The PERFECT Calisthenics Workout for Strength, Skills & Size

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what's up guys it's michael here from

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calisthenics family and today i'm gonna

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show you the perfect upper body

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calisthenics workout to build your

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skills your strength and your size so

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let's get this video started

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alright guys so welcome to today's video

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today i have my upper body calisthenics

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workout and like i said i'm gonna show

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you the perfect workout structure that

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you can use to improve your skills to

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build a strength and also to create more

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muscle mass so we're gonna work in

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pushing and pulling exercises and next

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to that i'm also going to show you the

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different movement patterns that you

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should incorporate in your workout

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routine to get the most out of your

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workout next to that it's really

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important that you incorporate different

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styles of rep ranges so for example

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really low rep ranges to

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improve skills

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but also to

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build strength and also at the end of

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the workout we want to make sure that we

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build our wraps up so we really

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fatigue our muscles so we build more

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muscle so that's exactly what i'm going

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to show you in this workout and the

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goals for me in this workout

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regards to my skills is to work on the

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foam lever and the 90 degree hazard

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these are my goals at this moment but of

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course if you have different goals you

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can also

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use the same technique in this workout

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but with your own level and that's also

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what i'm going to show you today so

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let's get started with the first

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exercise and that is eccentric training

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for the skills so that will be the 90

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degree hazard push-up and the negative

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phone lever so let's get started

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all right guys so i just finished my

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first set

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of the negative training for the 90

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degree handsome push-up and the full

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front lever so now i'm going to move on

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to the second exercise and that is the

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positive way of training of the skill so

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so i'm going to regress the exercise

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with a progression which i'm able to do

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about three to five repetitions so that

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would be for the 90 degree ends of

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push-up i'm going to lower the intensity

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like a really deep headset push-up and

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for the phone leaf or i'm going to do

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one leg front lever races so let me show

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you how that looks

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all right guys so i just finished that

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last set of my second exercise and this

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also ends the skill practice of this

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workout we have 30 minutes of training

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in right now um now we're gonna move on

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to the strength part and in this cycle

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i'm going to focus on my vertical

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pushing and putting strength and my

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horizontal pushing and pulling strength

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um i start with a vertical pushing and

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pulling so that will be pull-ups and

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some sort of handstand push-up can also

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be dips or bike push-ups or the overhead

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press depends on the exercise that you

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want to do you can just alternate with

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these kind of exercises but today i'm

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gonna do the weighted pull-up and the

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weighted dip and with this exercise i'm

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gonna focus on

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five repetitions because with this rep

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range we're still training for strength

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and don't fatigue our muscles too much

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so let's get these exercises in

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all right so i just finished the last

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set of the vertical pushing and pulling

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movement the weight pull up and the

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weighted dip now i'm going to move on to

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the horizontal way of pushing and

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pulling and for the pushing variation

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there are many exercises that you can do

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for example regular push-up forward lean

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push-up you can do the bench press

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basically every single exercise that

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creates this movement and i'm going to

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do the

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planche lean push-up with an assisted

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band so i'm going to try to do the the

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same kind of movement as the 90-degree

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hesitant push-up and for my pulling

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exercise you can do various horizontal

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ways of pulling for example just

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australian pull up but you can also do

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tucked front left foot pull ups or the

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band over row and today i'm going to do

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l-sit front left pull-up so let's do it

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all right so i just finished my last set

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of the horizontal way of pushing and

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pulling exercise

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now we finished the strength part of

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this workout we worked in a rep range

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between four and eight repetitions and

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now we're going to the last part of the

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workout in which we're really going to

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focus on building more muscle mass now

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we're going to add up the repetitions

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from 8 to 15 repetitions and with short

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resting time so we really want to put

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that time and attention with each

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exercise we have less rest times and

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we're just gonna do a cycle of the basic

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exercises in calisthenics which are the

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basic the push-ups the pull-ups the dips

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and the rows and we're just gonna go all

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out do three circuits um with 10 to 15

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repetitions and have two minutes of rest

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in between the cycles so let's do this

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all right guys

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i just finished my last round

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went completely all out

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completely destroyed

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so i really love to finish my workouts

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like this

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high intensity way of training and it

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really builds your muscle as well

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so in this workout guys

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i showed you how you train your skills

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your strength and your size in just one

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good and effective workout really

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structured per section of the workout

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and we also worked our eccentrics our

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positive way of training of the skills

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our vertical way of pushing and pulling

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our horizontal way of pushing and

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pulling and used different rep ranges so

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that's the ultimate recipe for a good

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and effective workout i'm doing this

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workout two times per week right now

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so this was the full calisthenics upper

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body workout so i hope this was helpful

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and if you want me to create more

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workouts like this let me know in the

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comments what you want to see and also

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if you need help with your training we

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can help you out with our

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free downloads or free ebooks in which

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we share free trainings that you can try

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out and also we can help you out with

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our workout plans

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for building muscle learning skills

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building strength with your own body

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weight you can find all the links down

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in the description so that's it for this

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training thanks for watching guys please

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like this video subscribe for more and

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we'll see you next monday peace out

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