Our Current Calisthenics Workout EXPLAINED

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and the tears roll

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let me tell you time and we're gonna

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yes guys welcome to the new video it's

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Michael and yellow fear from

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calisthenics family and we finally reach

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the 50k subscriber milestone finally

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guys it's a big milestone we have been

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working three years yeah now this

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channel and we never expected to get

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this far with this amount of people

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watching our channel we just started

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filming our own progressions and yeah

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now 50k that's an awesome achievement

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and to celebrate these guys we also

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announced it in the last video we're

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doing several giveaways at the end of

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this video we're doing a giveaway and we

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have to announce the winner of the

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previous giveaway as well from last

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video about the doubles so we actually

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chose one winner from last week and it

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was a hard time to pick the winner and

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there were two things that you have to

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do first you have to comment hashtag to

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Tori and also why you should win and the

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winner is Spencer and I will read his

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comment right here great video guys I'm

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gonna incorporate those exercise in

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routine especially that one for front

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knee for good to do more videos about

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front leaf or and dips I'm already at

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it's been stuck fully for and I'm in the

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process to achieve the Strela foam

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before continue brows you're doing good

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so great message thanks for the kind

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words Congrats bro so you will be so you

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are the winner of this gift wait and

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watch this video for a new gift way at

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the end of this video so Spencer

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Congrats with the giveaway please send

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us an email and you can find the email

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address down below so let's continue

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with the video guys today we're gonna

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have an epic workout together actually

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one of the first time since Michaels

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injury we can finally train together and

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we also have the same program so that is

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why we can train together again and

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we're gonna do a bent our workout today

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and on Monday with a straight down

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workout and a bent don't work that's

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actually my favor the workout of the

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week so I'm really looking forward to

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this workout yes guys I can't finally

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train as you guys know I've been

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struggling with my elbow injury for a

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really long time over a year actually

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and now I can finally do

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pulling movements against er to pull up

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the muscle I'm still not that strong but

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I'm just gonna work on it today together

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Yelling's gonna help me out today and

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I'm just looking forward to the workout

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and also I did my shrimp flip for the

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very first time last week so I'm also

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confident enough to do some freestyle

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and that's also one of her goals this

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year to become freestyle athletes

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so I'm actually that's my favorite

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workout at this moment so let's get this

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working guys let's go

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welcome to the fight so far I'm just

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gonna take you through our workout of

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today but first of all give some

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shoutouts to Kieran for its sick edits

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of the intro of this video so let's get

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this video rolling guys we first started

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with the first part of the workout which

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was the vertical way of pushing and

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pulling so we're starting off with hands

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and push-ups at our most and highest

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intensity so we're doing a few sets

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y'all goin all the way nose to

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the floor right here and only for one or

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two or maybe three repetitions and after

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that we're doing a few more sets with

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better form and working in a range

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between three and five to six

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repetitions as you can see right here

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focusing on proper form moving the hat

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in front of the parallettes

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and just getting in reps in and total I

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personally that 25 has in push-ups

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during this workout and after this

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exercise we started with the muscle ups

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Yanik first started and worked on his

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strict muscle up so he is also doing a

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few reps only one two three one two

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three repetitions with the best form as

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possible as strict as possible

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so after Yonex turn it was time for my

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turn for the mutts ups and as you can

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see I'm using the bands right here

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because I've deals with my entry for a

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very long time and that disabled me to

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do muscle EPS and now I'm finally able

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to work on my muscle ups again and as

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you can see I'm working on the strict

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muscle ups with a band because if I'm

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doing the muscles without the band I'll

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have a - they are going to explosive and

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that is just too dangerous for my elbow

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right now so that is why I'm also using

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the band right here and this is just a

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great way to lower the intensity of the

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exercise with still being able to

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perform the exercise with the best range

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of motion and also the best form as

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possible so after a few sets of the

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muscles we're working on our horizontal

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way of pushing and pulling so now the

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third exercise this is the bent arm

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planche pearls

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now I'm just trying to lean forward as

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much as possible and make really tiny

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pulses to eventually work up to Blanche

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push-ups that's the ultimate goal so as

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you can see Yannick is doing them here

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with full range of motion so after that

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we're going to the next exercise and

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this is front lever pullips so also a

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horizontal way of pulling and which is

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directly benefited to the front lever

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itself because it's a strength workout

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with bent arm strength to - again

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stronger in our skills or statics so

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from that for pull-ups right here and

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we're keeping the legs straight because

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this enables us to pull even more

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explosive so we did four sets of that

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and after that it was time for our fifth

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exercise and this is the isometric part

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of the workout so with this part we're

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doing pushing and pulling holes so as

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you can see I'm doing the elbow level

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right here and this is actually an

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easier variation of the bent arm plancha

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because now I'm just pulling my elbows

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to my site and that makes it exercise

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easier and enables me to lean as much

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forward as possible and after that I'm

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doing it with the resistance band and

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now you can see that my elbows are off

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my the side of my body this is just a

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really great way of getting the body

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used to the position that you want to

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get stronger in so always use bands guys

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because it just enables you to work in a

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new range of motion that you couldn't do

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if you just only did it with your own

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body weight so after that we're also

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doing the same kind of horizontal

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pulling movement the isometric hold the

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fro lever pull up we're doing two sets

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of this one and there was actually the

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first time that we tried this one out

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and here you can see that I'm actually

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pulling towards my lower part of my leg

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but the goal actually was to do the

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pulling movements just like the front

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lever hold so that's why we invented

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this new exercise during this workout we

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grabbed a few bands and started in the

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front left foot pull up in the front

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left position and that pulled herself up

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almost towards the the bar and now you

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can also see that we're putting towards

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our waistline instead of the lower part

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of our legs so this looks more similar

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to the actual fro left for hold so

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that's why we're doing it like this

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training very specific so after these

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holes it was time for the last part of

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the workout and this is the explosive

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part of the workout so we have work so

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here we are focusing on it increasing

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our explosive strength with relatively

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easier exercises so here we're doing

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waistline pull-ups they put a very high

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pull up towards the waistline and as you

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can see I'm using a thicker band I'm now

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using the green one which is slightly

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thicker than the yellow band which

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enables me to perform waistline pull ups

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so after that it was time for the next

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exercise the pushing explosive movement

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and here I'm doing dad stop hands and

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push ups and because I'm in a dead stop

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position I have to press very explosive

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from the ground which enables me to work

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on my explosive strength which will

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automatically be directly benefited for

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the hands and push up eventually so I

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did three sets of this one up to three

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to five repetitions and we finish the

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workout off with an explosive Pike

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pushup version

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clapping Pike push-ups and we did this

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up to 10 to 12 repetitions to get a

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Foley man and also to go a little bit

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more higher in intensity so this was the

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full workout guys just me and Yannick

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working out together finally again we're

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about increasing and strength so thanks

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guys for watching I hope it was helpful

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for you and now let's finish off this

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video guys

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all right guys workout done we had an

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awesome workout session and as I said

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we're gonna do a giveaway at the end of

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this video to celebrate our 50k

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subscribers milestone and as you can see

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we already hit some a quite a few sneak

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peeks with all of my protein stuff we

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also rockin my protein shirts today

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because we are gonna give away for

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fifty-year-old my protein coupon codes

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so that is what you can win and how can

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you win this and let us know what you're

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gonna get if you would win the coupon

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code and also comment hashtag 50k and

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let me just show you guys what I

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personally use from my protein so mainly

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I'm using the my protein whey isolate

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and this is the clear one that means you

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can basically mix this off with water

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and this also has a really sweet flavor

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and I really like this one and next to

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that these are basically my daily go to

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supplements that I take vitamin b12

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glucosamine for the joints and tendons

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because you guys don't haven't been

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dealing with my elbow injury and I think

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that this one really helped Oliveira

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alpha man for my daily vitamins and

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vitamin d3 because we don't get that

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much Sun over here in the Netherlands

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next to that CLA and create a team so so

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these are basically some products that

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you can order at my protein there a lot

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of other stuff as well so just check it

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out in a website so guys that's it for

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this video and I hope that you like this

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video please leave a like and subscribe

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for more videos and I'll catch you guys

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in the next video on Sunday in which we

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will announce the giveaway winner this

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video peace out guys

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but I found calisthenics family and they

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were offering this program plus the

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online coaching for a very affordable

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price so I decided to try it if anyone's

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looking to start calisthenics I would

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highly recommend this it'll it'll do the

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same for you I'm Gordon and I've been

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with calisthenics family for almost

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three months now and all the time I've

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had Yannick as my trainer like my

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chorionic can just be like that little

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extra push to keep you going you also

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seen the pictures I'm really proud of

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myself that what I achieved in the last

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eight weeks go for it and start your

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