My 30 Days Calisthenics Body & Strength Transformation Results

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30 days ago

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i started my calisthenics transformation

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and this is how i looked

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i did some body measurements and i did

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my first

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weight check-in in the first episode i

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did a strength test to check

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my current strength in all basic

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20 kgs at the hands and push up 30 kgs

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at the weighted pull up

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60 kgs at the weighted dip and 50 kgs at

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the weighted push-ups

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so after this i wrote down my goals for

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the next

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90 days

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so now after 30 days let's see how far

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i've come

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week one the first seven days

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in the first week i mainly focus on

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getting all my workouts in and getting

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used to my new routine

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which i also shared in another episode

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check that out

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in the first week i focused on high

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volume workouts with bodyweight

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exercises only

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diet-wise i figured out how many

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calories i needed to gain a little

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weight each week to reach my goal of

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my conclusion 3200 calories per day

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while normally eating around 2600

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calories per day

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so in week two i really started to

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increase my calories

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every week i wanted to increase my

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calories by 150 calories

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until i reached 3200 calories at the end

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of the 30 days

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so let me show you guys the one secret

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what i do

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to increase the calories and the carbs

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in my breakfast

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on a daily basis so i slightly get

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throughout this calisthenics

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transformation series

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step 1 adding milk and of course making

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use of a kitchen skill

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step 2 heat up the milk in the microwave

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step 3 adding oats aka a lot of carbs

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step 4

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adding an apple more carbs step 5

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adding raisins even more carbs step 6

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adding honey more crops again and still

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every single gram precisely step 7

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adding a little protein make sure to

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check the link in bio for a discount at

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my protein step 8 topping with cinnamon

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and weighing every milligram as well nah

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just kidding

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step 9 top it off with blueberries

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another great carb source

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the secret add and eat a lot of carbs

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at the beginning of week three i did a

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check-in again

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and my new weight 78.5

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kgs already 2 kgs heavier

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and i increase my calories even more up

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3050 calories and this is what a day of

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eating up until this point

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looks like so now

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let's share my second workout of the

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week in this workout

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i particularly focused more on the

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advanced bodyweight exercises

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but still not too challenging because

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i'm still working in that 6 to 12

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rep range for building muscle mass so i

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looked for a progression

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with each exercise that allowed me to

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get 6 to 12

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reps in

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and while i was getting heavier i'm

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still adding repetitions

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in the exercises just check out a quick

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overview of the logbook that i'm using

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to track

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my progress oh and if you're califam

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you will recognize this logbook for sure

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week four this is the week what it's all

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time to share my results of my weighted

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push exercises of the week

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and see if i got any stronger compared

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to week one

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just a quick note as i'm still in my

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hypertrophy cycle

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i'm still working with 8 reps as a

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minimum and try to push the most amount

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of weight

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for 8 repetitions my results

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after four weeks of training the hands

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and push-ups with a 10

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kg weight vest for eight

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reps in total and my one rep max at the

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beginning was

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20 kgs for one repetition

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for the weighted dip i managed to get 45

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for 8 repetitions and after that

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i tried 50 kgs and managed to get 6 reps

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oh damn that was my all

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that was my all so i'm getting close

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and at last the weighted push-up i did

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40 kgs here for eight repetitions

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and after this one i tried 50 kgs

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and managed to get three repetitions in

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my one rep max was 50 kgs at the

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so i already beat my one red max with

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the weighted push-up

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alright so now the moment is here

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time to step on the skill again after 30

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days of

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lean building so let's do it

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and that is 80.3

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kgs so guys

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i almost gained 4 kgs

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in total in about four weeks four to

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five weeks

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um it was quite a struggle i ate a lot

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extra corpse especially in the last few

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now also it's time to do an actual

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physique check

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like i did in the first day so let's see

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how my physique looks

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now after the first day and after 30

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so my conclusion i see little

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in my chest shoulders abs and legs

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i also made some good strain gains which

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was my main goal

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but my journey doesn't end here i have 8

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aka 60 days more to go in order to reach

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my goals so for now thanks for watching

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and i'll see you in the next episode

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stay tuned

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