brand released

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we have our own tank tops made

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what about those tank tops?

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we have realized that in a day right?

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yes exactly we participated in a competition

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and we actually wanted to wear our own brand

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the day before

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that was on a Friday

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Then we called around nijmegen

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if anyone can have a tank top printed for us

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to be able to do the battle on the next day

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with the tank top and it was successful

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yes so in a day was actually

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for us that tank top realized

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purely for us

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after which we got a lot of demand from others

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I also want to have that tank top

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and we sat for that time

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think about a logo of calisthenics family for a long time

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they never had

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we only had letters that we used very often

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but in the end we used that

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for the tank top

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and exactly that logo

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you see too

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on the next big milestone of us

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something that we are very proud of

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and that was the realization of our parallettes

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which is actually a nice story

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actually the same kind of story

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as the tank top

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we were in sports with friends

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in papendal in arnhem

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with henry kooistra

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he then took parallettes from him

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parallels with a larger size

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giving you much more grip

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when I went to do handstand push ups

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and I noticed that it was much easier

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much better because you had a lot more grip

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then we thought I should have this as well

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where can we buy those parallels

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and mad enough we could not go online anywhere

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that find parallels with a large diameter

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there were of those higher parallettes available at waist level

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of the equalizers with a thicker bar

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but of course we wanted to have that low

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because you're there of course

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a good one

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straight bar handstand you can not fall

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and it is much more stable

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but we could not do that anywhere

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so yes then we just started to look

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if we could make them ourselves

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yes exactly so then we are a month

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got started with the design

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and viewing wood etcetera

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and finally a month was the release of the parallettes

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and ultimately there are quite a few people

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now using the parallels

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they are actually

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sold out almost every week

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we have to request new ones every time

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and how much we have exactly sold

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that is what we will soon tell you about the statistics

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at the end of the video

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so keep looking

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if you are interested

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then the next I think the biggest milestone

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from last year

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the barjam

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it was actually meant as a workout with friends

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we expected that there would be about 15 to 20 people

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and we just put a party tent down there

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and we thought we turned on the music

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and we are just going to exercise with everyone

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as we had done before with other workouts

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and yes then finally came

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55 people on it

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very busy the whole park was full and also a super good atmosphere

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we have done a show

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and we showed some things

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other people

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have done a great show

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shortly after the barjam

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artem morozov was a super good calisthenics athlete

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from Russia to the Netherlands

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and that had been requested via via

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if we together with him organize

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a workshop

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right after

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the barjam

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and we managed to organize it

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a week after the barjam

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together with artem which was again a very successful collaboration

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it was super cool with such a big and good athlete

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to work together

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with more than 10 years of calisthenics experience

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So we have that too

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super learned a lot

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I think we have forgotten something

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for the barjam in July

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then chris heria was with the thenx team

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came to the Netherlands to also do a workshop here

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and of course also at the but

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The best thing was that after the workshop we were together with

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chris heria and the thenx team

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have done a workout in veenendaal

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Then we did some sets

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and then we have finished

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we have eaten pancakes together with Chris

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this was really a highlight

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for me the first time I saw Chris

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I had met Chris Heria in Miami a year earlier

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and then I also trained with him

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I also did a backlever with him

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I could sustain that for 1 second

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a year later I could sustain him for 10 seconds

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together chris heria

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so that was also a very cool day

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Okay so after these super cool activities

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the barjam the workshop and the meeting with thenx

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that was all during the summer

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and during the summer

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we also have all that time

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worked on our new program

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"the full journey" that you have probably come across

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we also make a series about this

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the full journey series on youtube

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in which we now show our lives daily

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with regard to calisthenics

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in the summer we have three or four months

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the program has been designed

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and recorded all instructional videos

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that is what we have been doing all summer long

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and just before our birthday

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no on our birthday November 17th

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then we had released the program

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this was a dream for us

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that was on our bucket list at the beginning of 2018

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to realize a program

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which everyone has something to

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with which you can start as a beginner

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but also as an advanced athlete

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we already had a beginner program

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a year earlier

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in the beginning of 2018

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but that was only for beginners

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and we really wanted to help everyone at every level

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so that's why we made a program

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where you can board at any level

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we actually have

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put in all exercises shared that we have done

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to get to the level

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where we are now

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finally after the release we were also

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super satisfied with the result

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and also the reactions of others we received

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were also fantastic

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So we are really happy with that

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people are so positive about it

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actually a dream come true

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since the beginning of 2018

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and during the release of the full journey program

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we have behind the scenes

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meanwhile also worked

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to realize a free calisthenics guide

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which actually contains a lot of tips

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of us are shared because we get

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lots of questions in our dm

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about food, for example, about getting lean

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about creating muscles with calisthenics

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and it is very often

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the same questions

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all those questions

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we have all gathered

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and we put that in a document

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we are going to answer that

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and so we have made a free calisthenics guide

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which you can download on our website

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so that we no longer every day

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answer individual questions

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but that is very easy to help everyone

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with a freely available document

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yes, we are very happy with that

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it was a goal on our bucket list anyway

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from 2018

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and then the last milestone of 2018

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our goal was to reach 10,000 subscribers in 2018 on youtube

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we have written it down

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and it succeeded 10 days before time

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and we are really happy with it

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we also like to make videos

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we are now also making more and more videos

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the full journey episodes

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that is what we are doing now

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that is why we actually made the choice

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to make videos in Dutch

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because it is much easier

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for us

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to make videos in Dutch

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and we think we can do a lot more

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help people because we could more detailed

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talk about subjects

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and then we continue to the statistics

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that is of course something that everyone is interested in

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yes exactly that is always exciting

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to know

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how much do those guys actually earn

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what are they all doing?

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how much do they sell?

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are 10 100 or 1000 programs

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we are going to make it known now

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but it is not to be frightened

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it is OK

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the most important thing is of course

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how many people have we helped

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with our programs with coaching and with group training

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in 2018 the number of unique people

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and we also have

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the free calisthenics guide

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made available

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and of course they also downloaded a lot of people

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and that's 500 to 600

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That is every case a sign

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that our work has not been for nothing

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so we almost helped the thousand unique people

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who have taken a product from us

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and that's what we think

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still a nice figure

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yes exactly and then online coaching

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so the people with whom we have skyped last year

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that was a total of 7

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divided over the countries

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australia england

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and switzerland

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in total, therefore, five different countries

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so there are people everywhere in the world

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with whom we have skyped that is a nice idea

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that it actually goes all over the world

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calisthenis family is truly global

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the second part

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that is personal training and group training

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group training we do so from 2018 something in advance

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in total we have

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about thirty people who went

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to our training

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and with personal training

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we have last year

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two people

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and here we want in 2019

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also focus much more

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because we like to give 1 on 1 training

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because then we notice

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that within one hour we

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can help very well and can offer much more value

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which is worth much more than

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through an online program

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which is also logical

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because then you immediately see what someone is doing wrong

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then you can give immediate feedback

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So that is really something we want to do much more in 2019

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Okay so those were our programs

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and then we're going to take a look

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to our physical products

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the parallettes and the tank top

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we have sold 35 parallettes

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that is actually really cool

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since we were actually planning

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to make it just for ourselves and therefore

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there are so many people inspired

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to use those thicker parallettes

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at the end of the year anyway

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35 items sold

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and from the tank tops

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have sold 30 pieces and the same idea

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that we actually made them for ourselves

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and yes, people liked it

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it's nice to make more people happy with it

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and finally

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workshops and events

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we have done two workshops in the past year

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one in sittard

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we have given that ourselves

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and have organized the other

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together with artem

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so in total two

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and an event organized namely the barjam

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And in 2019 we want to do this much more

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events, shows and the realization of workshops

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so that was actually the summary

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from 2018

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all the steps we have taken

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some conscious steps

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like the full journey program that was really a goal for us

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but also unexpected steps

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for example, the barjam

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We did not have that on our list at all

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that went without saying and also the parallettes and the tank top

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were not on our list

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yet realized eventually

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We have done more than we planned

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that is nice to see

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and that a bit of what we want to give with this video

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that if you do calisthenics

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or another sport for example fitness

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if you're just busy

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and you are passionate about something

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at some point you will do other things

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there are other things on your path

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where you will also spend time

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and in this way

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keep innovating every time

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and do the things so that is actually the key of sport

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and running a business

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stay busy

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and keep your eyes open

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especially for new things

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and do not have a too closed view on the world

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I think that's the key

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and especially if you have an idea or plan

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do not stay with that and do not wait a month

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just start

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with the first small step

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and every small step helps you

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and if you stay with it and think you are not ready for it

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or you do not dare to focus a camera on your face, for example

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yes then it becomes difficult

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then it all takes a very long time

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so just make that step small steps help already

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just make the choice and cut the knot

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you really should not linger too long

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in doubts

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I think that is the biggest learning lesson I have made in 2018

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if you have an idea go for it

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and actually put

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your thoughts into actions

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we have, of course, set a number of goals for 2019

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we are a big fan of evaluation ourselves

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and setting goals

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that is why we have achieved a number of things in 2018

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now our goals

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in 2019

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youtube is actually our greatest goal

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is just youtube

Time: 1287.14

that is how you should actually see it

Time: 1288.31

50,000 subscribers

Time: 1291.15

we want to realize

Time: 1294.1

in 2019

Time: 1294.59

we also like to make videos

Time: 1296.809

so hence youtube number 1

Time: 1299.63

In addition, we want to be in 2019

Time: 1303.049

instead of 250 people

Time: 1305.27

now going to help 500 unique people

Time: 1307.13

these are the goals for 2019

Time: 1309.169

furthermore, we have even more activity-oriented goals

Time: 1311.02

our first goal

Time: 1313.429

which is actually our biggest goal

Time: 1315.38

what we are already working for now

Time: 1318.679

is to get our own place

Time: 1320.51

actually to open our own calisthenics family gym

Time: 1322.49

in the summer it is slightly less necessary

Time: 1324.65

since you have parks everywhere

Time: 1326.15

and then it is nice weather

Time: 1328.46

but certainly in the winter we just want to give group training

Time: 1330.77

we want to be able to exercise on our own place

Time: 1332.72

actually opening it may be difficult

Time: 1334.94

in 2019

Time: 1337.19

that is more long term

Time: 1339.08

but to at least make the first steps

Time: 1340.97

towards having their own location

Time: 1343.399

that is actually the goal of 2019

Time: 1345.62

and then hopefully

Time: 1348.44

in the end everybody wants it of course

Time: 1351.049

financially independent

Time: 1352.279

and that we just

Time: 1354.44

can live our dreams

Time: 1356.179

and that we can do this completely fulltime

Time: 1358.309

and will soon be able to make a living of this

Time: 1360.169

and that is what we want to go forward in 2019 anyway

Time: 1362.779

and then the next goal

Time: 1366.62

we always think big

Time: 1369.89

and of course we have now made the full journey program

Time: 1371.84

in which we play a bit with levels

Time: 1374.36

and we want to digitize this a bit

Time: 1376.58

that you are not with a pdf

Time: 1378.409

but that you can really apply this

Time: 1380.779

in an app

Time: 1383.32

so we want to start thinking about making an app

Time: 1385.61

whether it is possible this year

Time: 1387.649

is still the question

Time: 1389.24

it is very difficult

Time: 1392.12

but yes, who knows we have enough time

Time: 1393.71

to pay attention to this

Time: 1394.279

who knows we can find someone

Time: 1395.69

who can make an app

Time: 1398.87

so that is also one of our goals

Time: 1400.61

then the next we want to give more workshops

Time: 1402.44

in 2019

Time: 1404.39

last year we gave two workshops

Time: 1407.539

we also find it super fun to give

Time: 1409.299

so our goal is at least

Time: 1412.7

5 workshops to give this year

Time: 1413.75

in addition, we have the first time last year

Time: 1417.37

given a show

Time: 1420.58

that was actually another highlight

Time: 1422.38

it was not included

Time: 1425.41

to people who know nothing

Time: 1427.12

who only think about fitness and pumping up muscles

Time: 1430.33

to show you what else you can do with your physical strength

Time: 1431.8

we also find that cool to show

Time: 1434.26

our goal is to

Time: 1436.57

to give a minimum of 3 shows

Time: 1439.39

on defqon festival

Time: 1443.65

haha on the main stage of defqon yes

Time: 1445.86

In addition, we are now also thinking about it

Time: 1449.44

to do more with clothing

Time: 1452.32

we now have the tank tops

Time: 1455.309

but it is cold outside now

Time: 1457.42

so we definitely want to make sweaters and t-shirts

Time: 1459.49

from calisthenics family

Time: 1463.3

so that's what we're going to work with

Time: 1465.37


Time: 1467.2

we also want to realize more of our own products

Time: 1468.85

we now have our first physical product

Time: 1471.34

the parallettes

Time: 1473.35

who are super well received

Time: 1475.45

and we know for sure

Time: 1476.8

that we can do much more with this

Time: 1477.58

a big target on the bucket list

Time: 1480.94

is to develop the same parallettes

Time: 1483.46

but then a slightly higher height

Time: 1485.53

a slightly higher altitude so that you too

Time: 1489.429

can easily rotate

Time: 1491.35

with, for example, the l-sit to handstand

Time: 1493.45

so we actually want to make several variations of the parallettes

Time: 1496.84

for example, we think of our own wrist wraps

Time: 1498.97

and rings and maybe resistance bands

Time: 1501.64

from calisthenics family

Time: 1503.47

finally the very last

Time: 1506.14

what we want to do much more

Time: 1507.94

we want to get a more to places

Time: 1509.83

we want to do a lot of collaborations in 2019

Time: 1512.11

a lot of sports with other people

Time: 1513.55

and collab

Time: 1516.49

and at least 3 times go abroad

Time: 1518.04

for a trip

Time: 1519.96

and perhaps that we can still meet people abroad

Time: 1521.64

maybe in america

Time: 1524.07

or russia

Time: 1525.06

maybe visit our own customers

Time: 1527.43


Time: 1528.6

I would like to meet them

Time: 1530.37

that seems to me super cool

Time: 1531.99

someone with whom we skype every week

Time: 1533.34

to that person

Time: 1535.29

also to see in real life

Time: 1537.24

and to exercise with them

Time: 1538.95

so these are real goals

Time: 1540.84

for 2019

Time: 1543.63

and that was it for this video

Time: 1545.85

I hope you found it interesting

Time: 1547.5

a whole other side of us

Time: 1549.12

no sport today

Time: 1551.46

but blouses

Time: 1553.65

that is also part of it

Time: 1556.26

it was a bit about the business side of us today

Time: 1558.18

what we have achieved

Time: 1560.37

and what our goals are

Time: 1562.38

I hope it helped you

Time: 1563.97

maybe you have some ideas

Time: 1565.44

about what else you can achieve

Time: 1567.69

instead of just progress with sports

Time: 1570.36

and to use your discipline

Time: 1572.37

to really achieve your goals in addition to exercising

Time: 1574.65

if you have the idea to start a business yourself

Time: 1577.14

I would say

Time: 1579.21

go for it

Time: 1580.05

just start and do not doubt too much

Time: 1582.09

just make the choice and cut the knot

Time: 1583.92

and make 2019 yours

Time: 1587.37

so that was it for this video

Time: 1590.09

if you find this video interesting

Time: 1592.47

give a like and subscribe to our channel

Time: 1594.99

for more videos

Time: 1596.01

and for the full journey episodes

Time: 1599.07

and a very last thing that we have forgotten

Time: 1601.35

That is of course the opening of a calisthenics park

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in our own city of nijmegen

Time: 1605.79

which we have been working on for 3 years

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behind the scenes

Time: 1610.44

to realize that

Time: 1612.24

and it will come in 2019

Time: 1613.92

so that's going to be super fun

Time: 1616.47

and that's it for this video

Time: 1618.6

and we'll see you in the next video, peace out

Time: 1621.15

peace out

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