The Last Day... | 30-Day Body Transformation | DAY 30

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What's up! Welcome to a new video! today it is day 30 of our 30-day body transformation

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That means that this is the last day and we are going to take you to our last workout

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Then we show you our final check-in of the transformation, so keep watching!

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Okay ladies and gentlemen I am now in ibiza and it is also the last day of our calisthenics retreat in ibiza

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It is the fourth day of the retreat and therefore also the last workout

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Stan is also there!

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For the final workout we will do a fun calisthenics challenge / game with the group

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We are going to "barz" letter game, this we have already done once during the group training and that was super fun!

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So we are going to see who will be the winner of our group of 8 people

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After the workout we will also do a physical check-in for the body transformation

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Just a small update, Yannick is also present but unfortunately he has bad news

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I had a fever last night and still a bit now. That is why I am the videographer today!

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Unfortunately, Yannick cannot participate, he is the jury and videographer for today

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He does not do a check-in today, but we will also do a check-in at home with the scales

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Just like we do every week on Sundays! So yannick is going to film everything now, let's go!

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We will show you the gym briefly

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The first challenge is 6 pike pushups, if it fails then you get a letter from the word "Barz"

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Nobody has a letter yet, the 7th challenge is a 5 second handstand

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Still no one who has a letter ... the 12th challenge is 10-second l-sit hold in the rings

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the 15th challenge is a dragon flag hold of 10 seconds

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We have now done 3 laps, so 20 challenges, and no one has a letter yet!

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We are therefore going to make it a little more difficult

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The 21st challenge is the one arm pullup

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The 22nd challenge is a tucked press to handstand

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Okay ladies and gentlemen we are now in the 5th round.

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There are now 3 people lost so we are four of us left

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I also participate for half because I can't do heavy pull movements with my injury

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So I do participate in push and core exercises

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3 handstand pushups with the nose to the floor

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challenge 25: 3 ring muscle ups

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Challenge number 29: 2 x ls-it to handstand, one with bent arms and one with stretched arms

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challenge number 30: 5 seconds full front lever

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Push! Push! C'mon!

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Okay so we are now done with the challenges! Roy is the big winner! And we are going to do some basics now!

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We are going to do a savage pump routine with pullups, dips and pushups

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We start with 10 repetitions, then 9 and then 8.7.6 ... up to and including 1 repetition!

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Are you ready !?

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We did nice basics, I think everyone is already out in the sun.

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Okay so we just finished the workout, and this is the last check-in after 30 days of shredding!

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I am curious to view these images myself!

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I think I have lost a lot of weight in the past 30 days! - Sure!

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I am also curious how much I weigh now! When I am tbuis, I immediately grab the scale to look

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My goal was to reach 75 kilos, I am curious! but I think I made it!

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Whatsup guys! We have arrived home again, today is May 1st, so 1 day after the last day of April

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Yesterday I was a bit sick, I did not participate in the check-in and the workout

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That's why I do the final check-in today,

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the last time we did outside the check-in, then I weighed 80.5 kilos

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We have the scales here so I am curious how much I weigh now!

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What was your goal again? - My ultimate goal was 78 Kilo! So we are going to see if it works!

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oh shit!

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You can tell it yourself! - I now weigh 77.7 Kilogram!

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So I have even come under 78 kilos!

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I think I have never weighed so little in 5 years!

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So in a month I went from 85 to around 78 kilos!

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So that means I lost 7 kilos in 1 month!

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So the hard work has paid off! Every day Cardio, 4 strength workouts per week and the vegan diet!

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And I also did intermittent fasting every day, so I don't eat anything 16 hours a day

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And then you can see what the result is! 7 pounds lost!

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And then a body check-in

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Yes, you see that abs really well now man!

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OK ladies and gentlemen, so this was my before and after on the scales! And now it's Michael's turn!

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So it's my turn too! the last time on day 20 I weighed 76.8 kilos

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And my goal was to reach 75 kilos

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I am really very curious, also because we have not been able to keep up with everything in ibiza

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So I am curious if I have achieved the 75 kilos!

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The scales are here! so we're going to check it now

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Oh nice !!

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Okay guys I achieved my goal! I therefore weigh 75.1 kilograms

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I set this goal a month ago! then I weighed 80.6 kilos

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So that means I have lost 5.5 kilos in the last 30 days!

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A little bit longer than 30 days, because the first check-in was a few days earlier

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Finally we are going to do the last body check-in! let's go!

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So this was my last physical check-in of the 30-day transformation challenge

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And with this we also close the video! we are going to take some pictures, so that we have some before and after pictures

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And we are going to show the entire transformation in a following video, and we are also doing an evaluation there

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So we look back on everything we have done and learned, for example the vegan food

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But also about fasting and our calorie goal

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So we will now take the photos, and we will close the video with that!

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I hope you enjoyed the video and that you also enjoyed the images of ibiza

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It was really a great holiday / workshop with a very nice group of people

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We will also make a video of the entire Ibiza trip, that video will come next week

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So that was it! did you like this video? give a like and subscribe if you have not yet done so!

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Peace out guys!

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