The Perfect 10 min. Workout to Lose Fat & Build Muscle from Home

Time: 4.88

Oi hi guys! It’s Michael here from Calisthenics Family!

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As you can see from my suite,

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today it’s Easter Monday.

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That’s why today we are going to do the perfect Easter Workout

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to lose fat & build muscle from home.

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During easter weekend we all love to cheat a little bit more than average

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with our family and loved ones,

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and this is of course totally fine,

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I’m joining this celebration too,

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but to make up for the extra calories eaten,

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we are going to do this very effective fatburn

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and muscle building workout

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that you can follow with me just from home.

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So with this workout we will alternate between strengthening exercises

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such as the push ups, squats, sit ups to build muscle,

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and conditioning exercises

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such as the jumping jacks and mountain climbers to lose fat.

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Next to that these exercises are perfect

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for building a strong foundation

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for advanced body weight Calisthenics skills

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such as the l sit to handstand & human flag!

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We will do each exercise for 40 seconds

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and take 20 seconds rest in between the exercises.

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Let’s get ready and make sure to complete this workout with me

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to discover our weekly give-away at the end of the video

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and some epic easter deals on our workout programs & equipment.

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Alright let’s wrap up this workout with our weekly giveaway,

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this week we will give-away our highly effective proven

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Calisthenics - Weight Loss Workout Plan.

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This program is built to lose weight as fast as possible

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with doable calisthenics exercises, like we did in this workout.

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The winner will be announced in the next video.

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So make sure to be subscribed!

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Last week we gave away Calisthenics At Home workout plan

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the winner will appear right here in the screen, congrats!

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So like I mentioned at the beginning of the video,

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today it’s Easter Monday.

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That’s why we have some epic Easter deals on our website

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with 35% discount on all our Workout plans

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and 20% OFF on all our equipment.

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All our programs are made for different goals

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such as losing weight

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getting fit from home,

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building muscle mass

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learning all the amazing calisthenics skills

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while obtaining real function strength.

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When it comes to our equipment,

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you can pick up the most essential materials

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you need in your calisthenics journey

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such as

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resistance bands,

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wrist wraps

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and liquid chalk.

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So head over to our website

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through the link in description

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and pick up one of these items

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& start a plan that fits your goals!

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Alright guys, so thanks for watching,

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don’t forget to like and subscribe

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and we’ll see you in the next video.

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Start your journey, join Calisthenics the family!

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