My Full Calisthenics Week Routine to get SHREDDED

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what's up guys welcome to a new video

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it's Michael here from cosmetics family

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and this video I'm gonna take you with

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me through my week as many of you

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requested on Instagram to do more

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personal video some vlog videos so in

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this video I'm gonna show you my

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complete week I'm just gonna grab the

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camera and show some parts of my week

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showing my workout showing what I eat

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and maybe some other random stuff of my

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week so let's start this video

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all right guys so I'm about to hit a

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workout session but before I'm gonna

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start a workout today it's Tuesday by

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the way and in the beginning of the week

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I'm always preparing my muse so I'm

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gonna do a little meal prep show you

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what I eat before workout and what I eat

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over the next three days and then I'm

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gonna hit my very first workout of this

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week so for this meal I only use some

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vegetarian meatballs some kidney beans

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some corn and also brown rice normally I

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would also add some tomatoes and avocado

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with those where empty at the grocery

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store so let's put this all together and

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make it simple pre-workout you all right

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so cooking is done and now I'm gonna add

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all the ingredients in this big box over

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here and count all the grants alright

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guys so I just finished that meal now

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it's time to workout workout number one

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off the four workers that I do this week

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today I'm going to do some skill and

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freestyle work at the gym together with

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my brother Yannick so let's get to the

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gym and I'll catch you guys over there

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all right guys made it to the gym let's

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do this

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what's up guys so it's Wednesday today

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I've been sitting on a computer all day

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long I've been doing some client support

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and also I've been working on the new

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calisthenics basics course that we're

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creating right now as you can see we're

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getting along with this course but still

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a lot of work needs to be done because

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we're explaining all the basic exercises

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in a full details video so you guys can

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imagine that took a lot of work to

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create and also to put everything

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together in one course but I definitely

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think it's our biggest project so far

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and I'm already really proud of yourself

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so I really can't wait to finish that

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and show it to you guys and now I'm

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gonna have my lunch alright guys so I'm

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gonna have the exact same you as

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yesterday really easy because I already

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prepared it so it doesn't take me any

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time right now

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alright guys so I just finished that

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meal and as you can see the weather is

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really nice and after a really long day

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of computer work I always like to do

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some mobility work and today I'm gonna

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work on my visit and on my compression

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work so I'm just gonna do it right here

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in the Sun and that will be my workout

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of the day let's do it

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what's up guys so it is Thursday today

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I'm here at the gym because I'm gonna

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have my second workout of this week my

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strength workout but first I'm gonna

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have a meeting together with yelling and

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with Kieran Kieran graduated last week

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at calisthenics family so super awesome

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to have our first student I graduated at

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calisthenics family he graduated as a

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digital creator and now we gonna see if

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he is going to work for us as a

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videographer in the future so let's do

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alright guys so we just finished that

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meeting together with Kieran and Yannick

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and a really good meeting and we made

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some new plans for the future together

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with Kieran so that's gonna be really

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awesome shooting even more content even

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better quality and we're also thinking

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about getting a drone when the whole

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coronavirus is over and we can create

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more stuff outside so that's definitely

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gonna be epic can't wait for that and

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now it's time for my workout today it's

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my strength workout so that means that

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I'm not gonna focus on all the skills

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and freestyle that I did in the last

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workout but today I'm just gonna try to

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beat my own records and I have tracked

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this all in my log books in my phone so

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I'm just gonna go all out do a lot of

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repetitions a lot of sets and just

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trying to become stronger than my

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previous training you guys that

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following the full journey know the deal

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let's do this

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alright guys so I just finished the

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workout had a really good workout and

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trained for like one and a half hours

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and I definitely got some new PRS so

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that's always great after workout

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session so yeah that's that's the work

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out of today now I'm gonna go home and

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do some computer work I'm gonna edit the

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video the vlog that I will upload today

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on Thursday and then tonight I'm gonna

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do my next workout because I am in the

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middle of a fat loss challenge that I do

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together with my girlfriend and I'm also

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gonna document everything and create one

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epic video out of that but you guys

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gonna see all that in May so now let's

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go home and get my post-workout shake

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good morning guys it is Friday today and

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today I'm having my leg workout I'm here

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with my girlfriend and four legs I

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either do bodyweight leg workouts or

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weighted leg workouts but for now

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because I'm in the middle of my fat loss

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journey I'm doing high-intensity

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bodyweight leg workouts so let's do it

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I'm just gonna put the camera down and

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show you guys what I do for legs this

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alright guys so we just finished that

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workout we did five rounds in total of

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eight minutes per round so in total we

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trained for like an hour and now I'm

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gonna have my breakfast

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I didn't eat before the workout because

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as I am in my fat loss journey right now

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I do intermittent fasting so I don't eat

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in the morning until like 11 or 12 in

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the morning so let me show you guys my

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breakfast what I eat every single

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morning so these are all the ingredients

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that I use so basically I make a bowl

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with oats and milk so what I use is

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raisins blueberries soy milk cinnamon

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oats and some hen it supersedes and then

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I'm gonna put it all of that together in

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one blend and then my breakfast is done

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so breakfast is done so normally it

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would also add some apples and some

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protein but those are empty right now so

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I gotta do it with this today so let's

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enjoy this moon good morning guys it is

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Saturday morning right now 8:00 in the

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morning and right now I'm doing my daily

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morning walk so I've been doing this for

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a few weeks right now and I gotta say

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I'm really really enjoying this just to

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catch some fresh air and to clear my

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mind before I start my work so I'm just

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gonna continue this walk for 10 minutes

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now and then I'm going back home and

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start my day start my work and later

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today I have a freestyle session plans

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with Yannick Saturday we always do

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freestyle so I'm really looking forward

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to that workout so stay tuned for that

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and I'll catch you guys later all right

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at home got some coffee right over here

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and as you can see right here these are

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all my morning habits that I'm doing

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right now so I just finished this

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morning walk right here so if you guys

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want me to make a full video on my

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morning routine let me know and as you

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can see here I have my work spots so

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here am i doing all the clients supports

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for everyone that is getting evils from

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me that's from this pot over here and

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we're also setting the first steps for

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our own calisthenics family app so that

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is really exciting as well so I'm gonna

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work now right here and then start my

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workout later today all right

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alright guys so we just finished the

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first part of the freestyle sesh we both

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practices swing 360 and this manner

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where yes man today two catches I'm just

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really glad I've been practicing this

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for like three weeks in a row and today

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was the first time that I actually got

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it what's up guys so it's Sunday right

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now and it's time for my last workout of

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this week workout 5 it's going to be

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another strength workout so yesterday I

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finished a skill freestyle workout in

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which I tried all new exercises and some

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freestyle and also lots of skill

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exercises and today it's it's time again

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to really get some reps in some sets so

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really yeah doing a strength workout so

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let's start the workout today I'm not

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gonna go in full detail with the whole

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workout otherwise this video is gonna be

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way too long I'm just gonna show you my

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routine of this week so let's start this

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workout and then let's get a good

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session in

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numbers on the phone they keep calling

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me hard and girlies up my souls why they

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no getting my father sitting up well

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she'll cars

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Cuffy we're component

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alright guys so I just finished that

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workout had a really good workout work a

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lot of all my basics so that wasn't for

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this workout so right now let's also

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finish this video off with a little

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physique check I think it's really nice

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to do this at the end of this vlog so as

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you guys know I'm currently in my fat

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loss journey so this is how the physique

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looks right now definitely seeing a lot

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more striations apps are way more

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visible and also back alright guys that

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was a little physique update on the half

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of my fat loss journey so that's it for

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this video guys so as you saw mainly my

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full workout routine that I'm doing

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right now and yannick is doing the exact

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same routine as well so basically two

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skill workouts two strength workouts and

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one leg day and next to that I also do

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some flexibility mobility work working

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on the feet as well I did that twice

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this week so guys that is my routine

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right now I hope that you got some

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inspiration motivation out of this and

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all the people that are following the

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full journey program they will

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definitely recognize different team

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because we are doing this exact same

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routine in the full journey calisthenics

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program that we created a few years ago

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because we started training exactly like

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this and we transferred this whole plan

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into the full journey and now as you can

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see I'm still doing it like this

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sometimes I'd like to switch alternates

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with some routines if you guys have any

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other questions or any YouTube video

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ideas let me know in the comments and

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then I will create that in one of the

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next vlogs so guys if you like this

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video please give it a thumbs up it will

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really help the channel grow so thanks

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for watching guys and I'll catch you

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guys very soon in one of the next videos

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peace out

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the numbers on the phone Nikki calling

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me hard and the girlies at my shows why

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they all are

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I don't want to know get them all off

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