The Last Day... | 30-Day Body Transformation | DAY 30
What's up! Welcome to a new video! today it is day 30 of our 30-day body transformation
That means that this is the last day and we are going to take you to our last workout
Then we show you our final check-in of the transformation, so keep watching!
Okay ladies and gentlemen I am now in ibiza and it is also the last day of our calisthenics retreat in ibiza
It is the fourth day of the retreat and therefore also the last workout
Stan is also there!
For the final workout we will do a fun calisthenics challenge / game with the group
We are going to "barz" letter game, this we have already done once during the group training and that was super fun!
So we are going to see who will be the winner of our group of 8 people
After the workout we will also do a physical check-in for the body transformation
Just a small update, Yannick is also present but unfortunately he has bad news
I had a fever last night and still a bit now. That is why I am the videographer today!
Unfortunately, Yannick cannot participate, he is the jury and videographer for today
He does not do a check-in today, but we will also do a check-in at home with the scales
Just like we do every week on Sundays! So yannick is going to film everything now, let's go!
We will show you the gym briefly
The first challenge is 6 pike pushups, if it fails then you get a letter from the word "Barz"
Nobody has a letter yet, the 7th challenge is a 5 second handstand
Still no one who has a letter ... the 12th challenge is 10-second l-sit hold in the rings
the 15th challenge is a dragon flag hold of 10 seconds
We have now done 3 laps, so 20 challenges, and no one has a letter yet!
We are therefore going to make it a little more difficult
The 21st challenge is the one arm pullup
The 22nd challenge is a tucked press to handstand
Okay ladies and gentlemen we are now in the 5th round.
There are now 3 people lost so we are four of us left
I also participate for half because I can't do heavy pull movements with my injury
So I do participate in push and core exercises
3 handstand pushups with the nose to the floor
challenge 25: 3 ring muscle ups
Challenge number 29: 2 x ls-it to handstand, one with bent arms and one with stretched arms
challenge number 30: 5 seconds full front lever
Push! Push! C'mon!
Okay so we are now done with the challenges! Roy is the big winner! And we are going to do some basics now!
We are going to do a savage pump routine with pullups, dips and pushups
We start with 10 repetitions, then 9 and then 8.7.6 ... up to and including 1 repetition!
Are you ready !?
We did nice basics, I think everyone is already out in the sun.
Okay so we just finished the workout, and this is the last check-in after 30 days of shredding!
I am curious to view these images myself!
I think I have lost a lot of weight in the past 30 days! - Sure!
I am also curious how much I weigh now! When I am tbuis, I immediately grab the scale to look
My goal was to reach 75 kilos, I am curious! but I think I made it!
Whatsup guys! We have arrived home again, today is May 1st, so 1 day after the last day of April
Yesterday I was a bit sick, I did not participate in the check-in and the workout
That's why I do the final check-in today,
the last time we did outside the check-in, then I weighed 80.5 kilos
We have the scales here so I am curious how much I weigh now!
What was your goal again? - My ultimate goal was 78 Kilo! So we are going to see if it works!
oh shit!
You can tell it yourself! - I now weigh 77.7 Kilogram!
So I have even come under 78 kilos!
I think I have never weighed so little in 5 years!
So in a month I went from 85 to around 78 kilos!
So that means I lost 7 kilos in 1 month!
So the hard work has paid off! Every day Cardio, 4 strength workouts per week and the vegan diet!
And I also did intermittent fasting every day, so I don't eat anything 16 hours a day
And then you can see what the result is! 7 pounds lost!
And then a body check-in
Yes, you see that abs really well now man!
OK ladies and gentlemen, so this was my before and after on the scales! And now it's Michael's turn!
So it's my turn too! the last time on day 20 I weighed 76.8 kilos
And my goal was to reach 75 kilos
I am really very curious, also because we have not been able to keep up with everything in ibiza
So I am curious if I have achieved the 75 kilos!
The scales are here! so we're going to check it now
Oh nice !!
Okay guys I achieved my goal! I therefore weigh 75.1 kilograms
I set this goal a month ago! then I weighed 80.6 kilos
So that means I have lost 5.5 kilos in the last 30 days!
A little bit longer than 30 days, because the first check-in was a few days earlier
Finally we are going to do the last body check-in! let's go!
So this was my last physical check-in of the 30-day transformation challenge
And with this we also close the video! we are going to take some pictures, so that we have some before and after pictures
And we are going to show the entire transformation in a following video, and we are also doing an evaluation there
So we look back on everything we have done and learned, for example the vegan food
But also about fasting and our calorie goal
So we will now take the photos, and we will close the video with that!
I hope you enjoyed the video and that you also enjoyed the images of ibiza
It was really a great holiday / workshop with a very nice group of people
We will also make a video of the entire Ibiza trip, that video will come next week
So that was it! did you like this video? give a like and subscribe if you have not yet done so!
Peace out guys!