The Perfect Calisthenics PULL Workout for Beginners & Advanced

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what's up guys it's mike here from

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calisthenics family and today we're

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going to do the most effective

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calisthenics pool workout for building

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muscle mass and strength so last week my

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brother yannick did a complete push

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workout which you guys really seem to

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like so

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this pool workout will be part two of

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this mini push pull and leg series so

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with this workout we will target our

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back our biceps and our rear delts and

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we will train the most essential

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exercises for building fundamental

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strength in calisthenics to even work up

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to harder pull exercises like the muscle

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up front lever or back lever so for

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today's workout we have made the perfect

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selection of exercises that helped us

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the most to build muscle and incredible

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strength to progress fast in

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calisthenics i already created and

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scheduled this workout in our

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calisthenics app so i can perfectly

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track my progress with each single

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exercise so if you don't have installed

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our app yet make sure to do so by

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downloading the app in the google play

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or app store so we will do seven

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exercises in about seven minutes for the

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first round and make sure to get two

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rounds in if you're starting with

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calisthenics and if you have more

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training experience get at least three

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to five rounds in so with this workout

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we will do each exercise for 30 seconds

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and take 30 seconds in between to

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prepare for the next exercise the first

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exercise is the australian pull-up so

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let's get started so this exercise is

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relatively easy to warm up we can do

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this on a lower bar and a higher bar the

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lower the bar gets the harder it is so

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i'm gonna perform it on this bar right

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here and we're basically gonna do a

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horizontal pulling movement to start off

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this workout so let's get to the bar and

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let's do this for 30 seconds straight so

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grab the bar with an overhand grip

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walk forward

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body is straight

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and pull the bar towards the chest let's

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all right come on guys

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first exercise

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let's do this

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one all right

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so the next exercise is going to be the

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wide pull up so this exercise is

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probably going to be the hardest

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exercise of today because the wider you

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grab the bar the harder it gets and you

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will also target your lats more and a

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bit of your rear delts so we're gonna

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grab this bar wide grip

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let's get started

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in five

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all the way up

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all the way down that hang

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and up

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if the bodyweight version is too hard

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you can also do this with a resistance

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all right ladies come on

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chin up off the bar

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one more

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all right

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let's move on to the next one we get

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back to the horizontal bar and here

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we're gonna do white to small australian

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pull-ups a very good coordination

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exercise but also targets the back

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muscles in a different way especially

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the rhomboids which are the muscles in

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the middle of your back so

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let's grab the bar we first start with a

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small grip

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do one repetition and then go to the

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wide grip

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so let's get started

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let's get down in three

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small grip

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wide grip

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small grip

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wide grip

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try to find the right rhythm

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also a nice exercise

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to get a stronger grip

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10 seconds come on

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all right guys

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let's move on to the next one which is

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the vertical

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closed grip pull up so the main muscles

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that you work with this exercise still

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are the lats but you will also have more

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emphasis on your forearms and a little

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bit of the arms because the closer

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you get the bar with the pull-up the

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more you focus on your arms as well

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grab the bar with an overhand grip

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like this

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as small as possible

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and let's get started

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in five

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one and

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let's go

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all the way above the bar

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and down

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you really will feel this in your

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if you go all the way up

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and again use a resistance band

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if this one is still too hard

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10 seconds

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come on guys last one

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all right

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let's move on to the next one which is

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the tucked front lever race on this bar

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this exercise is completely different

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compared to the other ones because now

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we're doing a straight arm pulling

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exercise which is similar to a straight

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arm pull down in the gym

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with this exercise we target our legs

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but also target the teres major right

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which we will need for exercises like

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the front lever also a straight arm

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pulling exercise try to use a bar which

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you can grab very easily while you be

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standing right this

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and if you cannot do the tucks front

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left raise yet you can just use your

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legs to kick up

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like this

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and go down

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and otherwise we're just gonna do the

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full exercise so let's get started

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shoulder width and

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hang completely tuck your knees in

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and pull yourself towards the bar that's

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30 seconds come on

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let's get eight

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two more

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last one

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guys this exercise is so good you

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definitely have to do this in your

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routine so let's move on to the next one

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which is the chin up hold

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so we have two exercises left both for

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the bicep one isometric exercise and one

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dynamic exercise so first we're gonna do

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the chin up hold um if you want to

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get over the bar you can use a little

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elevation like the tire over there or

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another like a box or something to get

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you on top of the bar otherwise just

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make one repetition and let's hold this

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for 30 seconds so

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grab the bar as small as possible

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underhand grip

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let's get started in three

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let's go all the way up

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and just hold

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breathing nice and controlled

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tune them off the bar

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come on guys

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hold that

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ten seconds left

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and go down

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nice and control

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all right

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so let's move on to the last exercise of

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this routine which is the bar curl all

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right so for the bicep curl we're gonna

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use a higher bar

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right here medium height and with this

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exercise we want to do a full

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contraction of the bicep to really

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stimulate growth and also to make those

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bicep tendons really strong so

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get to the bar

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grab the bar

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with an underhand grip

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over the bar as well and basically bring

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your head towards the bar

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and maybe bring your elbows a little bit

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on the same line as the bars as well

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all right let's get started in three

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so small rotation

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when you make the

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six come on guys

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last exercise

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ten seconds

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three two

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all right

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pump is real guys in the biceps

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so congrats

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following this first round with me

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a full

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effective pull workout

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so now let's take some rest and if you

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just started with calisthenics try to do

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one more round

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if you have more training experience

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what i'm gonna do is to get at least

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two or three more rounds

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to finish off this workout

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so guys if you like this pool workout

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and if you're serious about in getting

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results make sure to try one of our

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programs in our app all programs focuses

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on different goals for example mastering

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calisthenics getting threads from home

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combining calisthenics and gym or

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specifically learning the handstand or

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the muscle app you can download the app

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for free in the google play or apple

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store to try out some of the programs so

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now let's get into this week's giveaway

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and this week we're giving away

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one set of our four pack calisthenics

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family resistance bands so you can start

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from zero and do one of these pudding

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exercises with the help of an assistance

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band so how to win like this video

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subscribe to our channel and comment

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within the first seven days after

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publishing this video the winner will be

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announced in the next video so last week

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we gave away one set of our optimal grip

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calisthenics family parallettes and the

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winner will appear right here in the

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screen congrats

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alright guys

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so thanks for following this workout if

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you find this pool workout helpful make

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sure to like this video subscribe for

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more calisthenics tutorials and workouts

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and even more giveaways

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so make sure to put your notifications

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on and we'll see you next week peace out

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