My Calisthenics Workout For Gaining MUSCLE & Getting STRONGER

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what's up guys it's my girl fare from

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kept Sonic's family welcome to a new

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video in this video I'm going to show

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you my own current workout because we

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also want to share our own full journey

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and share what we are up to it's a

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really nice day as you can see right

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here so I'm about to hit a workout a

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strength workout and today I'm just

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gonna focus on all the basics so I think

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it's a really valuable video to share

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with all of you guys so you can also see

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how I train on days when I'm actually

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not sharing all the best stuff like

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really hard exercise but also I just

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want to share that I'm also just

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training outside at the park just

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focusing on all the basics so that's

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what I'm gonna do today so stay tuned

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for the video alright guys so welcome to

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the video so currently I'm having my

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pre-workout meal so let me show you guys

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what I eat before the workout I actually

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already ate a little bit before it was

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my standard breakfast actually but now

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I'm just having a slight meal because I

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don't want I don't want to eat too much

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before I'm gonna work out especially if

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you train with your own body weight I

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just like to feel light so I'm just

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having a small snack right now so

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basically it's a whole-wheat grab and

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with who's with bell pepper with egg

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plump and some lettuce so let's finish

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this and then I'm gonna hit the worker

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park as you guys know all the gifs are

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also my gym is closed right now so but

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the weather is really nice so at this

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moment I like to Train outside so

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actually we have a little workout spot

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here like three minute walk from my

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house so guys I'm just gonna show you my

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workouts stay tuned and then we're gonna

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go to the park alright so I got the

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workout back ready and this is what I

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bring when I'm gonna train outside the

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parallettes of course it's definitely a

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must when you're gonna train outside a

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banana resistance bands right over there

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the tripods and some water and

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and of course most important thing as

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phones alright guys so as you can see I

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just made it to the park a little kid

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listening spark I already dropped my

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stuff over here so I'm just gonna use

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these bars today and I also dropped my

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and my tripod over here I really like

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this nice spot to train my handstands so

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let's do this alright guys so I made it

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to the park as you can see so right now

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I'm gonna start my workout so like I

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said today is my strength training so

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I'm not gonna do all the exercises at my

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full potential so not at full intensity

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but just training and getting a lot of

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repetitions and seconds in so I always

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first start with some static exercises

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so that actually means training with

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straight arms so for example the hand

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stands at the front leaf or in some

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branch work so let's start with this

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part and then I'm gonna show you all the

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exercises that I'm doing for a bent arm

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strength and also some basics so let's

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start with the workout I'm just gonna

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turn over to a voiceover right now and

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show you all the different exercises and

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also some progressions and regress that

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you can do for yourself so let's go

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alright guys so for the hand set I'm

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currently working on the chin to chest

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handstand and with each workout I always

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start with handstand practice first

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first of all to get my body warmed up

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and also of course to get better in the

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handstand so there was my best chin to

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chest hands and hold this workout and

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next I moved on to the trick chin to

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chest headstand and this one is a real

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struggle right now for me and it was my

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best hold and I'm pretty proud of it

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very happy with the result

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alright guys so my girlfriend also just

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arrived to the workout spot show us some

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handstands try to press in the bars

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really hard yeah

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oh pretty good was he can already do but

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what I'm telling her right now is that

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she really needs to use her hands press

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when you're falling over that's also

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probably what you guys need to do as

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well and that then you can also practice

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this exercise the bikes tends to get

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stronger in your straight arm and sent

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hold so now let's get back to the

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workout the second exercise that I did

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was the front left foot hold so I first

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started with the hardest progression for

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me right now the straddle probably for

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hold and I try I'm trying to get at

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least five seconds and after that I

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moved on today at fats took from me four

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holes also five to ten seconds and at

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last I moved on to the front deeper

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vault with and resistance band and now

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I'm just trying to get the food front

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Leaford with the perfect form as

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possible for like fifteen to twenty

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seconds and one of my biggest mistakes

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that I made us that was doing if only

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for with bent or answer so I'm really

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focusing on straight arms right now and

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my girlfriend also wanted to try to fool

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me for so let's see what C can do and

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what tips I have for her fooling hold

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you have to do it like this yeah

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resistance band around the bar okay come

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oh yeah like that come on try to do it

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tick yes yes oh the band needs to be

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around your hips yes like that yeah

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and now bring your knees and bring your

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knees in yeah yeah yeah yeah nice and

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hold hold for me nice first took full

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leveled with the band nice

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all right let's get back to the marker

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again so now I'm gonna do some blench

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work and as I said I'm not gonna try my

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best French but I'm gonna work on the

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basics so now I'm doing a five-second

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text blank then moving to pay instead

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hold also holding this for five seconds

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and then I'm going back to an l-sit

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holds also for five seconds so this is a

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really good dynamic way to train all the

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basic and most important aspects of the

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planche and for the float Leifer I was

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doing the exact same thing so first I

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started with a five second as fans took

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hold then I pull myself towards an

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inverted fully for hold with straight

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arms also five second hold and then

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going back to a five seconds took from

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me for it and I did both exercises for

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five sets in total alright guys so that

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was the first part and now I'm gonna

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move on to my second part of the workout

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bent arm strength so let's do it

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alright so with this workout our first

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focus on the waistline pushing and

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pulling strength because that is the

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strength where I want to improve on to

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get better in the front leave for

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entered planche

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and I know from our experience that this

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is also the most important strength part

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that you need to improve on with

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calisthenics so I'm doing planche lean

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push-ups here so leaning forward as much

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as possible and pushing back up to a

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plank position and for the waistline

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putting strength I did else it from me

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for pull-ups so bringing the bar to my

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waistline and

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else's position and I did both exercises

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for 8 reps and three sets in total and

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after that I moved on to a basics

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circuit so first I started with some

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Pike push-ups 8 reps in total and the

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focus isn't really working off the

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camera by the way then immediately I did

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clicked pull-ups because I couldn't find

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a high bar and this one is also really

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challenging if and harder than and

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normal pull-ups so definitely try it out

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then you can still work on your pull-ups

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so next I did Close Grip push ups

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because I want to grow my midsection of

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my chest and when training for Missal

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then you are then you want to do at

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least 8 to 12 repetitions so I did 15

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reps I guess right here and then I moved

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on to standing rows and the focus isn't

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really working as you can see right here

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so my apologies for that but this one is

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also a really good exercise to work your

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back Strangler

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alright guys so I just finished the

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workout had a really good workout so

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guys I hope that you enjoyed this video

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and that you got some inspiration on how

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to Train calisthenics bodyweight

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training outside with really a few

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equipment just a few bars at the park so

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now I'm about to eat my post-workout

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meal and then I'm gonna finish this

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video and now it's time for my

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post-workout protein shake I'm always

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having a high protein shake after my

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workout so I'm using a scoop of whey

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protein for my protein and I'm using

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half a banana half avocado

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and some strawberries and some water

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alright guys so I just finished my

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protein shake so why am i drinking this

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it's really important to hit your

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proteins right after your workouts for

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optimal recovery for your muscles and

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it's also really good to add some carbs

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in there

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for example bananas because then your

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body will consume the protein even

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better so now I'm going to enjoy this

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protein shake and also guys if you want

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to use some protein some whey protein or

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some other stuff from my protein I'm

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also using other stuff right here you

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can see more whey protein and obscene

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and also supplements which I don't have

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right here you can check out my protein

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and use our discount code CF 35 for a

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35% discount on the complete website and

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right now we are about to make dinner

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and today we have burritos on the menu

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and my girlfriend's already preparing so

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these are all the ingredients that we

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using and as you can see we're using

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vegan meat because we are basically

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trying to eat as much plant-based food

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as possible so we don't eat any meat at

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all of course we do use some whey

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protein which is animal food but just we

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try to eat vegetarian only know me

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alright guys so we just finished that

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meal was a really delicious meal so guys

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I'm just gonna add this video right here

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I really hope that you like this video

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and if you got some inspiration out of

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my own work out of today please let me

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know if you want to see more videos more

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workers from me and also I want to do

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more personal videos more vlogging

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videos just like this maybe sharing some

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more nutrition maybe some more mules

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that I eat

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and also maybe sharing my morning

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routine my evening routine I do a lot of

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flexibility and mobility routines as

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well so if you guys want to see all that

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just let me know in the comments and I'm

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happy to create that in one of the next

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videos so guys thanks for watching

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please like and subscribe for more peace

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