Our Diet To Get LEAN For Calisthenics

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good morning everyone run it by conical

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fear from Calais and expand me in this

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video we're going to show you what we

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eat on a daily basis because we want to

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show you the importance of a good well

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structured diet especially when you're

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doing calisthenics it's super important

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that you be very clean and that you want

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to be as light as possible so you can

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perform every exercises as fast as

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possible but that's what we're going to

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show you today so stay tuned for the

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alright guys so it's Saturday and today

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we're going to show you every single

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mule that we're going to eat and so we

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will count the calories and also the

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macronutrients of every single meal so

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we can give you guys an idea on how much

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we eat on a daily basis so like we said

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before it's very important with

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calisthenics to be as light as possible

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but you don't want to have like a 5

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kilogram actual body fat will be much

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harder to perform exercises so imagine

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you're 80 kilograms with 5 kilograms

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extra body fat will be much harder

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beforehand also offer a package but

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because it's all accelerate that you

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have to carry on I'm very hungry at this

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moment so let's get this started

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ok guys so for breakfast we always have

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different meals so I first show you what

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I eat and then after that deli will show

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you what he eats in the morning hey guys

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so for the first meal for breakfast I

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always eat there with what is ground

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Brenta it's oats but like really fine

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oats and the ingredients that I use are

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milk bananas and some raisins I always

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use that 15 grams of whey protein as

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okay that's the first meal that's my

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breakfast it doesn't really look

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delicious but it's very good very

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healthy for me it's just the perfect way

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to start off the day all right so like a

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brother said we both have a different

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breakfast so what I eat is just oats

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look print a bit more like grain oats

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some pork mixed nuts and also milk and

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so what time is it so it's 9:00 in the

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morning first meal about 9:00 in the

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morning second meal about 12:00 or 1:00

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p.m. for how long have you been eating

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this meal I think almost three four

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years but I changed it was about time I

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really changed I used a different

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protein or originally I've had it some

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mixed nuts well last year one when I was

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calling I want to cut down my my shoes

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so I didn't put banana anymore

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but now I'm not reading anymore so but

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it kind of became a habit to not use

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banana so that's why I don't use it

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anymore all right guys so it's 12

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o'clock right now we about to do a

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workout you're gonna do animal flow it's

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a type of sport a bodyweight sport we

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never did it before but so I'm gonna try

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that out for now we do not have lunch

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we're gonna have four slice of all we

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grant each person on the first two slice

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we're gonna put some banana and the

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other two were gonna put some Jam like

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jam this one has a lot less sugar than

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the regular one has so that's not better

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because you don't want to eat too much

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sugars we're gonna first toast this

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bread so it's little bit more crunchy in

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the meantime our toughest banana

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alright so 2nd day of the day for slice

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of bread - with banana do it light yeah

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let's go after a tweak consistent

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training to eight weeks training let me

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do a denote week in which we do lots of

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mobility flexibility work and we're

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gonna look for new exercises and

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therefore we're gonna do animal throw as

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today or tomorrow or tomorrow we're

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gonna make a new routine and for the

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next eight weeks and we might gonna

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implement some of these exercise what we

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can do right now oh wait and it's also

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part of the diet we also drink a monster

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almost every day or like half a monster

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but it does zero calorie so it doesn't

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really affect our diet does about many

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sugars or anything so yeah basically is

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just a feeling that works for us right

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yeah just a sweet drink very addictive

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stuff okay guys so we just got back from

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the animal float training it's now about

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four o'clock always around this time we

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always eat our first warm you so we'd

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like to eat to warm is pervasive this

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was going to be the first one the mostly

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we eat rice or pasta around 4 or 5

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o'clock mostly is before our training

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because mostly we try it before dinner

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but right now we are in the deal of

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weight and we just followed a random

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animal throw course which was about 2

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o'clock so let's get into this view

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today's time for pasta it's actually a

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vegan Festa we like to eat as less meat

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as possible so the ingredients that I'm

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gonna use our whole wheat pasta next one

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is broccoli normally we eat a raw

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broccoli like fresh work of broccoli but

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it was not available it was out of stock

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in the shop so now we choose for the

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frozen broccoli also we're gonna use

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mushrooms also some some vegetarian

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meatballs give the meals or extra flavor

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we also add pesto but those are the

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ingredients that I'm going to use so

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let's make this meal

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okay so the Mules ready to finish it off

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let's add some pesto give it a little

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bit more flavor but with this you want

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to be really carefully because this

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contains lots of fats so with this we're

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going to use the scale again

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many people see beste as a really

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healthy meal but mostly we often see

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people eat pasta while adding a lots of

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pasture for example and also the same

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goes for cheese a lot of people add

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cheese on a pasta but that's exactly the

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same then you're gonna like go for my

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really healthy meal to a fat meal and

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that's just exactly what you don't want

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so therefore we using the skill and

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measuring everything out okay guys so

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the pass that's ready so let's enjoy

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this meal we also we don't live together

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right so we make different meals this

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typically I knew that he makes a lot I'm

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more a fan of rice so the next meal we

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will make the rice and I'm gonna prepare

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that one yes I'm the pastor man he's a

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rice man okay guys so we just finished

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eating that felt really good if you

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really want to track your diet very

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carefully you can use the app which is

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called my fitness ball we only use this

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everywhere we're really trying to lose

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body fat so at this moment we're not

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using it but we're gonna show you how we

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do this when we're trying to lose body

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fat so what you're gonna do you're gonna

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get the ceilings of all the ingredients

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that we have it right here on the table

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so what you want to do you want to open

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this app which is called my fitness ball

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as you can see right here and then you

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just go to Plus that's food lunch okay

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then you're gonna use the barcode which

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is on the top right of the screen and

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then you can just go and scan the code

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on the package

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and then you just can scan everything

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that you want

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okay so now we have the full mule so and

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you can also see the macronutrients of

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this meal so you can see the proteins

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the carbohydrate so those are the fats

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also here you can see that the total

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amount of the calories which is 607 okay

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so as you can see you can just put

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everything what you just have eaten

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right into the app all the ingredients

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and then you can just look it up and see

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all the macronutrients and that is what

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you can do and that we also personally

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do where we try to use body fat then

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we're gonna track every single meal but

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for now we just did it for only this

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meal that was for this meal and we'll

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see you at the next meal which is dinner

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alright guys so really back in the

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kitchen it's not be I'm already a little

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late for dinner but we did some online

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coaching as you might know Michael just

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finished two pilots online coaching with

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a fan Martin we just received the review

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of my time it's a video and we just

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watch it you really get to brief you and

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we will upload it very soon on our

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website also the only coach you will

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officially be released on our website

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within two weeks I think that's our goal

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so keep an eye on that and it's 9:00

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p.m. already I'm hungry so that's good

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all right show me let me going to need a

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scarf boobity boobity boo boo boo booty

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I didn't know where they came from

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probably from South Africa because it's

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a South African new but it's a funny

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thing it's very delicious so I can't

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complain this box contains rice with

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raisins also have some sauce we have

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some herbs this really is what we need

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for this is apple vegetarian meat and

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green beans so we all have to be mix

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this up together and you get a nice view

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so let's start

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alright so in the meantime we're going

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to make a protein shake

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normally we drink this after workout but

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because this week we're having a denote

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week we do not really have a routine so

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we're going to take this protein shake

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right now

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sweet Thanks

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right guys so to go booth you ready we

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are hungry so let's eat

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all right so we have two rice with

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raisins and we have to go boogie on top

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you can mix this all together or you can

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just leave it apart just what you want

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okay guys so it's 12:30 midnight right

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now it's time for little a sweet drink

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as you can see it's zero calories so we

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always drink night drinks for example

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Coke Zero or in this case iced tea zero

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and to finish this day off we're gonna

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eat some pork this is actually like

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yogurt it's a little bit thicker than

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yogurt and it also contains more protein

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and we always finish the day with some

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quark okay guys so let's eat this if you

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haven't seen it yet we actually did a

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quark challenge in the last video so if

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you want to see in how many seconds we

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ate one kilo grams of quark

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head over to our latest video and check

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out in how many seconds me or Yannick

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ate one kilograms of quark okay guys

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it's time to end this video we just

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finished our latest wheels of work meal

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to get the less proteins of today so

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this is a perfect example what we eat on

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a daily basis like we said before we

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always try to eat as clean and also as

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speaking or vegetarian as possible

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although we do eat a lot of diary

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products make sure that we don't eat any

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meat or we also try to avoid cheese

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because cheese contains lots of fats

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excess well we actually never eat eggs

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alright guys so we ate five

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today this was for us a perfect day of

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clean teeth

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of course we do not always eat illegally

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we also have cheat days in fact Sunday's

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very neat like pizza at war yes

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cookies we have so today was during the

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week so from Monday until Friday and

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then also on Saturday but Saturday is

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most time a little bit or sometimes we

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leave like today it was a perfect day of

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clean evening of Saturday and normally

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on Sunday we actually always have G day

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we actually eat so many bad stuff on the

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Sunday that we don't want to eat that

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stuff in the next week that's kind of

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like our strategy to avoid that food

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during the week so at the end of the

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video we will have to list only

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macronutrients of all Appeals on the

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these garments so we actually try to eat

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- Gretchen protein per kilogram of body

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weight each day we are about 80

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kilograms but so that means 160 grams of

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protein every day all right so we really

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want to emphasize that we eat 3,000

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calories or 2,500

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per day but that is not what matter what

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you need that's what one's body is

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different I know people who have to be

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like 4500 calories and that still get me

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that's insane but that's just an example

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so just for everyone it's different but

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just some guideline for how much we need

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maybe it can help you so that's

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basically what we do but again it's

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different what I do want okay guys so

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that was it for this video if you like

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this video please put a thumbs up and if

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you want to see more fit the videos in

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the future please subscribe to our

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Channel and of course thanks a lot for

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watching and we'll see you in the next

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video peace out guys

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