My Next BIG PROJECT after my Body Transformation!

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what's up calisthenics family it's

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Michael here welcome to a new video in

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this video I'm gonna reflect on my fat

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loss documentary that I did last week

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and published last Sunday and I'm also

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gonna reveal my new and completely

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different project that I'm super excited

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about so let's get this video started

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and stay tuned

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alright guys so welcome to this video so

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in this video I'm gonna do a little

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reflection on the documentary I'm gonna

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reveal my new excited project and I'm

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also gonna show you some really funny

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and hilarious footage that I filmed this

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week but first before that I just want

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to thank all of you guys for watching

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and supporting the documentary that

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re-released last Sunday if you haven't

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seen the documentary check out the link

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right here I just looked at all the

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numbers and we're already at 11,000

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views 500 likes and up to 140 comments

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and like seeing all these positive

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comments it's just so amazing to see

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that's also why I want to thank you

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because we put a lot of work into this

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documentary I actually tracked all the

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hours that I put into this documentary

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and that was around 120 hours and that

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is without the filming part itself and

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also without the editing part of here in

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itself so probably all what all it will

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take up to like 200 hours that went into

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this documentary so I guess that also

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gives a really good perspective what it

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takes to create such a documentary if

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you also want to do that for yourself in

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the future but for now I just want to go

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and go back and have a little like

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reflection and give you guys a storyline

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on the whole documentary and also after

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the documentary because it's already one

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month ago that ice that I've finished

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the the fat loss journey and after that

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of course I had some really really good

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cheat meals I had a really good barbecue

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with my friends yeah I just enjoyed life

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again after being in a really strict

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diet it was time to enjoy a little bit

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so that's what I did after the

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documentary but yeah like I said after

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the documentary I also noticed that I

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really needed some time off

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in regards to my workouts because I have

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been training six days per week doing

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the daily hit workouts but during that

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whole period I was also doing my

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strength workouts which were for

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strength workouts per week and during

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that whole time I also got more into

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freestyle and I unlocked my very first

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swing 360 which I'm also gonna create a

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progression of video about probably next

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week so I also stay tuned for that so

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you can imagine that like my body was

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completely destroyed and empty after

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being in a really deep caloric deficit

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and like training almost every day

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sometimes even two workers per day so it

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was time to take some rest so I took a

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whole deal out week after the the

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documentary and that actually turned out

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to be - resting weeks and during the

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time that I was resting I was kinda

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experimenting with this new way of

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training here back in the gym I started

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to try out the handstand on the Rings

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for the very first time because I

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noticed that I never have done or even

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tried a handstand in the Rings and while

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my hand set is actually pretty pretty

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solid because I can already hold like a

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really good form strict straight

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handstand for two minutes which is

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really long and especially if I compare

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that with all the gym members here of

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course I am training the handstand in

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different ways I'm also doing a

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one-armed handstand challenge right now

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but that is also another project and I

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will probably also create a video on the

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results on that but yeah just I just was

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trying to do that ring handstand and I

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noticed that it was so freaking hard to

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do that it literally blew my mind I I

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tried it on the under wall for the first

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Yanik was also here in a gym I got some

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some raw footage which I'll show you

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right now and

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it was so hard I made this little clip

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after I did that alright guys so that

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was the very first time that I actually

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tried a handstand on the Rings on the

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wall and I feel like I'm doing the

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Hansons for the very first time in my

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life again this is so freakin hard

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I just can't seem how to do this now I'm

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gonna try it to do with some bands and

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assistance variation so let's try it out

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so as you can see I was really like

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surprised by this and that was also the

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clue for me that I needed to start a

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ring workout program and trained like

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gymnasts and that is also gonna be my

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next project guys so I'm gonna do a new

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project over the coming six to eight

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weeks so it's like a longer project and

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me doing a brain workout routine and

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like really training like a gymnast and

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really excited about this and it would

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be super awesome if I can do the

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handstand in the rinks and guess what

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guys this week I started that ring

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workout plan I got my laptop right over

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here so I'm just gonna go through some

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new footage some work at footage and

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show it to you and analyze my own

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footage right now so let's look into the

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first workout on Monday so here you can

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see I tried my very first ring wall

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handstand and as you can see I felt

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immediately on the ground there was so

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super hard also yannick tried it out

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also fell on the ground after that I try

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to do the ring wall handstand in a

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reverse position like walking up against

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the wall and that was also super hard

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couldn't make it so really hard exercise

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so after that we tried it to do it

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together like the old days when we first

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started the handstand and this really

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reminds me of me and you're like doing

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the handstand for the very first time

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like grabbing each other's legs and

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holding each other in the right position

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and then trying to hold it it gave me

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some goose bumps from

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four years ago so that's what I'm also

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really excited like I really feel like a

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beginner again and I really feel that

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that's that same energy that I had like

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four years ago so that is so awesome

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about this new project after that I

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tried to do it with the resistance band

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and that worked pretty well actually

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also Yannick was trying to get my legs

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up in the air but I was just too scared

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to a kick over because I was scared to

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fall over in the Rings and maybe even

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like break my arm or something when I

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lose the control in the Rings because

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you're like really shaking when you're

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doing this so then after that I tried it

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to do it on my own and I actually

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managed to get on the the bar with my

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feet and I was able to hold the

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assistant ring and stand with the bar

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and also a band around my hips for like

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five to ten seconds so I guess I can say

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I unlocked my very first goal on this

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ring workout program so after that I

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tried a few other attempts and then I I

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went on to some ticked planche holds

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also on the ranks which was super hard

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as well I tried to do the LSAT on the

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Rings as well that was also really

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really hard like normally I can do the

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l-sit on the on the bar for like 40

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seconds to up to one minute but on the

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rinks I can do it like 10 seconds so I

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think I have a really weak spot right

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here and also a really big space that I

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can improve so that is also why I'm

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really excited about all these like

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basic exercises that I can master again

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so that was basically my push workout

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that I did on Monday and then the next

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day I did a pool workout on the rinks

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so at first I also worked on my straight

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arm strength I was doing the front lis

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for of course so I was able to hold the

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straddle front leaver for like five

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seconds here on the Rings and after

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these static holds I did some negatives

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to get stronger in

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in my rear delts and in my back for the

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front Li for and at the end I also did

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some more basic pool exercises on the

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Rings which I didn't film so these were

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the very first two workouts of my new

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rig worker program and right now when

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I'm standing here it's now Thursday I

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haven't experienced this level of

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soreness right now in my shoulders in my

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serratus in my chest like it's just

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completely new for me so I think that's

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because of all the like really tiny

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muscles that you target when doing the

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all exercises in the Rings so that's

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basically my new project and my new

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workout schedule the ring worker program

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so guys let me know what to think about

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this new project I'm really curious what

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you guys think so the plan that I have

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in mind for this new project is first of

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all I'm thinking about also doing some

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collabs with order gymnasts here in the

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Netherlands if you have an idea let me

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know in the comments if you know someone

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that can help me out let me know I'm

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currently thinking about it would be

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really really sick if I can ask our own

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national Lord of the ranks Julie from

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Hilde to Train maybe I can visit him in

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about a few weeks and ask him for some

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tips that would be so sick so but I

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don't know if that's if that's a

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realistic goal but we will see and I'm

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also planning to visit a gymnastic hall

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to try out the rinks over there and do

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other maybe some other gymnastic moves

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and I'm gonna give you guys an update on

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this new project in about like two weeks

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and like throg my workouts here in the

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gym maybe the gymnastic hall and like

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doing like these personal videos I

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really like that it motivates me and I

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also hope that I inspire you with these

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videos so guys that's it for this video

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let me know your thoughts please like

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this video guys we're on our way to one

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onward gay subs we hope to get that

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amount this year that would be really

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awesome then we gonna do something very

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special so make sure to hit that like

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button and also subscribe for more

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videos and that's it peace out guys

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