The Perfect Calisthenics Pull Workout for Beginners & Intermediate

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that will help you

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to become

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You can do this follow along workout

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in order to get super strong in your pull movements.

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This workout is for

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people that want to do a fun, challenging

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and effective workout that builds muscle

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and also creates the foundation

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for more advanced pull movements

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such as the frontlever and the muscle up

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In this workout, we will do

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and do around 6 to 10 reps per exercise.

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With each exercise, I'll give you an easier variation.

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We've also added this workout routine into our calisthenics

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family workout app so you can take it anywhere

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you go and also measure your progress.

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So are you ready?

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Let's get started.

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So the first exercise

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This is a foundational exercise in calisthenics

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and is great for building, pulling strength.

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So what we're going to do here

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is we're going to find a bar, we're going to grab it

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a little bit wider than shoulder width.

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We're going to tense up our lower body

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and pull ourselves

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over the bar until our chin is over the bar.

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So are you ready?

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Let's get started.

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We're going to aim for ten reps, so grab it.

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Tense up the lower body.

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And from here,

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Make sure you go all the way down.

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And last one. Ten.

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Okay, So that was the first exercise.

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The next exercises we're going to do

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So I found the perfect bar for the next exercise.

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In the meantime,

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let's take 30 seconds of rest before we begin,

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and I'll explain this exercise first.

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So, for the Australian pull up.

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What you want to do is you want to grip the bar

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a little bit wider, than shoulder width.

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Then you want to step forward,

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bring your hips forward, retract your scapula,

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and then pull your chest towards the bar, letting go.

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Resting for a bit and repeat the same motion.

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Like this.

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Okay, So let's aim for ten reps here.

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Make sure you stop when you go down.

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Keep those scapula retracted.

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Last one

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and ten.

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So that was the second exercise.

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And now we're going to go to the third exercise,

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So now we're in our 30 seconds of rest.

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So for the next exercise, the negative pull up.

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What we're going to do here is we're going to grab the bar

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a little bit wider, the shoulder width again.

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We're going to jump up controlling the top position

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from here.

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We're going to lower ourself down in a controlled manner

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for 3 to 5 seconds.

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This is the entire exercise

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and we're going to aim for six reps.

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So every time we come down, we jump back up.

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Okay, so are you ready?

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Let's get it.

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Grip the bar a little bit wider.

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Jump up, controlled position

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Make sure you go to a full deadhang.

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That's the second one.

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That's the third one.

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Halfway there.

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Okay, we go for our last one.

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Let's go.

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Okay, so

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let's take 30 seconds of rest before we go

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to the next exercise,

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for the chin up hold,

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What you want to do is you want to find a bar

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that you can put your hands on.

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Put your hands in a supinated position.

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Which means that the fingers are facing towards your face.

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So from here, jump up.

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Contract your biceps,

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depress your scapula, and hold this top position.

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This is an isometric exercise, which means there is

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no movement.

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Okay, so this is what we're

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going to do for around 20 seconds.

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So let's see.

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Rest time is up.

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Let's get it.

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Hands in the supinated position.

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Jump up.

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Make sure you really contract your biceps, depress

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your scapula, keep your lower body tensed.

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Almost there.

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Lower yourself down in a controlled manner.

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Okay, so that was the chin up hold.

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So the next exercise that we're going to do

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Okay, guys, we're almost there.

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Two more exercises.

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So this exercise, the German hang rotations.

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What you want to do is you want to grab a bar

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with a protonated grip.

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So with your fingers facing away,

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hang all

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the way in a dead hang from here.

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Get your knees to your chest

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and then pull yourself with straight arm strength

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through the bar

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and hang all the way down before

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getting your knees back to your chest,

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and going back to the starting position.

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If the German hang rotations are too hard,

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you can also do an easier variation

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where you just pull yourself once,

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let go, and then do another rep.

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Okay, so rest time is up.

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Let's aim for six reps

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Let’s go.

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So knees to your chest, pull,

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hang, knees to the chest

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and back.

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That's one

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This exercise is also a

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great shoulder mobilizer since you're working in

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end range of motion.

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So if you want to get more flexible

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then this is also a great exercise.

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Okay. This was the fourth one.

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two more

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Lets go. Pull, Pull, Pull

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Last one. Knees to chest

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straight arm pull

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go into a hang

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and Okay.

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So great job.

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Let's take 30 seconds of rest again before moving on

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to the next exercise,

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So with the pelican curls, you want to grab the bar

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at shoulder width with your arms behind your body.

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Then you want to step back,

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Then you want to press your hips forward from here.

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You're going to drive your elbows back

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until your back touches the bar.

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And then you're going to lower yourself

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in a controlled manner back to the starting position,

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Okay, so we're going to aim

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for ten reps on this exercise.

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Really blasting those biceps.

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So are you ready?

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Let's get started.

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Grabbing the bar, shoulder width, walking back

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fully, extending the arms,

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driving your hips forward.

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Okay, let's go.

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Hold it

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Really focus on those elbows driving backwards.

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Five more.

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Almost there.

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Feel the burn.

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Last one,

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So those were ten reps.

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If you don't feel your biceps burning,

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you're not doing something right.

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So watch the video again.

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Now we're going to move on,

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So what we're going to do with this exercise

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is we're going to grab the bar at shoulder width,

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go into a deadhang.

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And from here we're going to use our hip

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flexors and lower ab muscles

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to raise our legs

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to a 90 degree hold.

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Go back and repeat this movement.

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It's very important that you keep your feet

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in front of your body.

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So not here

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because this will take away the tension on the core

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and make the exercise way less effective.

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So in front of the body, 90 degree

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slow and controlled up and down.

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Yes, we're going to aim

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for ten repetitions for this exercise.

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And after we finish this,

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we're completely done with the first round.

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Okay, so let's do this

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Nice and controlled.

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Halfway there.

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Last one. Let's go,

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All right, guys.

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So this was the first round.

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Make sure to do about

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to get an effective workout in with each workout,

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try to do more reps if you can.

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You can also check out this workout

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in our Calisthenics family workout app

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where you can keep track of your progress

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and also follow

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a lot more routines and workout plans for building

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muscle, gaining strength, improving mobility,

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and learning calisthenics skills.

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Make sure to check out our app in Google Play

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or App Store and download it for free.

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Lastly, let's get into this week's giveaway.

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This week we will give away

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one set of our calisthenics family resistance bands,

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which is a must have for your pull workouts.

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after publishing this video.

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The winner will be announced in next week's video.

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This is what we gave away in last week's video

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and a winner will appear right here in the screen.

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Let me know in the comments

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Don't forget to, like, subscribe

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and put your notification bell on

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so you don't miss the giveaway winner.

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Thanks for watching and we will see you next week.

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Be South.

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