Planche & Shoulder Routine | Calisthenics Workouts

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what's going on guys back in the gym and

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today I will show you my current branch

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training routine so the first exercise

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which is also my favorite exercise is

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the handstand to planche and I always

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like to start with this exercise because

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this is such a hard exercise it is super

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heavy so as you might know I'm currently

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working towards my straddle planche so

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to train for this I try to lower from a

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handstand to a straddle planche but I

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notice that it's still a little bit too

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hard so therefore I'm trying to do a

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another variation which is a little bit

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lighter in which I bend my knees a

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little bit to make the exercise easier

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so when training for statics I always

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try to hold a certain variation for a

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minimum of five seconds because when

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training for strength it's all about

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time and attention of your muscles to

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get stronger eventually so please don't

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be that guy that always try to do a full

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straddle planche or a full front lever

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while you can't even do a tucked front

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lever or a straddle front lever for a

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minimum of 10 seconds or maybe five

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seconds it just takes a lot of patience

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but I know a step-by-step training

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routine will pay off eventually all

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right guys so I always like to do for

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regular hopes because after that there's

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just no energy left inside me and after

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that I always like to move on to holes

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with a resistance band as this exercise

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is definitely the best exercise that

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helped me to progress with the planche

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and why it's because this is the only

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exercise that enables me to get in the

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full or straddle planche position I

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actually learned this exercise from a

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friend of mine which is called Rory so

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shout out a new man and as you can see

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I'm alternating between bands because as

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you can see our first start with only

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the red band but I was only able to hold

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it for like five maybe four seconds so I

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moved on to two bands and now I'm able

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to hold it a lot longer so I'm trying to

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do it with the red band again and this

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is always the way how I would like to

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train alternating between bands and

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see where I can progress and after each

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set I always write down my results in my

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digital logbook so I know what my

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current record is and what I have to

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beat and this goes along with the

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principle of progressive overload which

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is definitely the best way to train

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which I will talk about later so the

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third exercise our planche leans and

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this is another crucial exercise I went

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to a workshop from Artem Morozov and he

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is one of the best Russian athletes

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calisthenics athletes and he told me

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about this exercise and why blanch

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leaning is so important and the main

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thing here was that your shoulder

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mobility needs to increase in order to

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get into a full or straddle planche

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position so with this exercise I just

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try to lean as far as I can and then I

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try to hold this as long as possible

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so I did this for 3 sets in total with 2

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minutes rest in between the sets and

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here you can see I almost have my hands

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right under my waist line which is the

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ultimate goal when trying to do clench

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leads and now I only need to lean a

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little bit further to increase my

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shoulder mobility alright so the fourth

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exercise is a handstand push-up with the

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belly towards the wall and this is the

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first dynamic exercise of my training

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routine I always like to start with

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static holds and after that I do dynamic

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exercises so the main goal with this

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exercise is to increase shoulder

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strength in the front side of your

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shoulders which is the area of your

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shoulders that you're using for the most

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part when doing a planche

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no I think I did eight reps here and as

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you can see I'm always going to failure

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that's like kind of a habit of me just

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going completely all out and I think

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that's just the best way to train right

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or at least for me personally the most

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enjoyable way to train so to finish this

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workout off with a complete burn into

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your shoulders I do planche lean

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push-ups I step onto a box I grab

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parallettes and are lower into a

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Angeline of course I'm trying to keep

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hollow body position which is not always

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my best site but at least I'm trying and

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from there I'm lowering down into a

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really deep pushup and from there I push

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up and get back into straight arms and

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also into the planche lean with hollow

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back position and scapular protraction

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so I also did this for three cents and

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that was my training my planche and show

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the routine of today I hope you guys

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like this video and find it

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informational so you can use some of

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these tips and or some exercises into

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your own workouts as you can see right

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here I have attached a full workout

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routine so you can use it for yourself

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so that wasn't for this video guys if

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you like this video please give this

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video a thumbs up and also please make

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sure to subscribe to our channel if you

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want to see more videos let me know what

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you want to see in the next video and

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I'm gonna try to make that happen

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peace out guys

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