Teaching a BEGINNER the MUSCLE UP in 10 minutes (& how YOU can do this TOO)

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what's up guys Angelica from

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calisthenics family and today I'm gonna

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teach John how to do a muscle up so John

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has been around here for a few months

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and he's helping us out with the videos

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for the upcoming program the the

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calisthenics basic program and yeah he's

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just here also learning some

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calisthenics stuff the handstand and now

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the muscle up so I'm gonna teach you the

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muscle up today so are you ready I'm

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let's start off with what your level is

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at this moment so if you are probably

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able to do a few tulips right

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yes ma'am okay so these are the basics

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of the muscle up especially the pull-up

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and a straight bar dip so I'm gonna have

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to look at these two exercises so yeah

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let me show you all right clean as hell

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nice man

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okay that's perfect man so let's pull up

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a loop great yeah let's go to the

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straight bar dip because that is the

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second part of the muscle up so let's

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use this bar and let's try to do it

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until you reach the lower side of your

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nice nice nice okay

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okay so you are already keeping your

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legs really straight so you're engaging

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your core already so that's actually

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what you need to do within the muscle of

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as well so let's start with the muscle

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up I will show you the muscle up first

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so you can see how it should look

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please alright so first things first I'm

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going to use this bar because it's

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really important to be able to hang

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completely which are feet off the ground

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like this so I think I'm going to use

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this bar you can use

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so there's the problem Elsa alright John

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so did you ever practice the most loved

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before yes we have times a couple of

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times so you have some experience with

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the muscle-up but you you never get the

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most look before okay but that's a goal

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of today you were doing the most love

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for first time yes okay so let's make it

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happen so first things first let's

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divide the muscle up in a few different

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parts so we have to swing we have to

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pull and we have to dip and I want to

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focus especially on the first two parts

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because I think the dip isn't really a

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problem for you like you showed the

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straight bar dip so let's start off with

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the screen and it's really important to

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swing with your arms straight and also

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swing with your chest so you don't want

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that you don't want to have your feet as

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much forward and backwards like this

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this is a wrong swing instead of that

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what you want to do I'll perform the

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disc bar so bring your chest forward

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like this and then like this so hollow

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body like this as you can see I'm

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holding my hands my arms completely

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straight while having an active scapula

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so let's try that one

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so this is a really essential part of

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the muscle oh yeah like that get it try

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to make it nice flow like this forward

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and back okay okay nice okay so that's

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the first step and I will apply a little

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trick by placing some kind of trampoline

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and you have to imagine to jump into the

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trendline when doing the muscle up so I

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would get a let's get this mobile phone

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right here so this it should be right

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now what you want to do so we didn't

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already this swing what you wanna do you

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wanna go one step behind the bar for me

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you're gonna jump in the bar and get

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your feet on the trampoline while

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keeping it just forward and that is

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exactly the moment when you're gonna

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pull yes so like this

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movement forward

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okay so this one point of attention here

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and I saw you doing the pull-ups with

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with bent arms which is pretty logical I

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probably did it as well but for the most

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of you want to focus on

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I think straight arms at the beginning

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of the swing like you did in the

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previous exercise with the swing so what

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you want to do like this jump line and

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like this it's actually a little bit too

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low for me but after you get for it

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yes like that

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okay so that is the Serena I think it's

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already yeah you can do a proper form

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off the swing so that's life in today

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all of the muscle up this is actually

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the most common mistake for most people

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practicing Muslim so I saw your doing

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the previous exercise and you did the

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swing alright like this but you did a

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regular pull up like this and you want

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to avoid to try and do it pull up and

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then magically get over the bar that's

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not gonna work you have to go from here

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backwards like this you know I can

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improve that is why you wanna have two

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straight arms from the first second like

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this and when you're gonna make this

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pool you want to also incorporate your

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knees to make some more momentum and

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more speed to get off the bar so that's

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practice that one I will perform an

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originally wipe it right here

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so trample on knees knees knees yeah so

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I seen on going a lot faster by

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incorporating these okay

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more and more than one east of jets nice

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turns just

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so a few repetitions let's focus on just

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one repetition because you can get most

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power when you do it with just one

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repetition so stand right here

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John furtive o-line then pull

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yourself explosive well tucking your

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knees to your chest let's go let's go

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keeping keep keep the rock straight or I

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said that is already pretty good so one

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more time and you want to focus on

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bringing the knees as high as possible

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while pulling yourself with straight

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arms yep let's do this

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harder yes like that like that okay nice

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so that is the diagonal pool and with

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the muscle up you actually want to make

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a motion around the bar and a like you

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know half the moon is like this

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yeah so the half moon and you want to go

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with that motion around the bar so it is

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really important do not focus on getting

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to the bar too quickly but you want to

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actually first go a little bit behind

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the bar because your elbow needs to go

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over the bar and the only way to make it

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happen is to go at least this far behind

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the bar yeah okay so try to make this

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explosive move and get your elbows right

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here and with this move you can already

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bend your arms a little bit but try to

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get a little bit higher with your elbows

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and the same height as the bar

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all right so you already got the swing

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you already got the pool now let's make

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it happen to the full muscle up and

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that's the last part and I like to call

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it the dive why this you actually want

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to dive around this bar right so let me

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show this real quick at this part so why

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you have to pull all you need to do is

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dive over the pipe guess when you're

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over the bar the only thing you did so

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swing pull done like this see this yeah

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I know you can did that's it

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alright so you get point okay so let's

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make it happen

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swing full dive let's go let's go so

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you're actually already gone yeah elbows

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and the same right off the bar all you

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need to do is actually what I see is

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you're trying to do a pull-up too much

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so you're going too fast to to the bar

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because you need to go a little bit

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higher and then pull towards bar then

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dive over the bar right so what you're

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trying to do is the pool is good but

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you're going like to the bar like this

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and your chest is going to hit the bar

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but you just needs to be over the bar

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yeah so oh well have one exercise for

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you that will hopefully solve this

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problem so let's go to let's go through

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this bar now what you want to do is a

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jumping muscle up without touching the

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bar with your chest yeah so like this

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and then jump and immediately go to the

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dead position yeah so don't touch the

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bar with you

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yes okay okay nuts that's it that's it

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okay so that is exactly what you do with

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the Muslim bar yes okay so let's try it

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one more time now we'll give you a

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little push in the back so you can

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hopefully make it happen yes it's okay

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let's do it John let's go let's go all

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right all right

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yes let's go on nice that's it right so

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it was just a little help in the back so

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now you know the exact motion that you

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need to do do you think you can do it on

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your own now I hope it man let's do it

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man okay okay let's go

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that's it yes let's go let's go oh man

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but just a little push in the back so I

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think the only problem that you have at

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this moment is a little bit of lack of

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explosiveness in your pulling strength

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yes yes so that is the second part the

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swing is all right the dips all right

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you you need to go a little bit higher

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to dive over Parker so my advice is

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firstly to train this muscle up with

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resistance bands as much as possible so

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do it as much reps as possible and

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besides that go with weighted pull-ups

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and explosive Withers yes yes all right

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so we've got four different bands just

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one is thickest this one which one is

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the thinnest and let's see how far you

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can get with the muscle up starting with

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it blue band okay so you can just step

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in the band like this pull it downwards

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and then stepping in faster

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good and think about the points that I

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mentioned for right yeah that's it

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that's it nice all right one more

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oh that looks clean made nice okay

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that's not that's not all right so you

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actually got a technique of doing a

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muscle up all by yourself so I think he

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can already go to the yellow banners

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don't you think yes let's do it

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trunk line and go yes yes yes nice nice

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that's it

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all right man so you gotta put the

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yellow balance almost there so we'll try

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to the horn yes man yeah let's do it

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okay all right so get some breath

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all right Jen orange band let's do it

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and go boys let's go man let's go

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they're at them oh all right so it

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almost worked out with orange band I

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only saw one mistake that is that you're

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still trying to do a pull-up you're

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trying to get like this and then with

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your elbows aren't going off the bar so

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try to do a diagonal puller

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all right so start here and end here yes

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that's your goal if you have enough

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speed you have enough power you can dive

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over the bar and also a bit so that's

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right let's do it

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so swing let's do it let's do it man

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come on you got it nice that's it bro

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all right yes yes man nice man so orange

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bad man me I think if you do so like

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some homework like the exercise that I

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mentioned the explosive pull-ups maybe -

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wait pull-ups and exercise a bit over

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there jumping my lips that's all you

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need to do to unlock the muscle oh yeah

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all right so I would say practice the

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most luck with bands three times per

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week and do this exercise as well at

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least two times per week and you unlock

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the muscle within within a month I'm

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sure yeah

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all right done so that was the little

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tutorial we did for you for you Muslim

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and I really hope that you got a lot of

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information about technique and an

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exercise you can do and I really hope

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that you can unlock that muscle up

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wouldn't be month yeah so thanks a lot

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bro all right so that was the tutorial

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video about the muscle up with a

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beginner and that's actually the subject

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that was requested a lot in the comments

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in YouTube and next week we're gonna do

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a similar video but then with the

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handstand and also with a beginner's so

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if you'd like to see that video please

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let us know in comments and maybe for

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another skill maybe for the begley for

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how to do a proper basic exercise just

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let us know in the comments what you

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would like to see and to close this

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video off we're gonna do one more gift

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away and you can already guess it we've

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used them in this video and we're gonna

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give away one package of resistance

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bands from Tottori you're gonna get all

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the sizes so from thick to thin so you

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can unlock your muscle ups as soon as

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possible with these bands so all you

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need to do is comment

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hashtag 50k and also let us know why you

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want to win these resistance bands so

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that's it about the video please leave a

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like and subscribe for more videos peace

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out guys

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but I found calisthenics family and they

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were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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price so I decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics I would

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highly recommend this it'll it'll do the

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same for you I'm Gordon and I've been

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with calisthenics family for almost

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three months now and all the time I've

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had Yannick as my trainer like my

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chorionic can just be like that little

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extra push to keep you going you also

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seen the pictures I'm really proud of

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myself that what I achieved in the last

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eight weeks go for it and start your

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