Overcoming Fear & Setbacks... | Practising Backflips & One Arm Handstands!

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what's up guys it's Michael here from

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Kennison extremity and today I'm gonna

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show you how I'm gonna practice the

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one-armed handstand and also some

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backflips so

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alright guys so it is Saturday today and

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recently we asked on Instagram if you

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also would like to see some more

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lifestyles or more vlogging in our

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videos or just calisthenics videos and

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surprisingly actually 60% of the people

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they said that they also want to see

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some more lifestyle some more flogging

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next to the calisthenics videos that

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we're doing so today I'm gonna combine

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these two different things together so I

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will be flogging a little bit today and

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also show you my workout of today in

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which I'm going to practice the

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one-armed handstand and the backflips

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but first I'm having my breakfast right

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now I'm having a bowl with milk and some

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oats and apples and two slices of bread

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with jam before the workout alright guys

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so as you can see I just finished my

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breakfast and I actually forgot to

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mention the reason being why I'm gonna

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practice the warm and said and the

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backflip and you might know it it's

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because I'm injured in my elbow so I

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can't do a lot of pulling movements like

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front left work or advance pushing

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movements such as handstand push-ups or

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the pledge so instead I'm just gonna

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work on different things now I have set

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some new goals and I actually can do the

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handstand so therefore I'm gonna

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practice the one-armed handstand and

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also the neck flip so I find it a nice

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possibility now to try this out and yeah

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just don't stay home and do nothing with

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this elbow injury but instead I'm just

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gonna do some other things so let's do

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this today and I'm really curious how

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this is gonna be alright guys so

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ready to go right now I've packed all my

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stuff and I'm actually going to a

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CrossFit works in animation because I

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can trade the one on Hanson and the back

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there for the best at that spot in a

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bacon so let's go I'm riding on my bike

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instance we're gonna start with the one

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on instead so let's do this

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but we will get there eventually next

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summer alright guys so now it's time to

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do some free handstands from free

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one-armed handstand and this actually

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one of the first time that I'm training

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for the one-armed handstand and if you

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guys have some tips if you see that I

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can improve on some things then just let

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it know in the comments which is really

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appreciate it

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helos oh

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nice one

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alright guys so we just finished the

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workout we practiced a one-armed

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handstand I have to tell I can learn

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still a lot yeah mostly the one-armed

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handstand we found a couple of things

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you can work on yeah lots of wall work

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and yeah that's mostly over rotation

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yeah it's just initiating your movements

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from your feet then making sure the hip

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doesn't go back yeah and it doesn't

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rotate just to the left and to the right

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that's it yeah that's it okay

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although the pain seems to follow

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like a shadow dark and co2 the time

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I just do what you do

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yeah that's it

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what's up guys so I just got home from

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the workouts that I did today the

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one-armed handstand workout and the

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backflip workout and I actually feel

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pretty sad right now because I probably

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have a bruise food now after the last

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backflip that I did and I was really

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really excited to do these workouts

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today but right now I actually feel

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pretty sad because I probably injured my

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food so I will deal with another injury

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for the coming three weeks at least I

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was really excited to do these workouts

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today and also to make a video about

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this right now

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actually I don't feel motivated at all

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to make this video but anyway still I'm

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gonna edit the video and will upload the

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video which is the video that you are

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watching right now because I think it's

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important to also show the downsides of

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learning of calisthenics because we also

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have a lot of downsides and calisthenics

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just goes with a lot of trial and error

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and that's what I want to show you with

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this video so I hope you guys appreciate

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this and just let me know if you want to

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see more daily workout videos like this

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and if you like this video as well so so

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that's it for today guys please put your

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thumbs up and also make sure to

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subscribe to our channel because we are

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aiming for 10,000 subs at the end of

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this year so hit that subscribe button

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and also make sure that you put your

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pros notifications are so that's it

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and I'll catch you in the next video

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peace out guys

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