The 10 Best Muscle Up Exercises | + Workout Routine

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the muscle up is one of the iconic

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bodyweight exercises that everyone wants

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to learn it looks impressive and

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therefore hard to perform but it is

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actually one of the easier calisthenics

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exercises to unlock today i'm going to

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share the top 10 muscle up exercises

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together with a full week routine that

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will multiply your progress at least

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three times let's skip the talking and

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get straight into the exercises please

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note that one exercise is not

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necessarily better than the other but

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they are all necessary to implement into

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your workout routine which i'll show you

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at the end of this video for each

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exercise i will give you an easier

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variation so you can jump into this

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routine at any level and unlock the

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muscle up from any starting point let's

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dive into the exercises and make sure to

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watch the video till the end for our

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weekly giveaway

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the first exercise that you should be

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doing is the russian dip this exercise

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will help you to build explosive push

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strength it replicates the exact

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movement that you make when you get over

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a bar in a muscle up and end up in a

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deep dip position you can make the

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russian dip easier by doing deep dips

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the pull up i would say that a muscle up

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is 80

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pull strength practicing the body weight

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pull up multiple times per week will be

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your best investment to unlock the

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muscle up you can make them easier by

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using a resistance band

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the negative muscle up this is an

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eccentric variation of the muscle up and

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will help you to build specific strength

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and improve mind muscle connection of

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the muscle up motion

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you can get on top of the bar from a box

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or with a pullover if

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you can make this exercise easier with a

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resistance band

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the tricep extension during the

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transition from pool to dip in the

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muscle of motion the triceps are the

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most involved muscle group that's why

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the strength of your tricep is an

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important factor whether you make it on

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top of the bar or not the tricep

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extension is the best exercise to kneel

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the transition of the muscle up the

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higher the bar is the easier this

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exercise gets

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the muscle up of course you need to

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practice the muscle up itself you

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probably cannot do the muscle up when

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you start out with this routine that's

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why you should start with resistance

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band use a thickness that enables you to

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perform the given amount of repetitions

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tucked pulls strength is not everything

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the muscle up requires proper technique

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practice as well

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tucked pulls are the exact motion that

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you have to master to gain momentum to

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get on top of the bar this exercise

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might be hard to understand at first so

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that's why you should start with regular

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bar swings where you basically move from

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a superman position to a hollow body

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high pull ups the muscle up does not

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only require raw pull strength but also

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explosive pull strength that is why you

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should practice just to bar pull ups

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these can be hard to perform at first so

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to make it easier you can use a

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resistance band to achieve the given

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amount of repetitions

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elevated rows

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you cannot do a muscle up by pulling

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vertical only instead you will need to

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pull diagonally to be able to pass the

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bar that's why you should also gain

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horizontal pulling strength the number

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one exercise is the elevated roll for an

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easier variation you can do the regular

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australian pull up

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jumping muscle ups this is in my opinion

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the single best exercise because with

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this exercise you will be able to

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replicate the muscle up without having

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to deal with technique

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you can simply use the strength of your

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legs as an assistance the higher the bar

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the more closer it gets to an actual

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muscle up you can use a low bar to start

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at a beginner level

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and the last exercise is the straight

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bar dip

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once you get over the bar the exact

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movement that you have to make is a

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straight bar dip therefore it is

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essential that you master this exercise

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the stronger you are with the straight

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bar dip the smoother your muscle up will

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look to make the straight bar dip easier

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you can use resistance bands alright so

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these were the 10 best muscle up

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exercises that you should do to unlock

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this move three times faster as promised

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i will show you the routine you can

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follow every week until you unlock your

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first muscle up it consists out of two

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complete muscle up workouts per week and

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for each exercise you can choose your

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own level if this video helped you don't

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forget to leave a like and subscribe for

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more calisthenics workouts and tutorials

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alright so let's get into this week's

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giveaway we know that grip strength is a

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common issue when starting out with

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calisthenics so therefore we will give

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away a premium liquid chalk bottle that

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will ensure you to stick to the bar

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during your muscle up practice so how to

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win like this video subscribe to our

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youtube channel and comment within 24

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hours the winner will be announced in

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the next video last week we gave away

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one pair of our optimal grip parallettes

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and the winner will appear right here in

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the screen congrats

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alright guys thanks for watching and if

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you're new to calisthenics or if you

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want to get some structure into your

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workout routines make sure to download

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our free workout ebooks check out the

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first link in the description so that's

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it for today and i'll see you next week

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peace out guys

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