RATING your HANDSTAND - Most Common Mistakes and Tips to Improve!

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what's up guys it's Michael from Celtic

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family welcome to a new video and in

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this video I'm gonna review some of your

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handstands because I asked on instagram

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to send over some of your handstands and

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today I'm gonna look into your

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handstands and give some feedback so

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let's get this video started

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alright guys so let's start this

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reviewing video first of all I want to

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thank you guys for sending in all your

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handstand videos I really really

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appreciate it

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first of all just to have some trust in

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me for a giving new feedback that really

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yeah that's really awesome and I really

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really appreciate that so thanks for

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sending in your video so let's get

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straight into the first one but before I

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start guys I want to do a quick

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announcement about our sermon sail that

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we're gonna have this weekend so on

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Sunday and on Monday we're gonna have

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our biggest discounts on all our worker

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programs and new plants and coaching and

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also our some new products that we're

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gonna have back in stock so make sure to

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don't miss out on that deal this weekend

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summer sale so now let's get into your

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videos the first one is nuts

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what's up fellow dead she he says I'm

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struggling to get a straight handstand

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and also to completely lock out my arms

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and I also can't seem to increase my

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bike push-ups do you have any exercise

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or progressions for this exercise so

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let's watch his video pretty pretty good

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actually already pretty solid frog stand

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to handstand but I I can see the problem

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right here that you can't seem to fully

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look out your shoulders and press press

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out so what I would recommend here

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because your handstand is already pretty

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solid you got some decent balance and

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also your your shoulder strength is

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quite impressive as well so you really

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gotta work on shoulder and flexibility

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and also your scapula protraction so

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what I would say is do some wall

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handstands and work on your scapula

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pulses so do some scapula wall handstand

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push-ups to really open up your

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shoulders but also do so

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more shoulder flexibility exercises to

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open up your shoulders and then you will

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definitely get a more straight line so

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next is Romeo and he says I think I lack

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flexibility in my shoulders too and when

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I'm upside down I can't get into

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posterior pelvic tilt that's very weird

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all right so let's have a look to his

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all right looks pretty good to me

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especially your shoulder flexibility

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your shoulders actually really opened up

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so I don't think you have a big shoulder

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problem here and if I look to your

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reversed wall handstand that also looks

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pretty good to me if I look to your to

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your hands your arms are completely

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straight so that is really important so

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what I would say if you can hold this

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for like one minute the wall hand sends

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and also the Reavers wall handstand then

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you definitely should work on your free

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hand stance just trial and error and

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just keep practicing and I think that

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would be the best way to go for you

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right now so next is Zen and he says I

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struggle with balance on parallettes I

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keep falling forward so let's have a

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look to his video all right

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l-sit to handstand with bent arms pretty

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damn good pretty solid you got some

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really good strength over there but I

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definitely see the struggle and I really

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recognize this problem Matt I had this

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same problem for such a long time when I

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tried to attempt my first l-sit to

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handstand I was able to do the rotation

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and get myself up but when I was getting

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into that handstand position I felt over

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all the time

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so you want to do this more control so

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what I see here is that when you're

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pushing so when you're locking out your

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arms you're also kind of arching your

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lower back and that will bring your feet

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more forward and that will cause you to

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fall so it's like one flow one rotation

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you press up and straighten out your

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legs and arch your back and then you

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will fall over so you want to do this

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more control by activating your core and

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also your wrists are really important

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here so you basically want to counter

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force default by really focusing on

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pressing into the parallettes rank your

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falling over so then you really have to

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work and focus on the front side of your

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your wrist right here and really press

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into those parallettes

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and I made a rule for myself when I try

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to do this exercise and that was I am

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NOT allowed to fall over so I'm only

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allowed to do this exercise and fall

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backwards and then you get like a little

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mindset switch to really focus on

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pressing into those parallettes and

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don't fall over so next is genis and

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please don't get me wrong if I call your

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name incorrect it's really hard to get

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all those names from Instagram but

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anyway he says what's up Michael and

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Yannick I saw your instrument Ori and

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this is my handstand at the moment I

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hope you will react on the video and

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give me some tips

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best wishes Janice all right so let's

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have a look into your video all right

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lower handstand looks pretty damn good

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oh you made it like a little edit of the

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nice seeing different angles so yeah I

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can see a few points here so with this

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angle I can see that you don't have

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completely straight arms so really try

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to press into the ground with straight

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arms like I said in the beginning with

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Zen you can also try to do the wall

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handstand and work on your scapular

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protraction really elevate your

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shoulders and also work on some shoulder

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flexibility and I can also see a little

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banana handstand right here so what you

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really got to focus on is activating

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your core and squeezing your glutes

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if you squeeze your glutes together then

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you will automatically bring your hips

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more forward and then that banana shape

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will disappear so I think that will be

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the most important tips for you at this

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so never neglect a wall and also keep

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practicing just like this all right so

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next is Royston and he says I suppose

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the thing I found most difficult is the

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pain in my wrist after during handstand

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training so let's have a look to your

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all right so that your hands that looks

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pretty good but I can't really see how

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your hand placement is right here

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because that mostly causes a pain in

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your wrist so when doing the handstand

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and if you want to avoid wrist pain

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during Hanson make sure that you don't

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bring your hands too close to each other

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so avoid a really small grip rather

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place your hands on the floor in the

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same line as your shoulders and also

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turn your hands a little bit towards the

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outer side because that also will

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decrease the burden and the stress that

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you get when you like leaning on your

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wrist like this so try to do this and I

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think that will definitely help you and

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next that Hanson training just takes a

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long long time to to avoid wrist pain in

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the beginning I had wrist pain as well

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but now I can do handstands on a daily

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basis and I don't have any wrist pain at

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all so it also comes with consistency

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and experience all right so next is G

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point hey Bo on Instagram and he says

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I've been following your Hanson

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tutorials so really good job man for

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those who haven't been following or

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hazard tutorials make sure to check them

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out right here it includes different

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faces and a lot of different exercises

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to improve your handstand but anyway

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let's have a look to his videos so you

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actually sent a bunch of videos made

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motivation is high

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alright so pretty good man

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all right so one thing that I already

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see right here is when you're going into

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that Hanson I see that you're looking

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towards your feet so your head goes down

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and instead of looking forward you're

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looking backwards in between your legs

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and that requires a lot of coordination

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and also shoulder flexibility to be able

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to stand in that position with your head

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tucked in so always make sure to to look

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forward and hoobae even better what I

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did in the beginning is to have a little

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object so for example your phone

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literally bring your phone in front of

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you and when you do the handstand right

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here then this it will be the your

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points that you're gonna look at and

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that will increase your coordination and

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probably also your balance so that would

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be the first step that I got to you men

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and what I also noticed was your form

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right here also kind of a banana

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handstand so really do some core

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exercises the hollow body hold is one of

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the best exercises to work on your core

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and also posterior pelvic tilt which is

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needed for a straight handstand but it's

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really really hard to get your head

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around this I've explained this several

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times during a classes when I was giving

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a group training here at the park or

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here downstairs in a gym and what I

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always say is that you really well let

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me let me show you guys right now

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so what you got to do with posterior

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pelvic tilt and to get into a straight

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handstand you really got to activate

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your core and this is called the

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posterior pelvic tilt and it's really

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it's really hard to to get into this

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this this core position if you have

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never been in that position before so

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I'm gonna do a little trick with you

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guys right now to get in a better core

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position and to get a straight handstand

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and this goes for all of you that I've

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seen in the videos so first of all we

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tend to stand like this with an arch

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back in

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a natural position which is actually not

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a bad position to be in so if you're

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standing like this just normal then it's

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really easy to bend your back like this

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and create that arched banana bag as you

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can see right here so now guys we're

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going to do a little trick that won't

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let you be in that banana art bag

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position so what you got to do is first

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of all step one is tuck your Bannion as

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deep as possible and now activate your

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glutes are really really squeeze your

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glutes together as hard as you can and

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bring your hips forward so from here hip

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forward and now really really activate

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your core as hard as you can like you're

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gonna be one one solid stone one rock

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that can't move so that is what we're

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trying to achieve right here and now

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while pressing and activating everything

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together now try to go back again so try

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to go back to that arch position while

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keeping your core activated so if you

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notice you are not able to go back to

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that banana position and this little

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trick that is what you need to apply

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with the handstand so also you can try

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to do this on the wall headstand

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you can do this when you're doing your

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core exercises but also when you're in

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your hands in position then you also

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need to apply this little trick so I

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hope that this will cause your problem

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man but also for everyone else at that

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struggles to get that straight handstand

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so guys that's it for this little review

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on all your handstands thank you again

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for sending in all your videos and

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putting in your trust to review your

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videos that really I really appreciate

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that so if you like this video and if

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this helps you out with your handstands

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then let me know in the comments and

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also let me know if you guys want me to

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do more review videos I can do more

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review videos on handstands but also a

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lot of other exercises even more basic

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exercises for exam

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for the push-ups the pull-ups the dips

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Pike push-ups but maybe also more

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advanced exercises like the muscle of

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the hands that push up maybe some skills

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maybe an l-sit to handstand I can really

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get deeper into that when I focus on one

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particular exercise and I'm also

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thinking to do that in the gym

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downstairs because then I can also

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immediately show what you're probably

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doing wrong and how you can improve that

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with certain exercises that I can just

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show on the spot so thanks again guys

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for watching and like I said in the

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beginning this weekend we're gonna have

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a really really big summer deal on all

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our workout programs and also arm you

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plants and we're also gonna have this

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tank top and our parallettes back in

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stock on Sunday so make sure to head

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over to our website and don't miss out

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on that summer deal from Sunday so

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that's it for this video guys please

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like and subscribe for more and I'll

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catch you guys in one of the next videos

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peace out when I found calisthenics

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family and they were offering this

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program plus the online coaching for a

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very affordable price so I decided to

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try it if anyone's looking to start

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calisthenics I would highly recommend

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this it'll it'll do the same for you I'm

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Gordon and I've been with calisthenics

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family for almost three months now and

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all the time of had Yannick as my

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trainer like my chorionic can just be

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like that little extra push to keep you

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you also seen the pictures I'm really

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proud of myself that what I achieved in

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the last eight weeks go for it and start

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your journey

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