The PERFECT Shoulder Mobility Routine

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what's up guys it's janak here from

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calisthenics family and today i'm going

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to show you guys

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my shoulder mobility routine to get

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strong stable

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and flexible shoulders so let's do this

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all right guys so welcome to today's

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workout so like i said i'm gonna do

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the shoulder mobility routine that i've

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been doing in the past month

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so i'm gonna do this for two reasons the

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first reason is because i

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had a recent injury in my shoulder so i

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focus a lot more on shoulder mobility in

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the past four weeks

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and another point is that i just want to

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address it it's really important

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to focus on these rotator cuff muscles

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in your shoulder joint

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and it's really important to get strong

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and flexible shoulders

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for especially advanced calisthenics

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exercises which require

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a high mobility in the shoulders alright

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so before i'm going to start with the

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exercises i just want to mention

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the difference between the rotator cuff

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muscles in the shoulder joint and the

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scapular muscles that are all attached

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to the shoulder blade

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at the back of your shoulder so they are

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often so misunderstanding about

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shoulder mobility and where you have to

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work on to get

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a a mobile and stable shoulder so in

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this video i'm gonna address

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only the muscles that goes from the

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shoulder blade towards the shoulder

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joints so these four muscles are the

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subscapularis the teres minor the

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infraspinatus and the supra

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spinatus so these four muscles are the

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rotated cuff muscles and the scapula

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muscles are

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like a bigger part of the shoulder area

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so this also

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involves the delts the trapezius and

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also the serratus

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and many more muscles so in this video

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i'm only gonna address

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the four rotator cuff muscles so let's

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get started with the first exercise so

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i'm gonna do dynamic exercise to get a

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and stable shoulder and after this i'm

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gonna do some stretches

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to get a flexible shoulder joint so

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let's get started with the first

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dynamic exercise

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alright guys so the first exercise will

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be the rotations behind the back

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this is one of my favorite exercises to

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warm up my rotator cuff muscles

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and this exercise actually targets all

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the rotated cuff muscles and also your

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shoulder mobility so in the overhead

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part you really work on the overhead

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part that is beneficial for overhead

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exercises such as the handstand or the

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pike push-up

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and in the lower part of this exercise

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you will really target the supraspinatus

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which is really a

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muscle that is hard to target so this

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actually is really a good solution

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to target the supraspinatus so it's

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really important to do this exercise

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really slow and controlled

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especially when you start with this

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exercise for the first time it

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really can feel like a uncomfortable

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exercise so really start off really slow

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and controlled

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once you get comfortable with this

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exercise you can also step a little bit

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to make it a little bit heavier so let's

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go to the next exercise

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this will be the internal rotations from

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the hip

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and with this exercise you will target

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the subscapularis

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so as you can see it's really important

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that your elbow will always be in

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contact with your hip

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so with this method you will really

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like isolate the rotator cuff muscle so

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so don't forget to also do the other

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side and for this exercise

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um you should do 12 repetitions for each

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and one thing to mention is that with

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all of these exercises it is really

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important to not go too heavy

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so the next exercise is really similar

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but now

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we're going to do an external rotation

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and this exercise is going to target the

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infraspinatus and the tiros miner

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also really important with this exercise

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that your elbow will always be in

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contact with your hips like you see me

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doing now

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it's also important to do this really

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controlled and

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only when you can easily do 12

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repetitions and it still feels

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really easy you can do a step sideways

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so you can make this exercise

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a little bit heavier

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so the fourth exercise is the internal

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rotation from the shoulder so now we're

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going to tie the bend a little bit

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at shoulder height like you can see in

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this video

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it's really important with this exercise

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to keep your elbows

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at exactly the same position as your

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shoulders so

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not too much forward not too much

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backwards so from here

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you're gonna press forward while keeping

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your elbow in position

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and this exercise guys is really where i

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felt my

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uh my torn muscle so the the muscle that

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got injured

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and that was the subscapularis muscle so

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this uh doing these exercises like doing

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all these exercises in this video

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is really a good tool to discover where

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you got the injury so there can be the

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the infraspinatus the teres minor or

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maybe another muscle

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all right so the fifth exercise is the

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external rotations from the shoulder

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this is the last dynamic exercise that

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we're gonna cover

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so it's really important also with this

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exercise is to keep your elbows and

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exactly at the same alignment as your

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shoulders so

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as you can see in the video from here

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you're going to pull backwards

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and this is really going to target

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infraspinatus and the tirus miner

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so the goal with this exercise also to

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do 12 repetitions and

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also like i said before you don't want

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to go too heavy and that's also

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the reason why we are only doing one set

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each exercise so we are doing five

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dynamic exercises

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and only one set per side because you

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don't want to go too heavy

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so you don't want to have like sore

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muscles the next day

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all right so that was the dynamic part

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now let's move on to the static

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exercises these are more like the

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but it's really important to know that

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these are also dynamic stretches so you

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move within these stretches it's really

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like i said to not go too heavy also

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with these stretches

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um you should not go like to a 100

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for the 45 seconds of this flexibility

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exercise so like you can see me pulling

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elbows inwards with my knees but i'm

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also taking it easy like

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each five seconds so really try to focus

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that when you

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exhale that that is the moment that

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you're trying to go a little bit deeper

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and when you inhale you're trying to go

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like a little bit more

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loose from the stretch so this exercise

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is the internal

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shoulder stretch and with this exercise

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you're going to target the infraspinatus

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and the tiros miner

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all right guys so this exercise is

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really my favorite stretch

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but also the one that was really painful

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for me because there was exactly

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the muscle that i got injured at so i

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probably got a little there

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in like the subscapularis because this

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exercise is gonna stretch

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the subscapularis so this really uh hurt

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me so i really had to go easy on this

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one for the last

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last four weeks but it's really a very

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good exercise and it's really good to

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implement this not only when you have an

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injury but just in general

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you have to do this exercise every week

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to get strong and

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flexible rotator cuff muscles

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so it's also really important with this

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exercise to keep your elbows

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aligned with your shoulders just like

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the previous

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rotations from the shoulder all right so

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let's move on

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to the other side and the goal with this

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uh stretch is to hold this for 45

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but make sure to don't go to your max

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like the exercise before you want to do

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this exercise

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dynamic so when you exhale you want to

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go a little bit deeper and when you

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you want to go a little bit soft on this

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all right then the eighth exercise is

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going to be the sleeper stretch

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this is also a really really good

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exercise it really feels good

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in the rotator cuff area

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so guys it looks like i'm really pushing

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my my arm

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very hard towards the ground but it's

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not that hard and you should also not go

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too hard on this exercise as well

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just make sure that you not go to your

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for the full 45 seconds so as you can

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see i'm going really dynamic

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i'm going up and down all the time

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and during the 45 seconds you can also

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really see that i'm

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getting deeper and deeper like at each

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so you will also notice with this

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exercise the first time when you do this

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exercise it can be really uncomfortable

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and you you won't probably go as deep as

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as you see me doing in

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in this exercise but when you're doing

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this for like

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like regular consistently you will

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really notice

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progress in your stretch which will also

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have many benefits for the exercises

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that you are doing

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within your calisthenics training

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alright so let's go to the other side

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and you will also really notice that one

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will be tighter than the other side so

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for me

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my left arm was actually slightly

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tighter than my right arm

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so it took me a little bit more time to

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go all the way to the ground with my

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so once again if you don't reach it with

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your fingers towards the ground that's

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no problem at all

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so i'm doing this exercise for like more

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than a year now

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and i really noticed that when i'm

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not implementing this exercise like for

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a month or two months in a row

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that my progress will really suffer from

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this it's also a lesson for me that

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i should be always doing these exercises

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because i've been skipping these

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sometimes for one or two months

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but you really gotta pay attention to

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these small rotator cuff muscles as well

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alright so let's move on to the last

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stretch i like to call this the stick

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and this exercise is really done

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incorrectly very often so you should not

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do this

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like you see me doing right now so it's

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really important to have a protracted

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and not lean too much backwards so if

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this stretch really should come

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from your shoulders and not from bending

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your back all the way back so

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so really focus on a protracted scapula

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and then

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move the stick all the way backwards

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so i always like to work with

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progressions on my stick so as you can

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i started doing this exercise as wide as

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possible on this stick

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but after two after two repetitions i

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moved on a little bit

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smaller so that's also a way to

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measure my progress with this exercise

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and also to

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measure my flexibility in my shoulder

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so this exercise is a really really

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beneficial exercise for

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many calisthenics exercises think for

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about the german hang and the back lever

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where you hang

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completely upside down on the bars so

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your your your flexibility and mobility

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in your shoulder will really be tested

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by these exercises and

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you will also really feel that it's

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really hard to do these exercises if

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your shoulders are not mobile so

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this is one of my favorite exercises to

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get mobile shoulders

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all right guys so these were all the

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exercises actually my favorite exercises

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for shoulder mobility

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stability and strength that i've been

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doing in the past four weeks

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to recover from my injury and once again

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these are not only to

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prevent the injury but also to really

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get strong in the outer angles

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of these exercises for example in the

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archer push up

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where i actually got my injury from uh

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where you have

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we have to put a lot of strength in this

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angle which is really a uncommon

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but also think about a german hank for

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example when you try to practice the

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backley for

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other exercises that really ask a lot of

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mobility in the shoulder so that is

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really the point of this video to get

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strong shoulder

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joints so i personally have been doing

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this exact routine two times a week so i

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would really

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suggest to do this at least one time per

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week and i'm also implementing these

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dynamic exercises in every single warm

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up that i do before

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every exercise so for my pull exercises

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and before my push exercise to really

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make sure that i

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just don't skip these exercises because

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i just know that these are

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so very important so i'll also add a

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full routine list that you can

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screenshot to take into your own workout

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all right so because we know that these

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mobility exercises are so important we

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also implement all of these exercises

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into our workout program so

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if you're interested or if you want our

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help to reach your goals

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check out the link in the description

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and sign up for the program that fits

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your goals

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so that's it for today and i really hope

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that this video was helpful for you

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if it was helpful let us know in the

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comments and also let us know if you

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want to see

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a video about another subject so please

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like the video

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subscribe and i'll see you next week

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peace out

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