Testing my 1 Rep Max... (Weighted Calisthenics)

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what's up guys it's michael here from

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calisthenics family and welcome to the

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second episode of my calisthenics

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transformation series

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so in this episode i'm gonna show some

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interesting insights of the book

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overcoming gravity and i'm gonna do a

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test to see my current weighted strength

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so that's going to be very interesting

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and at last at the end of the video guys

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we're going to have a big release of the

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califam merch and equipment line

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so stay tuned for that and let's get

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this video started

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what's up guys so it is monday morning

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i'm sitting here

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in the office and i'm entering all the

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people that that signed up for the

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transformation challenge of this year

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and you can see here in the back these

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are all the people that signed up

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so there's so many people that signed up

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like from all over the world

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from like india from the middle east

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united kingdom from the us even from

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africa as well so

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it's actually pretty mind-blowing to see

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how many people signed up and

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that actually want to change their lives

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and do it with

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us so i i feel really blessed to

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to support you guys to guide you and

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like to be an inspiration for you guys

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i could never have imagined that like so

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many people would sign up

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and like start programs with us it's

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it's really a dream coming true

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and i just got this feeling here and

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like entering all the people so i just

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want to share this with you guys

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i feel really blessed so thank you guys

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for for signing up and yeah let's make

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the best out of it you know

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i'm joining as well so i get really

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motivated from

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all of you guys that signed up so

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like i said we are all in this together

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so let's make the best out of it and

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let's uh crush our goals this year

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all right guys so welcome to my home

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and office so here i do a lot of like

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computer work

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doing the client support in the morning

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so i'm sitting here

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because um like i said i want to tell

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you something more about my training

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and in the last few months i've been

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doing a lot of more reading and research

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training and so there's a book

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actually two books that i've been

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reading a lot and that's

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that is this book over here overcoming

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which is called a systematic approach to

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gymnastics and body weight strength

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and this book contains so much in-depth

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information about

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like constructing a routine different

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workout plans different working routines

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progression charts goal setting

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skill training strength training like

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basically everything that you want to

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as a gymnast or if you're into

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bodyweight training

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and secondly i've been reading and doing

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the cui trainer course

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in which i mainly learned the concepts

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of periodization

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like constructing a like a big macro

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for like bigger long-term goals

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including different meso cycles and

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micro cycles

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which we'll show you and tell you more

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about late in this video when i tell you

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my own current training plan

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but what i found really really

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interesting about this book

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is chapter three which is about

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progression charts and goal setting

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and that really made me think about my

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own goals and my own level

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because there are basically charts in

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this book that tells you

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like different levels and like

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difficulty levels that you have

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so let's have a closer look to this

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pushing chart which represents

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exercises like the planche the planche

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the one-arm push-up dips and

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weighted dips and here on the left side

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you see

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all the exercises ranging from the level

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until level 16 from the beginner to the

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elite level and what i found really

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is the comparison between bodyweight

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skill exercises versus the weighted

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so if we look to the straddle planche

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you can see

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that a weighted dip of 1.85 times your

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body weight is

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required and if we look to the full

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you'll see that a weighted dip of 2.25

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times your body weight

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is required and if we look at the

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pulling chart

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which represents exercises like the back

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the front lever pull ups and

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weighted pull ups we see that for

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example for the straddle front lever

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we need a weighted pull ups with 1.5

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your body weight and for the full front

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lever you need a weighted pull-ups with

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1.78 times your body weight

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of course you will need specific

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training for these straight arm skill

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but it just gives a clear idea on how

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much weighted strength compared to your

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own body weight you'll need to these

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hard calisthenics bodyweight exercises

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all right so let's do a calculation on

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these skills versus the weighted

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strength requirements

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so if we look to the straddle planche at

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the weight that i'm aiming for

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times 1.85 minus 80

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that would require a 68 kg weighted dip

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then the full planche at 80 kgs

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times 2.25 minus 80

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would require a 100 kg weighted dip

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and for the straddle front lever and the

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full front lever that calculation would

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look like this

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so if i look to these numbers they seem

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kind of correct to me

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but i've also done my research and asked

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advanced athletes that can do these

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skills what their current

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weighted stats are right now and it

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turns out that they seem

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quite similar to the comparison that the

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book gives

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alright so now that i have a benchmark

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on what to achieve

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let's go to the gym and let's do a

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weighted strength

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test let's go all right so i made it to

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the gym

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time for my strength test workout so i'm

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gonna do

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five basic weighted exercises to test my

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current strength

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which will be the overhead press the

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weighted pull up

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the weighted dip the rated row and at

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last the weighted push-up

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so that's what i'm gonna do today and

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i'm gonna have three minutes of rest

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in between my sets because that's kind

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of the rest

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time that you want when you're working

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towards strength which i will be doing

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at the end

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of the 12 weeks when i'm doing my

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strength cycle

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so let's test my current weighted

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exercises let's do it so just when i was

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about to start my overhead pressing

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strength exercise my bro came in

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and then what did you say so i was

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coming in and he was doing the overhead

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like with the weights and stuff so i

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said um he was doing a strength

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measurement so

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how many reps he can do for three reps

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and he did this exercise so i said

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why are you doing this exercise we're

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doing calisthenics so

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you should do a handsome push of

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variation instead so now

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you are doing weighted hands and

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push-ups with a weight fast

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yes so now i'm going to try the weighted

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hands and push up

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so i'm gonna alternate that exercise for

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the overhead press

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didn't think about it and after all it

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makes a lot more sense because

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uh training specific is really important

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as well so

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let's take my weighted hands and pushing

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strength to the next level

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test it right now and test it over 12

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weeks so

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thanks bro let's do it let's do this

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all right so although 15 kgs was already

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my max i'm still gonna try out

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20 kgs that's the full weight fast let's

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see how far i come

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all right so i clearly have my one rep

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max with the weight fast 20 kgs

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now let's move on to the weighted

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pull-ups all right time for weighted

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pull-ups i'm gonna start with 20 kgs

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so my pulling strength has always been a

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lacking point of me

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compared to my pushing strength also

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because i

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suffered from a goal was elbow only one

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year ago

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so i still kinda like recovering from

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that lack of strength

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and that is also why i really want to

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bring up my basic pulling strength

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uh back again so let's see how many i

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can do today

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it won't be as good as my pushing

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strength but let's see

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what my current strength is right now

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so starting with my least favorite

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exercise and what happened

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that weight of 20 kgs fell on my toe

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so i have to recover from this first

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then i'm gonna continue luckily

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it didn't felt too hard so i didn't

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break my toe or something but

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still kind of hurts

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all right so i managed to do 20 kgs and

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25 kgs for

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three repetitions now i'm gonna move on

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to 30 kgs

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a weight that i've never done before

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with my weighted pull up

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so let's see how this goes i'm afraid

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i'm not gonna make the three repetitions

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we will see

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all right 30 kgs two repetitions

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close to two repetitions so i feel kind

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of ashamed of this

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sharing this as well um but as i said

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this is my weak point so that's why i

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have to

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work on this but now let's move on to my

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favorite exercise which is

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the weighted dip let's do this

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all right so that was 50 kgs let's see

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if i can do

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all right so that was 60 kgs one

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now let's move on to the uh body weight

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of weighted row all right so for the

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bodyweight row

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i couldn't really find a way to measure

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my one wrap max with the weighted

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row i'm doing the the weighted fast 20

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right here already now so that's the the

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most weight as possible

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for like five to six reps so if you have

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any suggestions how i can measure this

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please let me know in the comments so

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then moving on to the weighted

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push-up so first i start with 40 kgs on

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my back

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for three repetitions in total

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that was already kind of heavy

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and then i moved on to 50 kgs weighted

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i managed to get one repetition and at

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the second repetition

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i couldn't get up anymore so my one rep

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max for the weighted push-up

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clearly is 50 kgs alright so let's

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summarize this all

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together my current weighted strength

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for the weighted handstand push-ups

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three repetitions for 15 kgs and one rep

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max with 20 kgs

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my goal 5 reps with 20 kgs and 1 red max

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with 30 kgs

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then for the weighted pull up my current

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strength 3 reps

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25 kgs and 1 red max 30 kgs

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and my goal 5 repetitions for 30 kgs and

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1 rap max for 40 kgs then the weighted

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current strength three repetitions for

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50 kgs and run rap max with 60 kgs

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my goal this is my favorite so let's aim

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five repetitions 60 kgs and run

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repetition for 80

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kgs that will be my ultimate goal and

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for the weighted row and the weighted

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my current strength and my goals would

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look like this

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so i think it seems kinda achievable in

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12 weeks of time

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let me know in the comments what you

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think and how you should set up your

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alright so i made it back home from that

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strength test

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workout was a really good workout really

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interesting to see

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all these results so now i'm in the

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time for my uh post workout protein

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after my workout i always drink a

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protein shake to speed up muscle

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so let's get this protein shake in all

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right guys so for this post workout

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shake you can see that i'm using the

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skill because

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i'm trying to gain weight and when

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gaining weight it's really important

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that you also measure all the food that

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you take in

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so you won't gain too much fat so for

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this shake i'm using 200 milliliters of

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milk one scoop of whey protein isolate

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from my protein

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and for this you can use our discount

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code cadifam to get 36

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discount on your order at my protein

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and use the link in the description and

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i use

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30 grams of blueberries as my carb

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and 5 grams of creatine which i have

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just started a new

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cycle with if you want me to make a more

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detailed video or explanation about why

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i use creatine

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and why it can be beneficial to you let

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me know in the comments

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so that's all i use for this shake time

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to mix it up and enjoy

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this shake so i told you guys i was also

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going to show you some random things

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that i do in my week as an entrepreneur

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one of these things is starting up the

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christmas tree together with my sister

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and for those that don't know her she

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joined the caddy fam

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team and works now officially full time

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for kelsing's family

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so we can describe how blessed we are

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that we can work with our own

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sister in our own coaching business how

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cool is that what is up guys so today

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it is sunday and we are here with team

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kelly fam

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in the gym to create an epic promo video

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for the new california merch

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and clothing line so we're here with chu

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we're here with luca aka larima workout

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we're here with boss daily calisthenics

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and with my bro what's up guys so today

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so this is the first shooting location

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in the gym

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we're gonna create one epic video so

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stay tuned for that

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just fitted the new shirts are you ready

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how is it fit how is the fit shoe it's

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amazing amazing

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awesome man all right so we're going to

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the second shoot location right now so

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we just finished the shoot here in the

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now going to uh the park let's go

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in the car towards the next shooting

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with the bro and

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our casanova hey hey

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all right made it to the second location

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where are we at yannick where are we at

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so we're still nightmare so this is

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park where it all started for us outside

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exactly there was always train here

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before we had our home park in

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nightmaker so

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exactly old school vibes here beautiful

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shooting location

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what what exactly man

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let's do this

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all right so as you saw from the footage

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we had been shooting

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all day long and this is the result of

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the promo video

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made by my bro yannick

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all right guys so thanks for watching

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this vlog as you can see we're standing

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here with the new merch

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really proud as you can see you can rock

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them casual but also as an athlete when

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you're training outside as you can see

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from the promo video

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that you made right yes exactly so i've

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been working on this promo video

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i think for the last three days i think

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nine hours a day

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so it's really something that i don't do

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very often but i really enjoyed this and

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so i really hope that you

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like this promo video yeah man so guys

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there was the vlog

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if you want to pick these items up go to

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our website they are now officially live

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and the resistance bands as well

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thanks for watching this video and in

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the next episode i'm gonna show and

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review my full

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training plan so that's gonna be very

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interesting stay tuned for that and

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we'll see you in the next video peace

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out guys peace out

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all right guys so the new gallifam

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merch and resistance bands are now

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officially available

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on our website if you want to pick one

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of these items up

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make sure to go to our webshop you can

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visit the link down in the description

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and make sure to be fast because we

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won't have much stock

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because this is our first release thank

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you guys for the support and let me know

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your thoughts on these

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new items

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Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.