Revealing my Secret Workout Plan for Building Muscle...

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hey guys it's michael here from

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calisthenics family and welcome to the

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third episode of my calisthenics

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transformation series

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in which i'm on my journey to build

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muscle mass

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and get stronger so as promised

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in this episode i will review my current

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calisthenics training program so

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in this video i'm going to tell you guys

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how you can properly construct

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your workout routine and put all the

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different attributes that you need

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in your workout into your workout plan

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so let's get this video started and

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let's get into my workout plan to build

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muscle mass let's do this

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all right guys so let's have a closer

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look to my complete

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workout plan that i'm currently doing so

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as you can see

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here in front of you you can see my

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current workout plan

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that goes from monday until saturday

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and if you look closely you can see that

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i'm doing a push

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pull legs split routine and reason being

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is because this way i can hit

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all the muscle groups twice a week which

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is most

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optimal for hypertrophy or muscle

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building so let's have a closer look to

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the actual

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workouts so here you can see the first

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workout on monday the push workout

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here the pool workout on wednesday legs

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workout on thursday

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i have a rest day and then on friday a

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weighted push workout

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and on saturday a pool workout also

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and the first part of the week i focus

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on hypertrophy

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a lot of volume a lot of repetitions and

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at the end of the

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week i focus a little bit more on

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strength but also still high personal

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so now let's have a closer look to the

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actual build up of

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each workout so for example on monday

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this is my push workout

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focus on hypertrophy and here you can

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the buildup of the workout and this is a

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very good way to structure

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your workouts and making sure that you

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hit all the different

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attributes in your workout for example

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your warm-up

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your skill work strength work core work

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and flexibility if you're not familiar

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with this i would highly recommend to

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implementing this like workout hierarchy

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so as you can see from the variations

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here on the top you'll see that i've

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added the angle

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and the target of the exercise and this

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is really important and often neglected

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but it's really important that you look

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closely to the muscles that you want to

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but also the different angles that you

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want to do in your workout

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so a big mistake for example would be to

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only focus on horizontal pushing

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for your chest for example but

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neglecting the vertical way of pushing

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or the waistline way of pushing so

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this gives a like a clear overview on

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how you can structure this and making

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sure that you put everything that is

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needed into your workout

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so the first part speaks for it so the

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warm-up blood flow mobility

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positioning drills like core exercises

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then some skill work i'm not focusing

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too much on skill work during the

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strength workouts because i only want to

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focus on strength

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during these workouts i do like five

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minutes of handstands

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because i'm practicing my handstand in

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another workout session

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which i'll explain later but the biggest

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part of the workout is the strength part

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so for example here you can see the

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build up of the

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strength part so starting with planche

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assist holds

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and this is a straight arm isometric

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then i like to switch between straight

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arm exercises and bent arm exercise

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because then i can rest

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for my straight arm exercises uh while

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i'm doing the bent arm exercises such as

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the wall handsome push-ups

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and that is a vertical pushing exercise

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then a straight arm dynamic exercise

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the l-sit to tuck planche then another

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bent arm exercise this time focusing on

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our waistline pushing strength the

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pseudo planche

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push-ups then another straight arm

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dynamic exercise ring flies and then

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finishing off with decline push-ups

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and also a bent arm horizontal way of

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pushing and at less

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you can focus on isolation work for

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example for your triceps

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and next to that here you can see the

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core work else it holds

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an isometric exercise and a dynamic

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and some mobility and flexibility work

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so this is how the structure of my

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looks like that i've been doing already

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for years now i have also seen this in

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the book overcoming gravity that i just

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showed you guys last week that this is a

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really good way

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to set up your workouts so let's get

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real quick

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through all the other workouts i'm not

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gonna do everything in full detail

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otherwise it's gonna be way too long

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so here on tuesday you see the pool

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workout only

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weight exercises focus on hypertrophy

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then here you can see

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my legs workout also focus on

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hypertrophy then on thursday i have a

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rest day

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so then on friday i will be fully

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recovered from these

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three workouts and then i can start my

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weighted workouts

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so then i have a weighted push workout

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on friday and a weighted pool workout on

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so guys this is my full workout routine

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that i'm currently doing

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for six weeks and like i said in the

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first episode

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then after those six weeks i will switch

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it up and start my strength cycle

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focusing more on all the weighted

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exercises and really working to my one

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rep max and like i said in the beginning

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i don't do a lot of hands and work

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during my strength workouts i like to

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have to focus on during my workout

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but i'm really grinding on the one arm

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that is what i'm doing in the evening

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then i have a lot of more focus if i

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focus on one particular skill especially

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for the one arm handstand you need

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so much focus and i've noticed that you

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can't just do the one arm handstand

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prior to a push workout because then my

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shoulders are already fatigued from

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handstand work so i've divided this in

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another session at night

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just one hour of practice for three

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times per week on monday

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wednesday and friday alright so now that

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i've showed the workout plan

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let me show you how this looks in

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practice so after doing the warm-up and

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work it's time for strength work and the

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first exercise

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is the planche assist hold the straight

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isometric exercise for the shoulders i'm

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really focusing on

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good form here that's why i'm doing 20

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then exercise 2 is the well handstand

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a bent arm vertical pushing exercise

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also for the shoulders and for this i'm

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also working

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towards hypertrophy so doing a lot of

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four sets in total up to eight to

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ten repetitions then the third exercise

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is another straight arm dynamic exercise

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the l-sit

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two duct planche also for the shoulders

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but this time working our straight arm

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strength and as you can see i really try

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to push

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all the way up with straight arms and

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have a protracted scapula

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then the fourth exercise another bent

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waistline pushing exercise as you can

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see from the wrist they're almost

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my hips so that's why it's a waistline

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pushing exercise

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really good for exercises that require a

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lot of leaning for example the planche

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but also a 90 degree handstand push-up

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the fifth exercise is a sort of straight

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and bent arm exercise at the same time

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so for this i'm doing

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four sets in total and 10 to 12

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reps so let's hop on straight to the

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last exercise

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and that is the isolation exercise for

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the triceps

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and this is the parallettes tricep

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extension it looks really

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close to the movement of a impossible

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but i can't do that yet but this works

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the same way and i can

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really feel the burn in my triceps so

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guys this was the strength part of the

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i hope that you now have an idea of the

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workout practice

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itself next to the workout plan alright

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guys so this was in short my workout

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but also an explanation of the workout

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practice from a push workout

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so i hope this was helpful and give you

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an idea on how you can create

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your own plan which kind of exercises

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you need to put in your workout routine

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and also like the structure of your

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workout routine

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in the different variations for example

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the pushing the horizontal pushing

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but also skill work warm-up and also

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core and flexibility work let me know in

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the comments

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if this was helpful and if you want me

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to create more videos like this

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maybe for my pool workout i'll see you

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guys in the next episode in which i'm

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gonna share a day

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in the life of my current calisthenics

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muscle building

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journey so thanks for watching subscribe

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for more i'll see you in the next

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peace out guys

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