My Current Calisthenics Pull Workout Routine (Back & Biceps)

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what's up guys it's Yannick here from

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calisthenics family and welcome to a new

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video so last week I shared my current

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push workout and I asked you guys if you

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also wanted to see my full workout so

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that's exactly what I'm gonna do today

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it's Thursday 9 o'clock in the morning

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so let's do this

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alright guys so welcome to a new video

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and I already did my warmup and maybe

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it's also interesting for you guys to

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know what my actual warmup is so if you

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want to know what my warmup is please

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let me know in comments and we can

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definitely make a video about that so my

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pool workout it's my second pool workout

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of this week I already did a pool

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workout on Monday so second workout and

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I'm going to start off with the heavy

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exercises so low rep range and at the

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end I'm going to do slightly basics and

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also higher rep rings alright guys so my

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first exercise of this day will be the

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muscle ups and I'm really working on my

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clean form so I'm gonna focus on that 4

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to 6 repetitions so let's do this

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all right so as you guys maybe could see

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the first two were kind of cleaned but

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the last one wasn't so I stopped with my

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repetitions and save my energy for the

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next step all right guys so type for my

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second set of the most herbs and I made

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a little rule for myself and whenever I

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kept my knees I just stopped with making

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repetitions so I save energy for the

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next set so I might do two or three

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repetitions and then go on with the next

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so let's go

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thank you

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too much so the third one was skipping

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uni so quit alright guys so I just

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finished my first exercise to muscle ups

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and toe to other 20 repetitions maybe

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not in 4 sets but maybe in 6 sets so

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next exercise I'm gonna do the human

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flag practice and I'm gonna start off

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with a little warm-up exercise for the

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human flag to really get used to this

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and comment position so first I'm going

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to do a vertical down hold which is this

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exercise I'm going to do this on both

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sides for about 20 seconds to really get

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comfortable with this position and then

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I'm gonna practice the human flag hold

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so let's do this

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decades of

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alright guys so I did my warm-up for the

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human flag now first of all I'm going to

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work with bands and try to hold it as

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long as possible

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and why I'm gonna start with bands is

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because the human flag is actually a

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pretty injury sensitive exercise so I

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don't want start as happy as possible

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because there's so much pressure coming

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on the shoulder so I start with like a

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easy variation and that in the last set

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I'm gonna do it without participants

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let's go

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all right also don't forget between the

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other side can maybe be a little bit

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harder but you really don't want to get

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that imbalance in your muscles

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oh I should Ellis the black band now I'm

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gonna move on to the red band which is

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slightly thinner let's see if I can hold

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the full flag

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all right guys for the last set of Numa

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flag I'm going to it without a

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resistance band and let's see how many

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seconds I can hold it my current level

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is to straddle for about five seconds so

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let's try to beat that

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one two three four five six seven eight

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seven seconds that's a second you have

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you are it's getting better

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so now let's see the other side the

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other side is weaker probably zero

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seconds yeah okay but you have to try it

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I just cannot seem to straighten this

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upper arm so that's really a weak spot

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my left arm so I really gotta work on

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that so not to try to do a straddle flag

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of something but just keep it the basics

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and try to fix this issue all right guys

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so that was the second exercise and as

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you might have seen about two weeks ago

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we did a human flag tutorial on how to

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start if you've never practice it before

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so I will also link it down in the

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description so if you want to learn the

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human flag but don't know how to start

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just check out that video guys so let's

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move on to the next exercise which is

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the way that pull-ups I'm gonna get two

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ways out of the car so let's go alright

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guys so the next exercise weighted

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pull-ups I'm gonna do four to six

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repetitions and total three sets I'm

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going to start off with 25 kilograms so

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let's see how many reps I can do

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one more six

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alright guys so I just had 25 kilograms

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for 6 repetitions so that means that I

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have to move on to a higher weights so

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30 kilograms and my goals to at least 4

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repetitions so let's do it

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12:12 whoo-hoo yes

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so these boys are really sleepy these

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days also sweaty hands so three

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repetitions plus one makes four

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repetitions alright guys so I just

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finished the weighted pull-ups I did

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three sets in total so now it's time to

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finish off this workout with a sequence

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and I'm gonna do five exercises all in a

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first of all I'm gonna do 20 explosive

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pull-ups then I'm gonna do 30 neutral

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grip pull-ups

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so like this and then 50 high Australian

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bar pull-ups and then 100 seconds of

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pull up hold not at once but maybe in

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three times three times thirty seconds

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maybe and then finished off with 100

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Australian pull-ups so I'm just really

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gonna kill myself right now

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actually it's quite funny because

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yesterday we broke the all-time

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temperature here in Holland it was

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thirty nine point two degrees here and

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they expected to temperature to be even

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higher today so it's going to be maybe

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40 degrees today

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now it's 11:00 in the morning and it's

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already over 30 degrees so I'm already

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happy that I don't work out in the

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afternoon so yeah I'm just gonna kill

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myself so let's do this no excuses no

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excuses alright guys the first exercise

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explosive Philips and we're gonna do it

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right here oh my god will be to get my

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chin above the higher bar so I'm gonna

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do pull-ups on the lower bar and get a

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chin above the higher bar so 20

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so I did 812 more

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all right guys so next up 30 repetitions

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of neutral grip pull-ups I'm gonna do

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that right here

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okay side it then do anymore

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killing it

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saqib smell all right guys I just

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finished 30 new toy grip pull-ups next

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up is 50 high bar shredding pull up so

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I'm gonna grab it here place my feet on

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top of the bar and do some body weight

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rows 50 repetitions let's go

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I just got sweat in my eyes they have

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okay so I'll eat 12 now 38 more so let's

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do this

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alright guys so let's move on to the

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fourth exercise which is the pull-up

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hold 100 seconds in total and I think

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I'm gonna do 30 seconds 30 seconds and

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on 2020 let's see

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86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 and 7

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98 99 100 seconds damn it alright guys

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one more exercise 100 Australian who

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lives let's do this

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whoo nice finished

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I'm completely finished I think I never

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had such a dense workout and such a high

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temperature I think it's now 33 degrees

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I'm just breaking out in sweat but I did

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nice I did it this was my pool workout

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so I started off with some heavy

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exercises low rep rates also some

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statics the human flag for example and

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then I did some weighted pull-ups and

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then I finished off with this sequence

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of five exercises and also guys I forgot

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to say that at the end of the workout

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I'll almost like to switch between

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training routines so as you guys know in

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the bush workout I did a circuit so I

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did three rounds of five exercises and

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this workout I did five exercises all in

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a sequence of first finish the first one

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that moved on to the second one and

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sometimes the reps it says sometimes I

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just go for max pulip smacks lips and

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makes push-ups it just all depends on

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the day

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so this was my pool workout I'm just

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completely finished so there was my pool

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workout I hope that you find it

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informational that you can use maybe

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some training techniques for your own

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workout yeah let's close off this video

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with a few announcements

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- the first announcement is that we just

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finished the first 30 day fat burn

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challenge and we got the winners and in

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the next video we will announce the

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winners have also announced the new

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challenge so we're gonna open up a new

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challenge which will be from the first

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of August to the last day of August so

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there will be a new challenge so also

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new chances to win epic prices and to

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transform your body so more information

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about this in the next video and then

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the second announcement is that we still

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wanted to do a epic giveaway for our 30k

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subscriber milestone to youtube so we're

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gonna do an epic giveaway and we will

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announce this also next week and we

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never get such a big giveaway before so

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really make sure to keep up to date with

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our next videos and at last guys as you

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know in the previous video we announced

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that we are having our new channel now a

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dutch vlogging channel and we are going

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to upload our first vlog on this channel

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so for all the dirt chiefs that haven't

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subscribed yet please make sure to do so

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it's really affirmation all we're gonna

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share the process of building a gem of

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building our office and also we're going

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to share some daily stuff like when we

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eat what we train what our routine is so

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also if you're interested in that make

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sure to subscribe I will put the link

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down in the description so that's it for

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this video and once again I really hope

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that you like this video and like you

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said in the beginning of the video if

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you want to see what our warm-up looks

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like also make sure to comment down

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below and we will make a video about

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that and yeah that's it guys we catch

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you in the next video

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