Testing our MAX holds... (Recordbreaking Results)

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what's up guys it's Michael fare from

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guillotine expiry and today I'm gonna

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train with a subscriber with boss also a

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friend of mine so today we're going to

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have a workout in we're gonna see how

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boss is doing after quite some time of

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calisthenics and we're also gonna do

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we're gonna test our maximum handstand

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Holtz and we gonna have a little push

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workout today so stay tuned for the

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alright guys so welcome to the video as

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I said today I'm gonna train together

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with boss and yeah can you maybe

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introduce yourself my name is boss I'm

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22 years old my living nightmare I

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started my calisthenics journey about

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eight months ago

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and so like January first I started by

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looking at YouTube videos because I

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wanted to see how people did handstands

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and muscle ups

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I've been weight lifting for four years

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prior to that everyone at some I wants

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to drive something different I want to

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have some functional strength instead of

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just the strength you have in the gym

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and that's how I like balance

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calisthenics family and I joined one of

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group sessions yeah the very beginning

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and every beginning yeah and yeah that's

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how I started my calisthenics journey

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and that's about like when you started

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with foo-foo journey program program and

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that's what I've been following for the

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past eight months yeah so bus is one of

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the first ones that actually started the

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full journey program right after the

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release so he has quite some experience

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with the program so he's already in a

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like in a further stage not beginner

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stage anymore but you actually started

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as a beginner I remember you like doing

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skin the cast you couldn't do an instant

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right in doing so now I started like

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doing handstands just against the wall

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for a minute five times a day just a

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minute upside down just to get like the

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feeling of being upside down and like

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the weights having your own weight on

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your arms actually yeah so there was a

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completely new heading for yeah well

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yeah we knew like I've been waiting for

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four years but I person's trying but

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like that was so different

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didn't recognize Adam know how that

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would feel and there was just a

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completely different experience than

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yeah so what is there like the main

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thing why you switched from from weight

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training in the gym to calisthenics I

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don't know I felt like I had like after

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four years of doing weightlifting pretty

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serious I felt like I had reached a

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point where I couldn't progress that

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much anymore

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of course I could but like I felt like I

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was only getting heavier and more

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muscular lightly I wasn't getting any

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stronger and I wanted to do AI something

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different and then I saw the people like

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doing calisthenics and I thought like

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that's cool okay I could try that and it

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was way harder than expected and that's

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what actually attracted me to here we go

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yeah go and even more it's like a real

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challenge if you actually discover like

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how many years you have been here

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anything and how many strength to build

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up and then it's like a facial not like

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strong I'm actually not that strong I

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can't even like do a handstand push-up

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wall I'm actually able to do like like

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shoulder pads went through like ceremony

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to grams yeah yeah so that's actually

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also what got me into calisthenics to be

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functional which are the muscles or the

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strength that you build up right all

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right guys it's all about boss and also

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a little bit about me so now we're gonna

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start with the workout push workout and

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let's see how far bus has come in actual

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last eight months so let's go all right

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guys let's test my maximum Hansen bull

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all right boss you know what you got to

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do man come on

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morning Stan

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5:28 to the 9-inch

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Hey but a record man nice you record

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from three seconds to three seventeen to

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twenty nine signal nice all right guys

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one more time one minute 10 17 seconds

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17 all right

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Ava knew that safety all right so we've

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got some little audience over here oh

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all right

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new personal records I got a personal

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record both has a personal record let's

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keep them going guys all right guys so

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that was the maximum heads and holds on

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the parallettes but of course we also

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have to practice on the floor otherwise

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I know you guys you're gonna say in the

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comments hey can you do only the

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handstand on the parallettes no we're

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also training on the floor of course and

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actually also in the full journey of

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course so you have been practicing so

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let's see the difference between the

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hands and hold compare let's and the

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hand holds on the floor so I'm gonna go

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first and then it's your turn

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yeah all right okay so I actually have

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never tried the maximum handstand hold

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on the floor before so I'm actually

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really curious how that's gonna turn out

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three four five

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30 31 32 30 keys in cologne

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9 40 40 now I know guys why I'm

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practicing hands sense on the

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parallettes this hurts my wrists man

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but anyways 40 seconds not bad at all

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not bad at all

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all right bounce what's your current

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record record and what's your what's

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your goal I don't know I haven't tried

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handstands just on the floor for a long

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time because it's really hurts my wrists

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so usually doing them parallettes

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I have no idea let's let's see let's set

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a new standard

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the poor

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20 seconds man

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alright guys we are getting to the end

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of the workout and we're gonna finish

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this work off with one of the hardest

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and toughest exercises the maximum else

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it holds so this is gonna be a pain in

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the ass because I really don't like this

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exercise but I know it's so very good

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for statics and also l-sit to handstand

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stuff like that so that's why we're

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gonna practice this last exercise today

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boss lets you go first

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all right let's go okay

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sick sick few seconds alright guys let's

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do this

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40 seconds 40 seconds alright guys so we

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just finished the workout with a very

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like rough and I really hard sequence

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that we did the end but that's also

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necessary building up that basic

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strength so just a short recap of the

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workout so first we did aesthetic

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exercises maximum hazard holds and I did

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like I have my own new record of one and

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a half minute you had a new personal

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record 28 seconds 28 seconds so let's

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recap as well for you maybe some tips so

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I think FCU growing from like a beginner

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to quite a fan advanced athlete already

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and you guys haven't seen everything

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what you already can like this more also

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muscle that's perfectly for him but for

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now I think that the thing you can work

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on is definitely your straight arm

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strength like for the planche

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protraction like scapula follow back

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really work on that yeah and then I

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think that's the main that main thing

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anything yeah yeah I will definitely

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work on it and let's see six months yeah

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make another video and exactly see how

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much a progress yeah so maybe you can

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also share a little bit of your own

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journey with program maybe I should did

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for a viewer like my most important tip

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like print a like your schedule like

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whatever schedule or routine you're

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doing just print it out and like write

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down every single set what you're doing

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that way you'll progress way faster

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because you can just look back at the

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last week how many reps you did how many

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seconds and you can just like beat

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yourself like everything constant just

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try to like progress over yourself and I

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think that's the most important tip

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because I really feel different when I

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write my workouts down like I see that

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that progress are way marked up quickly

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so yeah we do that and the other one is

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just get enough sleep watch your food

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yeah all the basic way we always preach

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yeah so thanks both for joining us for

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having me yes so it was also for me like

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an honor actually to have you in the

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videos and the workouts I really love to

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Train and H actually like this is for me

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dream coming true you know it's I

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created the program together with with

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my brother Yannick we have been putting

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so much work and effort to create a good

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functional program with a timeline and

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something that you can like like do for

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at least one or two years and and now

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it's like the results are coming back

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and that's exactly in this video so I'm

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feeling so good about this guys you know

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so thanks again and we're gonna have

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another work out real soon yeah yes

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alright guys so that was all about this

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video and we have one challenge for you

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of course and that is try to do your

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maximum handstand hold and your maximum

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LSAT hold and tuck pledge we really love

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to see your current level and we want to

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see what you can do right now and maybe

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you can look back at this video in six

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months and see your own progression so

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comment down your results in the in the

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comment section down below and that

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that's it for this video please like and

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subscribe for more and I'll catch you in

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the next video peace out guys

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start your full journey now check out

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the link in the description

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