Q&A with Stan Browney and Walking SHIRTLESS In The Snow...

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alright guys

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so we have the paint time to go to the

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gym and let me show you guys

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what we're gonna paint in the gym

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because it's gonna be happy

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let's do this

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alright alright so we just finished the

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painting of this wall

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so do you like it um yeah i think so

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it is like a new color but i think this

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much cleaner than the black one the

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black one was like

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much distracting from the videos and the

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thumbnail so i think this is better

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but it's like yeah we have to get used

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to this exactly but it looks definitely

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a lot cleaner like you said

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so and the reason why we did this is

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because we are starting a

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very very big new project starting from

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next week so

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stay tuned for that and also we

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have something else which is exciting on

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the planning because

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we go to the other side of the country

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right now

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and we're gonna meet someone yes exactly

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we're gonna travel all the way to the

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west coast of the netherlands actually

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one and a half hour drive so let us take

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you with us to see

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what we're gonna do

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so we're here in the gym in the gym and

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and studio yeah your studio purely just

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recording studio and

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insane gym from uh you might you might

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you might know it because it's from

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these guys also have an insane gym from

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barmania and uh

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yeah this is just my dream gym actually

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exactly man so congratulations

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and also on the 1 million subscribers on

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youtube yes oh the flag is upstairs so

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you can also check that out but yeah

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yeah but first of all what what is it

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what do we see here what do you see here

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well like i said it's sort of my

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dream gym and i wanted everything to be

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in there it's not like over the top but

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plenty of pull-up bars well just rings

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which you can do a lot of stuff on

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enough space on the floor we got some

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dip bars over there

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and just some some human flex stuff

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we got some battle ropes we got actually

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everything what you need everything that

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you need yeah and there's also

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a possibility for weights on here uh

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which still need to come in

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uh like a good barber nice bro nice well

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okay so um we just uh are here to visit

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uh stan's new gym

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um but we think it's nice to have like a

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little q a

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and to ask you a few questions um

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because you know we both have

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this gym studio um i think a lot of

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people are interested

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in like how to set up a gym like this

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how do you get it how do you how do you

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get the gym yeah how do you get it how

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do you freaking get the gym so

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because it's a it's a big thing

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obviously so yeah people

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probably think like oh i want that as

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well but where do i even start

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i actually created this because of

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actually just a studio only no gym at

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all not

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it is not really oh it is it is a gym

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but for myself and for recording so

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it is basically one big uh film studio

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youtube studio where you can record from

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every angle and make

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six shots record i know courses these

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guys also have a course

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check that out so in short it's

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basically doable to have a gym or studio

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like this but it's basically only

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if you actually make something out of it

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like a business

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a studio create content but you can also

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make it more accessible by just starting

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in your backyard for example and then

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creating videos from your backyard and

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then when you have

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like a business from this then you can

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eventually move on to a space like this

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yeah that's basically basically what we

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all we all get

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all right guys so thanks stan for

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inviting us here

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and we're also going to do a uh some

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because uh stan is the the man of all

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the challenges online lately

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that's why he got this says his youtube

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to one million subs

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the magic pusher pushes the magic

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pull-up so

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stan is gonna challenge us with his

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challenges and

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we're gonna do that in another video so

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let's create that

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and um yeah we'll see yeah let's do it

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all right guys so we are done here we

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just did the challenges

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was real fun um and we'll see if we're

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pass all the challenges from this man i

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have high expectations you guys

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there's a lot of fun challenge in there

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exactly so that's it for this day over

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um was nice to be here man yeah i hope

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you guys like it

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yeah definitely man and um yeah you know

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last year or actually two years ago we

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organized a calisthenics retreat

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any pizza any pizza that was really fun

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and we had plans for last year to also

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organize a retreat

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but that couldn't happen of course but

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maybe maybe we still have plans

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so um maybe like we're gonna plan it

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maybe this year maybe

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beginning next year who knows exactly

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but it is gonna happen

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who knows when we'll see what the corona

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will do but

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we're gonna make it happen so uh stay

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tuned for that

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thanks for the invite and i will see you

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next time man

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nice see you guys next time less shot

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let's go

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let's show no

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one more yeah yes

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we are working on a very very big new

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and this is the first time that we're

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here on our computer

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working on it so let's do it yes man

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let's do it

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so here we having a podcast together

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with tom

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tuning a dutch youtuber we've done a few

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collabs already together

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but this time we did a podcast and we

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talked a lot about

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like our routine our habits happiness

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about business about training a lot of

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different things and we went pretty deep

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into certain topics

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the podcast is in dutch though so if

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you're interested in this

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check out the link in the description to

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see the podcast

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so if you're interested in this then

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check the link in the description

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to listen to the podcast

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what is up guys welcome to

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snowy netherlands so in the past

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two days it has been snowing very

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happily here in the netherlands

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has been freezing so this is very rare

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here in the netherlands

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so i'm currently walking to the gym

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and in the past few weeks and months

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i've also been into

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cold therapy taking cold showers every

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single morning

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so this is a one time opportunity so i

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let's make a challenge out of this rare

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circumstances here

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so let's try to walk shirtless

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in the snow as long as possible towards

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the gym it's about a 10 minute walk

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from here so let's do it and let's see

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if i can manage to do it

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damn this is freaking freezing man this

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is cold

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all right let's do this i gotta keep my

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in control so i'm not gonna talk too

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so there has to be a difference here in

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the world my girlfriend

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fully packed i'm walking here shirtless

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this feels good man seriously this feels

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but i gotta keep my breathing in control

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breathe into my nose breathe out to my

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nose as well

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and it's actually very very good for

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your immune system as well

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you know especially in these times with

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corona it's even more important to get a

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immune system so

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this works very well

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it's like five more minutes left to the

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all right we're almost here

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so this is

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all right all right all right so 10

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later we made it

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we're here at the gym so guys it was

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actually pretty pretty doable i'm pretty

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proud that i managed to do this

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really awesome so now let's continue

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this day

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and let's get a workout in

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i get it

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i get it

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i need it out for them so no i cannot

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waste time facing these oceans feel the

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water on my waistline

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we trust the processing only know it

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takes time you can get it

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got no worries i'm gonna make mine

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all right so training done so that was a

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little physique update of my current

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weighing around 79 kg right now i

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definitely see a lot more

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mass also more muscle but also a little

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bit more fat as well

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so had a great workout and guys at this

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moment we also have a

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winter sale because it's freaking

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freezing here in the netherlands

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so what we have is these new resistance

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bands the califam resistance bands

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are now on sale with 15 off and also all

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the other

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variations of different sizes and combos

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as well

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and also the new sweaters and t-shirts

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as well so basically all our apparel

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and equipment so check it out and of

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course you can use these resistance

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for training your basics training your

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aesthetics but also for training

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at home which is probably what you guys

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are all

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gonna need right now so um definitely

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check it out

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uh link will be in the description so

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now let's go home and get a protein

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shake in

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all right guys so i decided to stay at

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the office so

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this is my post workout meal just a

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simple meal

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four slice of bread two with chicken

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fillet and

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two with peanut butter the bulk is real

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i currently added up my calories up to 3

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200 calories with 450

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carbs per day so that is quite a lot

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but i definitely notice the energy that

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i get from it

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because and what's quite surprising is

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that i'm actually increasing in my

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so i currently already gained three kgs

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but i'm also

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increasing my repetitions with my body

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weight exercises

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so while i'm getting heavier i'm still

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increasing in the reps so so that is

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kind of surprising to me

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but it's a good thing of course but i

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definitely know that that has to do with

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all the

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carbs that i get in gives me a lot more

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energy so that's great

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um so that's it for this vlog this uh

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episode guys i hope you like it let me

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know in the comments

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what you want to see next um in the next

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we will show a lot more of the office

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we're having a little transformation

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here um and also i'll show you guys

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much more of my diet next week

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and also some parts of my training and

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of course

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the new project that we are currently

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working on

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will also be revealed in the next video

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so stay tuned for that guys

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thanks for watching um like and

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subscribe for more videos and i'll see

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you guys very soon

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