Most Effective 15 Min Calisthenics Leg Workout | No Equipment

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What's up guys it’s Yannick from Calisthenics Family,

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and today we’re going to do an insanely effective leg workout

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in just 15 minutes that you can do anywhere,

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so that can be at home, outside or in the gym.

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This workout is designed for any level,

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because as always we want to make sure

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that anybody can follow our workouts.

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Therefore we will add easier variations for each exercise.

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So guys when it comes to legs we always get the question

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whether you can build muscle mass with bodyweight exercises.

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And the answer is simple, of course you can!

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Legs are no different than other muscles.

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We need to focus on the right intensity of the exercises.

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There are many ways how we can adapt weighted leg exercises

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to make them challenging when performing with your own bodyweight.

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For example we can do single leg variations

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or explosive variations

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to get the perfect stimuli for the muscles to grow.

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Alright let’s get into the workout, we’re going to do 10 exercises

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and we’re going to perform each exercise for 30 seconds

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and get 30 seconds of rest.

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If you cannot keep up for 30 seconds,

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you can always switch to the given easier variation.

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Alright get ready for the first exercise and before we start

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make sure to subscribe for more videos like these

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and make sure to watch the video till the end

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Alright guys we hit every single muscle in our legs

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all the way from glutes to calves

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with a selection of my favorite calisthenics leg exercises

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that I’ve been doing for years.

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So let’s wrap up this workout with our weekly giveaway,

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and this week we will give away one copy

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of our Full Journey Calisthenics Workout Plan

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which includes workouts for over a year

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that works towards impressive calisthenics skills

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and will get you in the best shape of your life at the same time.

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The winner will be announced in the next video.

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Last week we gave away one set of our

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High Quality 4-pack Resistance Bands

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and the winner will appear right here in the screen, congrats!

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For more effective workouts just like this complete leg workout,

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we have multiple free e-books with workouts for any goal.

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Checkout the first link in the description to download them for free.

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And guys, soon we will release our Calisthenics Family Workout app

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that includes workout plans for any goals and level,

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think about skill courses, workouts from home,

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flexibility sessions and much more!

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If you want to be the first one to get access to this app,

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Sign up to our mailing list and be the first to download the app.

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Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe,

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for more videos just like these

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and I’ll see you in the next video, peace out.

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