Our Vegan Diet to get Ripped | 30 Day Body Transformation | Day 12

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what's up guys welcome to a new video today it's day 12 of our

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body transformation our 30-day transformation

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and today in this video we will focus more on the diet that we have

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days by doing a plant based diet also a vegan diet

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so we only eat vegetable fruit nuts

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Oatmeal pasta that kind of stuff and start today with breakfast

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we already have those very nicely ready, we have made two beautiful plates

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So we are going to show you what we eat for breakfast

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During this transformation we always make a blend with all sorts

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fruit and vegetables and we all do that together and we also do that

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add some muesli and nuts on top for the bite

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we have apple bananas carrot orange red fruit

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radish kale and spinach and in addition

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do we add some muesli with nuts in it

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linseed coconut grater and stuff like that so we will make that. I'm curious.

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also good to report is that we during this transformation

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also doing intermittent fasting means 16 hours of eating nothing and

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last night we had dinner for the last time. That was at 8 o'clock in the evening

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it is now ten past twelve. So that's 16 hours that we're fasting now

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Perfect moments to start with the breakfast. I'm hungry so let's make this blend!

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ok so the blend is almost ready, only the apples have to be added

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but do not include this in the blend because we put it on top

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We had done research and it turned out that if you chew in something that

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more saliva is produced and there are substances that help with the

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digestion in your stomach. Because a blend is only liquid and therefore not chewable

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and therefore we put an apple on top and

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of course some muesli so you have more to chew.

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Still 1 gram !, ohhh haha.

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Okay ladies and gentlemen, we just got it

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both our blend ready this is our breakfast our vegetable breakfast

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and what we are actually doing with this challenge this month is

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actually also a kind of development for ourselves in our own diet

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of what we consume daily because before

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we know, of course, that we have to achieve our daily calories

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our daily macronutrients such as the proteins carbohydrates and fats

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but in the past we actually only looked at those figures, the ingredients

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so mainly the calories and the macronutrients and if

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we had achieved that at the end of the day it was fine but otherwise

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what we have now gradually discovered is that it is also

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what matters is where you get your calories and macronutrients from

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so before we often ate the same thing, almost the same every day

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for example, every day in the morning again yoghurt, sandwiches in the afternoon a pasta for lunch

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dinner and for sleeping a handfull of nuts

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almost always the same but what we are trying now is actually

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create a very varied diet and an optimal diet in which we actually

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eat as many different products as possible and also try different meals

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in which we thus for example in this

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Blend stops as many different products as possible and from them as much as possible

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different ingredients and vitamins and minerals

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because there are a lot of products that you actually miss if you for example

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simply eat 8 sandwiches to make your carbohydrates easy

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so that is actually what we also

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want to achieve with this transformation challenge

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so not so much creating the perfect body but also a development in our diet

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and I think we can optimize this in this way

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because we have already done a lot of research and we have already seen that we

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now at least already many more minerals and

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get healthy nutrients than we had before so that is

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anyway good i just made this meal.

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I'm curious how it tastes and I'm going to enjoy it now

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it does not look very nice bit of green but it comes through

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the spinach and the kale in it that made the meal the blendt

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green but it is quite tasty! Only because of the radish is it a bit

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bit strong in taste but hi really is really tasty!

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what's up guys we're here at the table because it's time

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for the second meal of the day it is around four o'clock so this is ours

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pre-workout meal we are going to grab a nice workout and what we are going now

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food is broccoli sweet potatoes and we have

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opted for sweet potato because it is just a lot tastier, it is not

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as dry as normal potato and it also seems to be healthier

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This therefore contains more vitamins, minerals and more fiber

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And it's just better, like I said, and we also have a mix

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of beans we have kidney beans we have linssen

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and have peas i'm not sure if that beans are by the way

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but it seems that if you eat beans in combination with

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cereals so for example rice or pasta or oatmeal then

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you really get all the amino acids you need in a day

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Hence this whole pan of beans and this meal contains 25 grams of protein

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so basically just a good portion for a meal

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Normally we would have added chicken for example

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that may contain 20 grams of protein but actually it is no longer necessary because have enough

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Proteins already in this meal and to make it even better we have some guacamole

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normally we would do avocado but it was finished

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so therefore now the guacamole also contains something from 60 to 70 percent avocado

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And yes that is just super tasty combination with the broccoli and beans

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I want to eat it so I would say tasty food

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yes and ladies and gentlemen as you see a whole board full of lots of colors too

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and colors seems to be very good for eating as there are then

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many vitamins and minerals

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for example, in broccoli and in all green products is one

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substance in that is called chlorophyll and that is only created as the product

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so absorbs sunlight when it is produced in the sunlight

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So actually there is light in here and light is life

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so that just gives us energy for the day and for today's workout!

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what's up ladies and gentlemen as you saw I just did a combo

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First from L-sit to Handstand with straight arms then to an HSPU then one

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straddle planche pulse press form and then back to l-sit

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and I find that fucking cool I've never tried such combos before

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So that was actually the first time but I'm definitely going to do it more often so I'm not really here

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fucking satisfied with it

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what's up ladies and gentlemen so we are

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just finished our workout had a wonderful push workout

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handstand push-ups done L-sit to handstand and again set new record and now is

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it's time for dinner and we're going to make pasta with pesto

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I have all the ingredients here

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Bell pepper, fresh olives, vegetarian chicken strips

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and yes they are vegan that means there is no chicken protein in it either

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whole wheat pasta, tomatoes, stir-fry vegetables and mushrooms

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So this is the meal that we are now going to make in this is also the same as ours

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last meal for today it is now half past seven and at eight a half past eight

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So let's start fasting and start fasting again for 16 hours until 12 noon tomorrow

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So we are now going to make this meal and then enjoy the last month!

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So let's do this!

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We have finished cooking, we have the whole-grain penne here

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and the vegetable mix and cane is in the bell pepper,

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the pasta vegetable mix and the pesto

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and here we have the vegan chicken strips

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they are based on soy with mushroom for extra flavor and this meal

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So we made it quite quickly, I think a maximum of fifteen minutes and how do you do it?

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First, put the pasta to the boil and set the timer

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in ten minutes and in the meantime you do the rest

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do this in a pan and cut your mushroom and also do this in a pan

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heat up with oil, cut the pepper, cut it out and let it together for 10 minutes

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become warm and in the meantime

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the pasta then ready and the rest too

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preparation of two minutes pour off of two minutes and then you are inside

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fifteen minutes ready

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And Yan what do you think of the meal?

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well i would tell you i am really enjoying it! I think it's even better

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then I don't eat vegan because of all that vegetables.

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All those different aromas that come together. Haha, all taste sensations!

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just so many different vegetables we have added tomatoes

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We have some more olives, really great!

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ok ladies and gentlemen we have just finished dinner and we had some calories left

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we still had to get some protein and fats

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and that is why we grabbed some nuts

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30 grams and I made a protein shake and it's not a whey protein it's natural

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vegetable protein the Vegan superfood blend and this contains proteins from peas

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barly grass, wheat grass, oats

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all things that I don't really know myself yet, but in any case vegetable!

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proteins from all kinds of different products and with that we close this video

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about 2,400 calories is our goal on

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this moment and 2,400 calories is our goal for this week

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and next week we are going to go slightly lower 2200 calories this month we are going

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200 calories to be low every week. So we also started with 2800 calories.

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and we end with 2000 calories

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And why do we do this step by step? They actually do this to prevent muscle mass from being broken down

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because if you immediately go to 2000 calories then your body goes there whole

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otherwise, your body will start using your food from your muscles

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to burn so your muscles are going to burn your body

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and of course we don't want that, so step by step from 2800 to 2600 to

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2400, 2200 and 2000 calories

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And as far as the power is concerned, it is true that

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for example, if you suddenly go from your normal diet of 3000 calories to 2000 calories

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Then you will really notice that in your energy and much less well

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perform, then you really deteriorate in your skills and strength, especially with calisthenics

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It is important to gradually adjust your diet

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so yes that is what we also recommend if you also have a 30 day

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do transformation. Every week about 100 to 200 calories down

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And yes, I will now enjoy this protein shake and that was the end of this video

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we are now going to fast 16 hours and tomorrow at 12 o'clock / 1 o'clock

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In the afternoon we will eat our meal again. I hope you enjoyed the video and the educational video

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about the vegan diet that we do now

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I hope you have learned something, for example, from which you can get your proteins

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if you liked it please give a thumbs up and forget if you are new

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then not to subscribe and we'll see you in the following video

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Peace out guys!

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