Taking it Next Level | A Dream Coming True...

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what's up guys what's up it's Michael

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and Jana go clear from calisthenics

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family and as you can see we are

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standing in a very special location and

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as you could see on the title we are

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going to share some really really

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important and big announcement in this

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video so stay tuned and enjoy the video

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alright guys so welcome to the video and

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in this video we are just going to talk

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to the camera today guys it's going to

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be a short video with a few

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announcements and a today it's a really

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really big day and it's actually a dream

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coming true for us today as you could

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see in the title it's time for us to

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step up our game and to make some new

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moves and that is exactly what we're

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doing today and that is why we are here

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at this new location because we are here

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today at a new calisthenics family

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studio gym and office and that is the

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news that we wanted to share already for

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a really long time with you guys but it

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was not official until today yesterday

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we receive the keys and now it is

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official we are going to open up our own

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calisthenics family studio gym and

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office so yeah it's really really big

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news for us exactly so as you might have

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seen in the one of the first years of

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this year we discussed our goals for

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this year and we actually said how cool

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would it be to have like our own spot

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this year we actually thought that it

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was possible in 2019 but it's already

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July and we're standing here in this

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location in this gym in this box and yet

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it's just so and saying that

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we made it happen and that's all because

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of you guys because all of the support

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on this channel also in the 1st of

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January we had only 10,000 subscribers

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and you know already over 30k

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subscribers so that all made it possible

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for us to step up our game and get our

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own gym and office yes exactly and that

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is also the reason why we're standing

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here to create even more and better

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content so once again thanks so much

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guys we really appreciate your support

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on this channel

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and yeah let's discuss why we are

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actually doing this and why we are

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making this step because maybe you're

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currently thinking what the guys

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you just realize your own calisthenics

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Park in your own hometown why are you

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moving to a new location to an indoor

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location and that is actually because

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the calisthenics Park is a public space

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so that means everyone can come over

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which is really cool and yeah I'm a

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daily basis it's really crowded so yeah

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we can meet up with a lot of new people

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and other people can meet up with new

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athletes and the vibes are just really

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amazing at the park

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the downside of this is that it's always

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really noisy and crowded so for us

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sometimes you know we want to create

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videos and sometimes it's not possible

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to create the best videos as possible

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because sometimes yeah we have just a

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lot of noise from the traffic from other

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athletes training and like moving in the

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park and training also there are a lot

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of kids like playing in those bars and

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they're crossing behind the camera and

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that's the kind of stuff so yeah it's

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actually a great place but as a public

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place so that's why we made the step to

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make a private place to make videos for

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you guys yes exactly

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and also because you know we live in the

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Netherlands and the sun is shining right

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now but in the Netherlands most of the

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time the weather sucks most of the time

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it is rainy and it is cold especially

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from like October until maybe April May

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and you basically can't work out outside

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you can but yeah you don't know what to

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expect which is not optimal for training

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but especially not for creating videos

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so that is also why we're making this

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step to have our own space to create

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videos and also to have a spot for

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ourselves - you know - yeah we still are

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and we still want to be the best we can

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be so that's also why we are making this

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step alright so that was actually the

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reason why we moved into this place so

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now what are we going to do here first

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of all like Michael said we are going to

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use the spot to train for ourselves and

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also we're gonna make videos here like

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Michael said like we're gonna do a lot

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of instructional videos motivational

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videos progressional videos so that's

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basically the main thing that we're

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gonna do here but also we have a lot of

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clients and we do personal training and

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also in the winter we like to do this

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indoor instead of in the rainy in the

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maybe in the snow so that's what we're

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gonna do here and also group training

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maybe sometimes workshops or something

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yeah yeah we'll see but that's basically

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all we got to do here and besides this

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box which you can see here we also have

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an office upstairs and yes that's

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basically the place what we're gonna

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work where we're gonna edit our videos

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and also where we gonna meet up with

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clients also gonna meet up with like

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business partners to also step up our

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business game yes exactly so it is a

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huge step for us and making this new

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move is really exciting and yeah like we

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said it's a dream coming true for us

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most of all just to have our own spot is

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it feels so amazing and we feel so free

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now finally it's like really a relief

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actually because you know we have been

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training already for three years and in

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the winter we always went to a gym which

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was far from optimal for training

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calisthenics because it was always too

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crowded and there was just the equipment

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was not good enough for the sport that

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we are doing here bodyweight training is

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alright guys so that was all about the

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first announcement that we are going to

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have our own spot studio gym and our own

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office and like we said in the beginning

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of this video we also have a second

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announcement to make and you probably

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already can guess it maybe because we

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have to talk

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about this in a previous videos about

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the language of this channel because we

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have been struggling with the language

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we've been putting out English content

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and Dutch content but we notice that

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it's not an option to create both

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languages on one channel especially

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because most of our viewers are English

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so if you're making Dutch videos we

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already know that a lot of people is

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missing out on our content also the

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problem was to create subtitles it took

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a lot of time and efforts to create

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subtitles so that is why we maybe we're

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not motivated to create new Dutch videos

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so that's also one of the reasons why we

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stopped making Dutch videos and why our

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recent videos are in English but we made

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the decision that we are going to create

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this channel English only so we started

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in English and we're gonna have proceeds

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in English only English is friction of

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videos tutorials on skills on technique

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guides motivation everything is going to

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be in English so we can basically help

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as much people as possible worldwide

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because we see the Celtic family growing

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worldwide and yeah we just want to help

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as much people as possible so from now

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on you can expect English videos only on

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this channel but that's not all because

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we also made the decision to create a

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second channel and that is going to be a

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Dutch channel and on this channel we are

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going to share our personal life because

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we live in the Netherlands and we see

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the katasonych community growing in the

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Netherlands we now have our Achilles

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tendon Federation and a lot more

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athletes so we really want to be part of

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building that community in the

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Netherlands and we think we can help so

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much more people if we create Dutch

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videos and we really also want to show

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you more of our own

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your own life and all the things behind

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the scenes and that is why we are going

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to create a vlogging channel so the

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Dutch channel is going to be ghetto

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senex family vlogs so on this dutch

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channel we are going to make videos

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about our own life so vlogs but also

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meet ups with dutch calisthenics

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athletes we want to do some interviews

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some podcast with dutch athletes and

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also we are going to create

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instructional videos in dutch so people

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can understand everything better and one

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of the first things that we are going to

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vlog and that is of course our journey

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to create this gym to create a studio

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because as you can see there's nothing

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right here there's a lot of work to do

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exactly there's a lot of work to do and

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the first thing we have to do is to

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place a calisthenics rec right here

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because right now there is basically

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nothing also upstairs the office is

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completely empty so we have to create a

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new office for itself and we're going to

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show you this whole process of creating

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this gym on our new Celtic family

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vlogging channel in Dutch and we already

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made the first video in which we show

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you a tour around our studio and the

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office upstairs and also we're going to

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introduce ourselves in Dutch because we

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have never done this before for all the

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new Dutch viewers on our channel so

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please all the duchies and maybe or if

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you are English as well and you want to

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see the Dutch videos then make sure to

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check the new video the Dutch video and

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subscribe to a new channel we would

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HIGHLY appreciate it if you're gonna

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subscribe and check the new video and

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also let us know in the comments what

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you think about this new step and also

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in the next Dutch video so there was all

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about this video guys you can check out

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the description for the new channel and

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also the new video on

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channel so that's it guys thanks a lot

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for watching and I'll catch you guys in

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the next video peace out Peter

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