The Start of my New Calisthenics Transformation Challenge | Ep.1

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i love the start of a new year

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i love to take on new opportunities

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and i love to achieve big goals however

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having big goals is beautiful but this

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year let's remember that those that

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big things don't see them of big things

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but as little

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consistent commitments so this year

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let's say yes

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what's up guys welcome to my new series

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let's get inside

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what's up guys so welcome to my new

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which is called the calisthenics

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transformation series

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in which i'm gonna take you on my

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journey to

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create the best physique as possible and

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also to gain muscle mass

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so welcome to my new series and i'm just

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gonna show you guys

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what i'm gonna do in the next few months

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it's the time of the year

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in january to get fit again get in shape

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so in the next 12 weeks i'm gonna try to

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get in the best shape as possible

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and become stronger through bodyweight

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candidates training

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so in the past few years and months i've

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been doing a lot of photo shoots and get

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really shredded and also

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i have been working a lot on uh gaining

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strength working on a lot of skills for

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example the planche the front lever

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but now i notice it's really time to put

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on some muscle mass

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and get back to the basics and i'm gonna

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exactly show you guys how i'm gonna do

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that in the next

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12 weeks so let's get this theory

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all right guys so first let's get a good

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starting point and do

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our measurements

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alright so measurements done what is

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quite interesting is that my

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right arm is actually one centimeter

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bigger than my left arm

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probably because i had my arm in a cast

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one year ago but anyway let's hop on the

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skill right now

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right we checked on around 76 kgs now

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let's get some photos

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all right so photo shoot done um so as

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you can see i also

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put on some extra fat especially my face

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in around my waistline as well because

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is just over so i just gained some extra

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weight because all of that so now i'm

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really stoked to get back into my

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routine and to

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just get a better shape and gain some

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muscle mass and also

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drop some fat so let's start the series

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so my game plan consists of two parts

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the first six weeks is going to be my

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gaining phase diet wise i'm going to

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increase the calories

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to gain weight while not adding too much

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training wise i'm going to have high

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volume workouts with high reps

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in mostly basic exercises my goal

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weigh around 80kgs and put on more

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muscle mass

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the last six weeks will be my strength

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gaining phase

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diet wise i'm keeping the calories the

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same or

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slightly higher and training wise i drop

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the repetitions which is the volume

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and increase the difficulty and weights

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which is the intensity

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during my workouts my goal still way

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80kgs and made huge gains in basic

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and size

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and for this i'm gonna use our brand new

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launched um

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personalized meal plan that we now have

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in our own app

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and with this i i can really easily

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track my food

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and see my progress and also have my own

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personalized meal plan

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in this app so everything is really easy

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i'm exactly gonna show you guys in this

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how i'm gonna do that to get the best

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results as possible

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so let's get a quick meal in and then go

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to the gym

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you're making it making it brighter

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all right so i just finished my

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pre-workout meal as you can see

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high carbs and also some proteins so i'm

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enjoy this meal and then head over to

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the gym for my first

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workout so let's do this

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alright guys so i'm at the gym time for

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the first workout

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so i'm gonna have a pool workout like i

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said i'm going to focus on hypertrophy

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and also a little bit of endurance work

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so mostly going to be body weight basic

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exercises such as pull ups

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body weight rows wrinkles stuff like

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to really get a lot of volume in during

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this workout work around 8 to 12

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and go almost to failure during this

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workout so

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let's get this workout in

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so this was the first workout of my

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transformation challenge

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i am excited and i'm ready to make the

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best out of it

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many of you also joined this

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transformation challenge

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and we at calisthenics family can't wait

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to guide you

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and see all your progress remember we

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are all in this together

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if you also want to be part of this epic

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transformation journey

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you can still join too so

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how does it work step one start with one

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of our worker programs

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with 25 discount and transform your body

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and achieve

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your goals step 2 get a full cash back

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if you realize a transformation of

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and step 3 win epic prizes if you belong

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to the top 3

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transformations of this year for more

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on this deal make sure to check out our

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website and join the transformation

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challenge to become

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fit strong lose weight and get in the

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best shape

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of your life start your journey join the

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in the next coming episodes i'll share

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and teach you

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much more about my training plan diet

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plan but also share

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more things that i do in my daily life

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as an

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athlete and as an entrepreneur

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