The mindset that makes "getting fit" MUCH easier

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hello my friends it is your brother

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hampton from hybrid calisthenics i want

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to talk about a mindset shift that i had

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that was really a game changer for my

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fitness journey and really made things a

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lot simpler i hope i can do the same for

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you now before i start i want to ask you

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a question if you had unlimited time

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motivation and energy

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everything you needed to have the ideal

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fitness plan a lot of us have this ideal

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fitness life that we we think we would

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do if we had enough time we would do if

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we had enough money so think about what

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that is or phrase another way think

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about training hard if you think if you

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had to train for an incredible event and

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you're like well i had to train for this

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what does training hard look like in

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your mind now to get this conversation

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started i want to talk about how it was

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in my mind for quite some time most of

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my childhood in the early part of my

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adult life so my father was in the

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military i think he was special forces

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or something i don't know the details

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but he had a little squad and he used to

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tell me stories when i was a kid about

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how hard it was to train in the military

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and there was a story that he told me

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that always stuck with me about how at

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the end of this three-day long

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excruciating hike he would fall asleep

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in between steps he was so tired he'd be

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like oh and then each time his foot hit

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the ground that would drill him awake

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just enough for him to lift up his other

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leg because they were in a line and he

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had to keep going and this wasn't an

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isolated incident there were a lot of

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other things they talked about

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rope swings rope climbing

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way above the ground where you would die

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if you fell and then rolling down the

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hill until you were vomiting so in my

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mind i was like wow so this is what it's

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like if you're training to fight for

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your life now fast forward a decade or

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i'm in my adult life and i ask him

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because i'm thinking about these stories

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and i think

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dad that wasn't a healthy way to train

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you're not really thinking enough about

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rest time you're not thinking enough

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about allowing the body to heal

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and you're not necessarily growing more

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muscle by going through these dangerous

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excruciating activities and he told me

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oh no no you're right it really wasn't

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about being healthy it was really about

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preparing us short term to have the

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mental endurance to fight for our lives

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and be in these hellish conditions so

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even though he trained really hard

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whether he was aware at the time or not

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he came to realize that this was not

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necessarily the best way to train so

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when we think about our ideal fitness

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routine it's usually very grueling so

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let me just cast a vision for you a lot

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of people will say well i would wake up

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my ideal fitness life i would wake up at

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5 00 am i'd go for a 5 mile jog and then

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i come home and i would do stretching or

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yoga or tai chi whatever you like i

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would do that and then i would go hit

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the gym and i would exercise for an hour

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i would lift weights and then i would go

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to work i'd be very productive and i

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would spend eight or nine hours working

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and then after work i would hit the gym

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again and at night i would have my ideal

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water routine an ideal diet plan etc so

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you think about all those things and

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while it's not quite as extreme as the

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military training plan i described it is

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very lengthy but you think about these

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routines whether you're inspired by

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rocky or you're inspired by naruto

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they're usually very time consuming and

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very intense now here's the mindset

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shift that i had because eventually if

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you start taking your fitness more

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seriously and you start researching it

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you come to realize that a lot of these

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things are not necessary for optimal

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health you think what are my actual

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goals and the most common goals just to

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summarize are something like grow muscle

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increase strength increase mobility

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increase flexibility

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lose fat everyone has slightly different

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goals but that's usually the most

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popular goals it's combination of those

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and you think okay i want to do that

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none of that requires me to do the thing

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where i wake up at 5 00 a.m and jog for

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five miles every day and go to the gym

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for two hours a day in fact just to give

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quick facts some people can get growth

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muscle growth and strength in as little

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as one set a day you can do that in one

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minute two minutes more realistically if

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you want to have a full body routine

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that you follow week by week you could

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take up to 10 or 15 minutes a day and

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that's following some studies that show

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ideal muscle growth with three sets to

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failure now if we take a break here and

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we consider the two things i asked you

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to consider which is one your ideal

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fitness routine your ideal fitness life

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and two your fitness goals what you want

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out of your fitness life then you might

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notice there's a little bit of a

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discrepancy i'm just talking to the

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average person here and that discrepancy

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is that your ideal fitness life doesn't

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necessarily match with your fitness

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goals in fact in many cases

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your fitness goals don't require nearly

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as much time and effort and energy and

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motivation and all that's required that

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you are considering in your ideal

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fitness life

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so you think about why that is now

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there's a lot of possibilities here that

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we can get into but

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i think a lot of it is the media that we

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consume when we're young when we watch

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stories and we watch cartoons when the

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main character has to fight the villain

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they undergo this huge training montage

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where they have to overcome hellish

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conditions and it's just a struggle

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right and then you might combine that

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with some other stories you hear friends

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and family talk about usually older

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people talking about well back in my day

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this is how hard i trained which power

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to them i'm glad they had that training

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and i'm glad if they benefited from that

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but it's not necessary for every person

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now why is this such an important

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mindset shift that i'm talking about why

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am i making a video about it well it's

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important because i believe most of us

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are not living our ideal fitness life

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that we think in our minds

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right even me if i'm thinking well if i

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didn't have to work and do hybrid stuff

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if i didn't have to talk with other

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people if i didn't have to manage this

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business i could spend more time on my

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fitness routine then it might look

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different so we start thinking this and

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i think most of us have subconsciously

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built up this insurmountable mountain in

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our minds about what an ideal fitness

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routine would be and all the

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possibilities that could come as a

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result of that we could be stronger we

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could be fitter we can be more muscular

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we can be leaner and boy we will look a

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lot more attractive and these goals are

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great it's fine to have lofty goals it's

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fine to work out for hours a day i've

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done it before

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but i think while considering this you

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might have realized that realistically

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you're probably not going to get there

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anytime soon and as a result

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our ideals in our mind the thing that

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we're building up as the ideal fitness

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routine or the ideal anything really

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becomes another barrier to entry you're

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like ah because you've built up a way

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that you want to do it in your mind

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you're thinking well this is no way i

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can do that it becomes a dream home

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instead of your actual home so instead

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of a home improvement that you could do

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like building a deck or building a new

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sink it becomes a mansion you're like

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if only i could have that maybe someday

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but not now

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when in reality most of your fitness

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goals once again increasing strength

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building muscle etc you could have in a

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few minutes a day so that is the mindset

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shift that i had when i stopped trying

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to do

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a thousand push-ups a day a thousand

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sit-ups a day going for a 5k jog

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i think all of which i've done and maybe

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not at the same time but i've done a lot

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of crazy fitness routines in my time

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when i stopped trying to pursue that

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and trying to deal with the burnout of

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that like man this is exhausting i'm

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trying to do this every day if only i

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could have a rest day but no because

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that anime character i watched didn't

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have a rest day when we start realizing

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that we don't need to spend all this

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time and we start crafting a routine

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around something that can actually build

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towards the goals we want then fitness

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becomes a lot simpler then it becomes a

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lot more enjoyable then it becomes a lot

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more doable even when we're tired if

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it's a long day at work you're like man

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i just don't feel like doing

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an hour at the gym today it's like fine

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you can spend 10 minutes it's 10 intense

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minutes perhaps but then you still have

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that time you still have that energy and

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then if you build it intelligently then

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you can have your foundation of your

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routine take five to ten minutes and

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then other stuff like oh then i'll go

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for a jog then i'll go on the treadmill

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then i'll bike a little bit then i'll

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jump rope then i'll stretch a little bit

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more and you add that on so you can

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scale it from anywhere from 10 minutes

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to an hour depending on what you're

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feeling that day then you really have

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something that's adaptable for the rest

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of your life

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now what routine is that if this is your

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first time watching me you'll be like

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well this long hair weirdo is going to

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sell me a routine right and yes i'm

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going to sell you a routine it's on my

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website hybrid routine

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i've decided to charge a million dollars

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a year for it but luckily for you it is

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100 off it has been at the very

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beginning and it will continue to be for

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a long long time if not forever so it's

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basically free if you didn't get that i

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know i can be a little confusing

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sometime but the routine is free feel

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free to check it out hybrid

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great place for you to start your

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fitness journey but i do want to

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emphasize something and this is my fault

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for not making this more clear but one

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of the reasons why it's called hybrid

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calisthenics is because you can combine

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it with other disciplines some people

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look at that and it's too simple for

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them it's like well it's 10 or 15

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minutes a day but i want to spend 30 or

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40 and i'm not going to burn out i just

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have that energy right now you can

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combine it with other things you can

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combine it with boxing training with

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wrestling training with jogging with

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football with

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with soccer which is different in

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different parts of the world the ideal

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fitness routine is unique to each

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individual because we are all unique our

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lives are unique our goals are unique

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our family and life circumstances are

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so all that rambling is just to say that

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fitness might not be as complicated and

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as time-consuming and as insurpassable

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insurmountable as you might think the

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first step might be right there for you

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it might just be doing a single set of

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wall push-ups today it might be a single

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set of squats today it might be hmm

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i'm just gonna go for a walk today and

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then build from there that's all there

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is to it this is just a video for those

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of you who watch me and think

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that's great but i don't know where to

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start i think this is a reasonable place

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where you can start just start doing

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something and then adjust as you go and

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so the next time you see a shiny fitness

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person you don't have to think boy i

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wish i could do that but i just don't

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have the time i just don't have the

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money i just don't have the motivation

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you can think instead

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the foundation of that can be built in a

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few minutes a day and even if i can't

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get to quite that that person might

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exercise for hours a day and reaps the

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final 10 of benefits even if i can't

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have that i can start building with a

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few minutes a day and adding and

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changing as i go and then when you look

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back a few years later you might notice

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that you've built quite a bit of

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progress that you previously thought was

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impossible or very hard my friend those

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are just some thoughts i hope they can

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help you out have a wonderful beautiful

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day my friend

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