My Calisthenics Workout For Gaining MUSCLE & Getting STRONGER
what's up guys it's my girl fare from
kept Sonic's family welcome to a new
video in this video I'm going to show
you my own current workout because we
also want to share our own full journey
and share what we are up to it's a
really nice day as you can see right
here so I'm about to hit a workout a
strength workout and today I'm just
gonna focus on all the basics so I think
it's a really valuable video to share
with all of you guys so you can also see
how I train on days when I'm actually
not sharing all the best stuff like
really hard exercise but also I just
want to share that I'm also just
training outside at the park just
focusing on all the basics so that's
what I'm gonna do today so stay tuned
for the video alright guys so welcome to
the video so currently I'm having my
pre-workout meal so let me show you guys
what I eat before the workout I actually
already ate a little bit before it was
my standard breakfast actually but now
I'm just having a slight meal because I
don't want I don't want to eat too much
before I'm gonna work out especially if
you train with your own body weight I
just like to feel light so I'm just
having a small snack right now so
basically it's a whole-wheat grab and
with who's with bell pepper with egg
plump and some lettuce so let's finish
this and then I'm gonna hit the worker
park as you guys know all the gifs are
also my gym is closed right now so but
the weather is really nice so at this
moment I like to Train outside so
actually we have a little workout spot
here like three minute walk from my
house so guys I'm just gonna show you my
workouts stay tuned and then we're gonna
go to the park alright so I got the
workout back ready and this is what I
bring when I'm gonna train outside the
parallettes of course it's definitely a
must when you're gonna train outside a
banana resistance bands right over there
the tripods and some water and
and of course most important thing as
phones alright guys so as you can see I
just made it to the park a little kid
listening spark I already dropped my
stuff over here so I'm just gonna use
these bars today and I also dropped my
and my tripod over here I really like
this nice spot to train my handstands so
let's do this alright guys so I made it
to the park as you can see so right now
I'm gonna start my workout so like I
said today is my strength training so
I'm not gonna do all the exercises at my
full potential so not at full intensity
but just training and getting a lot of
repetitions and seconds in so I always
first start with some static exercises
so that actually means training with
straight arms so for example the hand
stands at the front leaf or in some
branch work so let's start with this
part and then I'm gonna show you all the
exercises that I'm doing for a bent arm
strength and also some basics so let's
start with the workout I'm just gonna
turn over to a voiceover right now and
show you all the different exercises and
also some progressions and regress that
you can do for yourself so let's go
alright guys so for the hand set I'm
currently working on the chin to chest
handstand and with each workout I always
start with handstand practice first
first of all to get my body warmed up
and also of course to get better in the
handstand so there was my best chin to
chest hands and hold this workout and
next I moved on to the trick chin to
chest headstand and this one is a real
struggle right now for me and it was my
best hold and I'm pretty proud of it
very happy with the result
alright guys so my girlfriend also just
arrived to the workout spot show us some
handstands try to press in the bars
really hard yeah
oh pretty good was he can already do but
what I'm telling her right now is that
she really needs to use her hands press
when you're falling over that's also
probably what you guys need to do as
well and that then you can also practice
this exercise the bikes tends to get
stronger in your straight arm and sent
hold so now let's get back to the
workout the second exercise that I did
was the front left foot hold so I first
started with the hardest progression for
me right now the straddle probably for
hold and I try I'm trying to get at
least five seconds and after that I
moved on today at fats took from me four
holes also five to ten seconds and at
last I moved on to the front deeper
vault with and resistance band and now
I'm just trying to get the food front
Leaford with the perfect form as
possible for like fifteen to twenty
seconds and one of my biggest mistakes
that I made us that was doing if only
for with bent or answer so I'm really
focusing on straight arms right now and
my girlfriend also wanted to try to fool
me for so let's see what C can do and
what tips I have for her fooling hold
you have to do it like this yeah
resistance band around the bar okay come
oh yeah like that come on try to do it
tick yes yes oh the band needs to be
around your hips yes like that yeah
and now bring your knees and bring your
knees in yeah yeah yeah yeah nice and
hold hold for me nice first took full
leveled with the band nice
all right let's get back to the marker
again so now I'm gonna do some blench
work and as I said I'm not gonna try my
best French but I'm gonna work on the
basics so now I'm doing a five-second
text blank then moving to pay instead
hold also holding this for five seconds
and then I'm going back to an l-sit
holds also for five seconds so this is a
really good dynamic way to train all the
basic and most important aspects of the
planche and for the float Leifer I was
doing the exact same thing so first I
started with a five second as fans took
hold then I pull myself towards an
inverted fully for hold with straight
arms also five second hold and then
going back to a five seconds took from
me for it and I did both exercises for
five sets in total alright guys so that
was the first part and now I'm gonna
move on to my second part of the workout
bent arm strength so let's do it
alright so with this workout our first
focus on the waistline pushing and
pulling strength because that is the
strength where I want to improve on to
get better in the front leave for
entered planche
and I know from our experience that this
is also the most important strength part
that you need to improve on with
calisthenics so I'm doing planche lean
push-ups here so leaning forward as much
as possible and pushing back up to a
plank position and for the waistline
putting strength I did else it from me
for pull-ups so bringing the bar to my
waistline and
else's position and I did both exercises
for 8 reps and three sets in total and
after that I moved on to a basics
circuit so first I started with some
Pike push-ups 8 reps in total and the
focus isn't really working off the
camera by the way then immediately I did
clicked pull-ups because I couldn't find
a high bar and this one is also really
challenging if and harder than and
normal pull-ups so definitely try it out
then you can still work on your pull-ups
so next I did Close Grip push ups
because I want to grow my midsection of
my chest and when training for Missal
then you are then you want to do at
least 8 to 12 repetitions so I did 15
reps I guess right here and then I moved
on to standing rows and the focus isn't
really working as you can see right here
so my apologies for that but this one is
also a really good exercise to work your
back Strangler
alright guys so I just finished the
workout had a really good workout so
guys I hope that you enjoyed this video
and that you got some inspiration on how
to Train calisthenics bodyweight
training outside with really a few
equipment just a few bars at the park so
now I'm about to eat my post-workout
meal and then I'm gonna finish this
video and now it's time for my
post-workout protein shake I'm always
having a high protein shake after my
workout so I'm using a scoop of whey
protein for my protein and I'm using
half a banana half avocado
and some strawberries and some water
alright guys so I just finished my
protein shake so why am i drinking this
it's really important to hit your
proteins right after your workouts for
optimal recovery for your muscles and
it's also really good to add some carbs
in there
for example bananas because then your
body will consume the protein even
better so now I'm going to enjoy this
protein shake and also guys if you want
to use some protein some whey protein or
some other stuff from my protein I'm
also using other stuff right here you
can see more whey protein and obscene
and also supplements which I don't have
right here you can check out my protein
and use our discount code CF 35 for a
35% discount on the complete website and
right now we are about to make dinner
and today we have burritos on the menu
and my girlfriend's already preparing so
these are all the ingredients that we
using and as you can see we're using
vegan meat because we are basically
trying to eat as much plant-based food
as possible so we don't eat any meat at
all of course we do use some whey
protein which is animal food but just we
try to eat vegetarian only know me
alright guys so we just finished that
meal was a really delicious meal so guys
I'm just gonna add this video right here
I really hope that you like this video
and if you got some inspiration out of
my own work out of today please let me
know if you want to see more videos more
workers from me and also I want to do
more personal videos more vlogging
videos just like this maybe sharing some
more nutrition maybe some more mules
that I eat
and also maybe sharing my morning
routine my evening routine I do a lot of
flexibility and mobility routines as
well so if you guys want to see all that
just let me know in the comments and I'm
happy to create that in one of the next
videos so guys thanks for watching
please like and subscribe for more peace