Six-pack Abs & Cardio Workout You Can Do Anywhere

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what's up guys it's michael here from

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calisthenics family and in this video

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we're gonna do a complete abs and cardio

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workout to get ourselves shredded during

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summer so let's get this video started

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all right guys so it's mid-august that

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means that i'm still in the middle of my

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shred and probably you guys also want to

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lose some weight or get shredded during

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summer we want to look at our best so

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today we're going to do a quick and

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effective cardio and abs workout we're

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going to alternate between abs and

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cardio exercises in total we're gonna do

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eight exercises and with each exercise

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we're gonna do relatively high reps so

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10 to 20 reps per exercise so let's get

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started we're going to start with cardio

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and we're going to start with the

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jumping jacks so let's do it

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all right we're going to start with the

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jumping jacks the feet are closed

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next to each other and we're gonna bring

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our feet and arms out while jumping so

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let's get 20 reps in

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all right so that was the first cardio

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exercise now we have 30 seconds of rest

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and we're gonna prepare for the first ab

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exercise which is the crunch

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so we're gonna lay down on the floor

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from here we go backwards

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until our upper back gets in contact

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with the ground don't get your shoulders

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on the ground but really stay in this

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position and from here we're gonna make

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crunches so basically we're gonna look

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up in the air and

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bring our body up

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while holding the tension so let's get

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20 repetitions in

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all right so that was the first ab

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exercise you can really feel the burn in

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the upper abs right here

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so now let's move on to the third

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exercise which is and cardio exercise

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again the feet tabs

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so let's get to an elevation right here

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and we basically gonna jump

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we're gonna tap

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this elevation with one feet

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and then the other we're gonna alternate

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between legs all right let's get started

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with this exercise we're gonna do 20

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reps for each leg so that means 40 reps

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in total and we're gonna do this as fast

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as possible so let's go

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one two

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all right

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so that was the third exercise now let's

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move on to another ab exercise this time

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the twister to target our obliques let's

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get this exercise in

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all right so we only have 30 seconds

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rest so we're gonna lay down

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get to the floor

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and bring ourselves in a twisting

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position we move our back towards the

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ground we stay in this active core

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position and we move all the way to the

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left and to the right so let's get 20

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repetitions in

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all right

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let's move on to the fourth exercise a

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cardio exercise again high knees

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all right next up is the high knee so

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we're basically going to bring our knees

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as high as possible we're going to

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alternate between legs 20 reps per leg

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that means 40 reps in total as fast as

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possible and as high as possible so

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let's get started in three

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two one and go one two three four five

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all right

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40 reps in let's take 30 seconds rest

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and move on to the next

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ab exercise which is the knee raise

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all right at this moment i can really

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feel the abs burn but we have to

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continue we're gonna move on to this

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elevation you can also do this knee

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raise exercise on the floor but if you

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have an elevation it's better because

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you can bring your body in a more

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straight position which targets the

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lower abs even more so with this

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exercise we grab the elevation here on

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the outer side

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we lean a little bit backwards and from

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legs are straight and go as close to

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your chest as possible

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so let's get 20 reps in in total three

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two one and go

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then really squeeze those abs right here

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three three two

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all right

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i really feel the low abs burn right now

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so let's move on to the last cardio

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exercise which is also an abdominal

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exercise the mountain climber

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so for this exercise we need the floor

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again we're gonna bring ourselves in a

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plank position

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and from here we're gonna bring our

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towards our elbows this way we also

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target the obliques

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20 reps per side means 40 reps in total

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let's get started

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make sure your arms are in a straight

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position so don't bend the arms

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nice and straight

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and let's start in three

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one and go one two three four five seven

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eight nine

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twenty twenty one twenty two three

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twenty four five twenty six seven eight

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nine thirty ten more come on

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four three

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all right so that was the last cardio

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exercise we have one exercise left and

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that is the scissors

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so we're gonna lay down on the floor

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again and really target the lower abs

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this one is going to burn

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for sure

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we have 30 seconds rest

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so let me show you the exercise

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you lay down on the floor

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you bring your legs in a straight

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position you can bring your hands

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underneath your glutes and from here

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we're going to cross our feet just like

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20 reps per leg means 40 reps in total

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again so 30 seconds are over let's start

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in three

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two one and go one

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six seven eight

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ten eleven twelve

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thirty fourteen fifty

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23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 23 34 35

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36 37 38 39

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all right

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such a killer

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for the lower abs

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so now

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you can take two minutes rest and repeat

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this whole cycle

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and do about three rounds in total

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for maximum results and if you're gonna

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try this workout make sure to tag us on

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instagram on calisthenics family and

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we'll definitely give you a shout out so

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guys that's it for this quick effective

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core and

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cardio workout which i'm doing right now

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three times per week to get myself

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shredded and to get those abs more

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so that's it for this workout if you

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need help with your training then make

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sure to check our website we have

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different plans for losing weight

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building muscle gaining strength and

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also learning calisthenics skills or

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download some free ebooks to get you

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started right away the links are in the

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description that's it for this video

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guys make sure to like and subscribe for

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more videos and we'll see you next week

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peace out

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