The Perfect Calisthenics LEGS Workout for Beginners & Advanced

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what's up guys it's Yannick here from

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calisthenics family and today we're

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going to do a complete calisthenics leg

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workout that's very effective for

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functional strength and muscle mass so

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after we covered a complete push workout

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and pull workout we're finishing the

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sequence with a bodyweight calisthenics

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leg workout now there are a lot of

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people who assume that you cannot build

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strength or muscle mass with body weight

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leg exercises which is completely false

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in fact you can build extremely

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functional strength and even good

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amounts of muscle mass if you pick the

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right exercises and the right amount of

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repetitions I personally do bodyweight

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lag workouts very often because I just

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love to work out outside just like today

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and the funny thing is that I get more

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sore from these workouts than weighted

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leg exercises so that's a good

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indication of its Effectiveness so for

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today I've made a selection of the most

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effective leg exercises that works to

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complete lower body and it helped me the

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most to gain functional strength and

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muscle mass so we're going to do six

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exercises today some of them are

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unilateral so one circuit will take

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about nine minutes we're going to work

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for 30 seconds and then take 30 seconds

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of rest so guys are you ready let's get

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started with the first exercise which

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are the Jumping lunges so let's get

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ready for this exercise and I already

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scheduled today's workout into the new

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Galaxy Family app so I can track my

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progress so

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30 seconds jumping lunges we're gonna do

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right leg first jump left leg so we're

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gonna do this for 30 seconds and to make

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it easier you can just do the lunge drop

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all right let's get ready in three two

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try to touch the floor with your knee

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just slightly

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all right guys nice warm up

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hold on

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five more seconds

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three two one

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oh all right guys let's take 30 seconds

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of rest move on to the next one which is

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going to be the alternating Leg pistol

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so we're gonna start on the right side

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the one piece of squat and then change

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it to the left side repeat this for 30

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to make it easier you can just hold on

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on something

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like this

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all right

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let's get ready in three two one foreign

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guys if you lose balance it's all right

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just get up again

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a few more reps

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last one

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nice one this is my favorite body weight

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leg exercise so let's move on to the

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next one

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this one's gonna be

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the single leg hip Trust

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so we're gonna lay down

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on our back like this

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so we're gonna start with the left leg

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and on the floor in the air I mean

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push up and back down so we're going to

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do this for 30 seconds then 15 seconds

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of rest and then move to the other side

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all right let's get ready

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and three two one let's go

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and hold for just two seconds on top

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like this

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all right guys come on

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hold on a few more repetitions

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I could really feel this one in my

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glutes and lower back

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last one

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all right so that was the right side 15

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seconds of rest only

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and then move on to the left one

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all right

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let's get started in five seconds

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three two one

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and lift

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last one

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my favorite exercise to hit the glutes

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and lower back so let's move on to the

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next one

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we're gonna do split squats

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so we're going to elevate one leg

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so we're gonna go

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find an elevation

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I'm going to use this bar

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so one leg on top and then do lunges on

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one leg so we're gonna do the right side

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for 30 seconds 15 seconds of rest and

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then the left side for 30 seconds

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all right let's get started in three two

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so keep your back straight so don't bend

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downwards chest forward

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it has five more seconds come on

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last one

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yes nice one

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all right 50 seconds of rest

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so to make it easier you can just do

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stationary lunges just like this

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all right left leg

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elevate your leg

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make sure to keep balance and let's get

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one two three

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come on guys

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almost there

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last one

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yes nice one all right next one

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we're gonna do a single leg deadlift

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so we're basically going to stand on one

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keep your back straight while moving to

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a horizontal position with your body

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just like this keep a slight Bend in

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your knees to Target the hamstring

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all right

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all right

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let's get started in five seconds guys

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three two one

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come on guys few more repetitions

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last one

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wow oh quite challenging for balance as

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if you lose balance no problem at all

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just keep on going all right left side

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for me left side is always more

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so let's do this three two one

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one more rep

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nice one I always get sore hamstrings

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just from this exercise so let's move on

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to the next exercise and this is going

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to be the last exercise of today and

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we're gonna do the single leg calf raise

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so you want to look for a small

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elevation to place your feet on so

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something like a curb usually I do a

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parallels but I don't have them with me

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today so just look for a small elevation

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where you can also grab an assistance so

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you can keep balance

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so I'm going to do them just over here

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sometimes you got to be creative with

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body weight training

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so we're gonna move all the way down as

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deep as you can and then push up with

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one leg only

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all right let's get started 30 seconds

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on the right side in three two one

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come on guys

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at least 10 repetitions in 30 seconds

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it's gonna get heavy come on

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okay last one

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oh that one is gonna burn a lot

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oh all right 50 seconds of rest

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and then we're gonna move to the left

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side which we're going to do here as

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so this time I'm going to use

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the left side as an assistance

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all right let's get started in three two

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come on 12.

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few more repetitions left

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last one

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oh nice guys so

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that was the first round so if you're a

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complete beginner you will already get

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sore from just one route I can remember

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from when I just started but if you're

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more experienced you should do at least

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three rounds up to five rounds in total

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so the total workout duration will be

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around 30 minutes to 40 minutes all

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right guys well done and congrats for

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finishing this workout with me so guys

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you can also create and follow this

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workout in our new app so you can track

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your progress every time you do this

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workout the app has a library of 400

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plus exercises where you can simply

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choose any calisthenics exercise and

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make your own routine out of it so

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besides this Library the calisthenics

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app comes with 30 plus complete

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calisthenics workout plans for learning

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skills training at home building muscle

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mass or losing weight so you can

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download the app for free in Google Play

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or the App Store so let's get into this

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week's giveaway and since you guys were

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so hyped about The Parallax we're just

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doing it again so how to win the

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parallettes like this video subscribe to

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our Channel and comment within seven

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days after publishing this video the

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winner will be announced in the next

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video so last week we gave away one set

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of our four pack resistance bands and

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the winner will appear right here

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congrats and good luck with the bands

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alright guys if you liked the video make

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sure to subscribe for more effective

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calisthenics workouts just like this one

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and also calisthenics tutorials we will

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see you guys in the next video peace out

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