The Perfect Core Workout to Start Calisthenics for Beginners

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Do you want to build the core strength required for amazing

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calisthenics skills

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while building six pack abs at the same time?

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Then this video is for you.

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What's up, guys?

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It's Michael here from calisthenics family.

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This video is for beginners that want

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to start with calisthenics, but lack the required

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core strength and don't know which exercises are effective.

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Therefore, we will do a complete

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Calisthenics core workout routine

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that you can follow along with me

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that will get you strong and prepared

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For this routine.

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With this routine, we'll work

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and we work them in a

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which is needed to build good core strength.

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With all dynamic exercises.

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We're going to do

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about ten reps and with all static exercises,

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we're going to hold it for like 20 to 30 seconds.

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And with each exercise we're going to take

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20 seconds of rest

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In between the exercises.

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I've already scheduled this routine

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in our calisthenics family app,

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so you can do this routine anywhere you want.

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We will do

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The first exercise,

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that we're going to do

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Grab the bar at shoulder width apart,

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point your toes, keep your core tight,

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and bring your knees as high as possible.

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Hold for a second and go down.

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All right, let's do this for ten repetitions

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Are you ready?

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Let's go.

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Last one,

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All right, great.

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Let's take 20 seconds rest.

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Before we’re going to move on to the static exercise.

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We’re going to use the floor for this exercise.

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This exercise is great for building a good line

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for example, for your handstand,

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you start on your lower back, and from here

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you extend your legs and arms together.

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And we're going to hold this position

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while keeping our lower back in contact with the ground.

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All right. Time is up.

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Are you ready?

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Let's go.

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Core is tight and hold

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10 seconds.

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Keep holding.

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20 seconds.

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Ten more.

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All right, great.

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So the next exercise that we're going to do

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So we're going to grab the bars

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and make sure

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you depress your scapula.

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And from here, raise your knees

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at 90 degree angle and hold this position.

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We're going to hold this for 20 seconds straight.

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So let's get ready.

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In three, two, one.

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Depress your scapula.

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90 degree angle.

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And rotate your elbows forward.

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10 seconds.

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All right,

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This exercise is great

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to prepare you, for example, for the L-sit hold.

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So now let's take some rest again

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and let's move on to the next exercise,

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which is the

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So let's get on our hands.

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So let's get on our hands.

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And the exercise looks like this.

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We're going to bring our arms and legs in the air

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until they're in a completely straight line like this.

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And from here,

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we do it again.

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We're going to repeat this motion.

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This exercise is great,

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for example, for learning to backlever.

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So if you're ready, let's get started.

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We're going to do ten repetitions.

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So three, two, one.

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Let's go.

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Do the movement

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in control.

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Last one.

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All right,

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let's move straight on to the other side.

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Also, ten repetitions

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last one.

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All right,

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let's set the timer again

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and let's move on to

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So with this exercise, we're going to start on our elbows

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Bring our body in a straight line.

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Hands is on the quadriceps,

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and we bring our hips towards the floor

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and push back up.

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Keep your hips forward.

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All right, let's go.

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We're going to do eight reps per side.

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That's one,

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Last one,

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All right.

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Let's take a little break

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and repeat this exercise

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on the other side, too.

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So right elbow on the floor,

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body is straight.

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tense your core.

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And let's go

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Last one,

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All right.

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Very nice.

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Let's take some rest again

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and let's move on to the final exercise of this routine,

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which is the

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So let me first explain this exercise,

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because it's a little technical.

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For this, you want to find a pole or a lower bar

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where you can grab yourself tight on

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and then you want to bring your knees towards the pole.

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And from here, extend your legs and also extend

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your hips.

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Make sure your body is completely straight.

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And from here,

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you're going to pull yourself slightly away from the bar

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while keeping your body straight and your core tight.

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And we're going to

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try to hold this position for 20 seconds.

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So let's get started, guys.

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I'm going to get my towel over here, grab the bar

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and make sure

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you're ready and let's get started.

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Knees in, legs straight.

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and let's hold.

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All right, that’s it.

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All right, guys.

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So this was the complete core workout.

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Make sure to do

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You can also check out this workout

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in our Calisthenics family workout app

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where you can keep track of your progress

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and also follow a lot more routines and workout plans

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for building muscle mass, gaining strength, improving

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mobility and learning calisthenics skills.

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Make sure to check out our app in the Google

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Play or App store and download it for free.

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Lastly, let's get into

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This week we will give away one set of our Guinness Index

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family wrist wraps,

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which is a must have when starting calisthenics.

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after publishing this video.

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The winner will be announced in next week's video.

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This is what we gave away in last week's video,

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and the winner will appear right here.

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In the screen

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Let me know

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And don't forget to like, subscribe

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and put your notifications on,

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so you won't miss the giveaway winner.

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Thanks for watching and joining this workout with me

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and I'll see you in one of the next videos.

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Peace out.

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