My Amazing 2 Year Planche Transformation (80KG)

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hey guys this is me i suffered from an

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elbow injury

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a gulver's elbow and i got very

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demotivated i lost a lot of strength

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and size but after the summer when i

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felt recovered

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and ready and confident enough i started

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my road

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to planche again and i'm so excited to

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my plans transformation with you guys in

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this video

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so i started all the way back again at

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tucked planche position to strengthen my

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straight arm

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strength for the planche i started with

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holding this tucked planche for about 20

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seconds until i felt ready enough to

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move on to this advanced stick

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planche where my knees are a little bit

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further away from

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my chest after this variation i

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gradually started to

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intensify the exercise by bringing my

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legs further away

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like this straddle position with my legs

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downwards but

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also this frock planche position

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so my body got used to the elevation of

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my legs

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but also the lean in my shoulders it was

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such a struggle at this point my

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shoulders hurt

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at this point but i just kept believing

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and just

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working to my planche because you know

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is the goal that i had in mind before my

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injury and now i wanted to mark this off

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so at that point i

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felt ready and i moved on to eccentrics

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or negatives

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like a handstand to a planche

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i started with this frock stand planche

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moving as controlled as possible down to

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the planche

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and really get that time and attention

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with each set and each training

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and this really helped me out to build

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more foundation

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and to build more strength in my

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shoulders with straight arm strength

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and to get used off the planche position

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i worked up to a point that i tried the

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straddle planche but

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without success because i just wasn't

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strong enough to hold

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the straddle planche from that handstand

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position so i kinda

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combined the negative with a tucked

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hold so i still got the time that it was

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necessary to hold each set

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to get enough volume in with each

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up to a point that i wasn't making any

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progress anymore with this variation so

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i tried

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just planche attempts again just

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leaning as much forward as i can and

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holding the planche and you can see my

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legs are already

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a bit higher i was so happy that i was

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able to hold this just for one or two

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because now my body got finally used to

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the straddle planche position

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i kept training this variation for at

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two to three months until i didn't make

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any progress anymore so i went back to

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the negatives the handstand two planche

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and in this phase my progress was just

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mind blowing i suddenly felt so strong

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and was able to control the movement

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my hard work from the previous training

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sessions the previous cycle

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definitely paid off now i can hold

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the straddle planche for about three

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not the best form but i kept training

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like this

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for about a few weeks together as you

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can see with all the gym members that

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gave me so much motivation

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in the winter we were grinding so hard

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also we had several birthday training

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that gave me an extra energy boost as

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you can see here

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every everyone is motivating each other

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i was just holding the planche even

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longer with all the people watching

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and at this point i finally felt so

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strong in my shoulders that i dared to

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do the planes from

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a high bar on parallel bars this was

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during my own birthday session

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last year and i just still can't believe

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doing this i'm literally sitting here

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watching with a smile

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because it hasn't been an easy journey

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especially with my weight

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over 80 kgs and my length of 180

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and most recently the summer came around

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the corner

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which gave me even more energy because

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statics are just

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the best to train outside when it's warm

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when your tendons are warm

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so here i'm training in the park this is

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one of my most recent

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planche attempts and currently i'm

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working to

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the straddle planche push-up here you

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see me doing

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my first attempt this is where i'm

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currently at this is my plan's journey

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from the past

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two years and i'm ready to make even

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more progress

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thanks for watching guys keep believing

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keep consistent and the results will

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thanks for watching don't forget to

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subscribe for more videos

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and peace

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