Ring Muscle Up Tutorial | Full Step By Step | Calisthenics Family
what's up guys Micro ionic over here
calisthenics family today we're going to
show you how to learn the ring muscle
okay guys so to learn this we're going
to show you four essential exercises
that really helped us to get the ring
muscle all right guys so the first
exercise will be the ring jumps so let's
get straight into it okay guys so the
first exercise is an explosive jumpers
left in their ranks it looks like this
so you grab the Rings and you try to
pull yourself as explosive as you can
and when doing this make sure that
you're putting it straight in your arms
when you go up so how about this like
okay guys now before you grip make sure
that you get a false grip so no note on
the fingers so you're not hanging like
this because when you hang like this you
will not be able to do the transition as
you can see but you're gonna get a false
grip so you will turn your hands around
the Rings like this and now I'm able to
pull myself up so try to do a minimum of
10 repetitions and then go to the next
all right guys have the second exercise
the negative ring will show up so you
want to go jump in the Rings
just like you did in the previous
exercise so it's actually I'm not so up
but then you begin from upwards to
downwards alright so I'll show you guys
how it looks like they corrects and you
jerk just like previous exercise and now
if you are slow dip and I make
transition until you're hanging the
Rings so the purpose of this exercise is
to get used to the transition of the
muscle but if you can do this move four
five times in a row you can move on to
the next exercise
okay guys so the next exercise is the
actual transition and with this exercise
you first want to make a dip and you
want to make a dip as deep as possible
and from there you want to go up again
so in the previous exercise we just did
a dip we made the transition and we do
let himself fall and now we're going to
try to go up again and here you're
really trying to train the transition
because the hardest part of the muscle
is the transition with this exercise we
have different levels so you can make
this hard as you want as hard as you can
the first variation is just a deep dip
might going to show you so you jump up
great arms and then you make
all right so the first variation was
basically just a deep dip the next
generation is also deep yet but now you
want to go a little bit more into the
transition so Michael is going to show
it for you so you're just gonna do a
deep dip yeah you lower your elbows and
to about 45 degrees in this angle so you
go a little bit into the transition and
then you go back up again so with this
variation you go a little bit more into
the transition which makes you even more
used to the actual strength that's
needed for the ring muscle all right so
this was the second variation the
variation is a little bit harder so you
basically do the same thing but now you
lower a little bit more until you get a
90 degree angle Michael shows for you so
again you're basically just do a deep
dip like this now you lowered even more
until you get this straight so 90 degree
angle and then you go back up alright
guys so if you can do the third
variation you can go to our even deeper
level until now we only got as deep as
90 degrees with your elbow same height
to range but in the fourth step we go
even deeper
until your elbows are below the Rings so
Michael will show guys
so you're gonna do a big tip again is
that you go back go down now the reason
you go even deeper and then you push
yourself back up
right so if you can do this move you can
basically just do the Miss Earth already
because you're already like hanging oh
the only thing that you now have to do
is just come here and that's goes pull
up and then you're going to go into this
position and then it's the move that you
did just learn in the fourth step yes so
this is the way we learned the ring will
slip many people try to do a pull up a
ring pull up and just try it over us
over again and it just won't work
because they're not strong enough when
doing the transition and when trying
this way you train the other way around
so you first you start above the Rings
and then you make it recession and just
go a little bit deeper and deeper and
deeper until you reach a hanging
position and then it's basically just
going up again so that is the way we
train the ring muscle and now we have
one last exercise and that's we're going
to show you right now
to get the full what soil okay guys so
the last exercise you need to bar there
because now we're going to do a full
muscle up but you're going to do an
assisted fool but so I'm gonna help
Yannick to get over the bars and in this
case over the Rings
okay so Yannick it's going to try to
make an explosion put it right now and
then I'm gonna help
so that's it when do we get assistant
Muslim I just give him a little push in
the back so this helps him to do the
transition so also guys try to do this
exercise of a department for like eight
times in a row and then you your body
will adapt to the transition that you're
making and if you do all these exercises
then eventually you will be able to do
the Ring muscle up just by yourself all
right guys so this was our ring muscle
tutorial this is exactly the way how we
learned to recognize what the dips we
just gave you are really essential to
learn it I cannot think of another way
of learning it just it's just the basics
you first have to learn transition
before you can even try it and pull up
and do the muscle yeah it's just it's
step by step approach never try to do
full muscle up when you're not even able
to do a little bit of a transition so
step by step always train step by step
make levels for yourself
track your progress track your level so
if you're able to do a transition at 45
degrees write down how many repetitions
you can do and once you feel like I am
five repetitions then you can go to
another one so always track your
progress that's it for this tutorial if
you want us to help you out with your
calisthenics overall progression which
were skills for example we got a two
program in which we get attention to
skills strength exercise and also
flexibility exercises to get enough
flexibility because that's also very
important you can just go to our website
calisthenics family calm so that's it
for this tutorial
I guess yeah that's it so if you have
any ideas for another tutorial on how to
skill now to do basically just anything
just let us know in the comments or give
us some message from Instagram yes
exactly so also make sure to subscribe
to our Channel and we catch you in the
next video peace out