Michael's New Challenge - ROAD TO PLANCHE

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what's up guys it's Michael Fair from

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calisthenics family and welcome to a new

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video and in this video I'm gonna do a

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pledge workout and in this video I'm

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actually going to do my very first

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blench work out of my new program and in

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my new customized eight-week program I'm

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gonna focus on the planche and the

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handstand for the next coming eight

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weeks and I wanna take you guys with me

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on this new journey because guys lately

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I've been thinking a lot about my goals

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and also the things that I want to work

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on and also the things that I'm

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struggling with and as you guys know

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I've been dealing with my elbow injury

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for a really long time and I'm still

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having a slight discomfort when I'm

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doing my pool exercises so that's why

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actually also after reading the book the

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one thing I decided to completely focus

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myself on the things that I'm actually

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good at and um

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the end that I can do so that is

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basically the reason why I have chosen

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to work on a particular skill the

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handstand and the planche for the next

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coming eight weeks to see how far I can

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come and I'm gonna just take you guys

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with me on this journey and today I'm

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gonna do my very first workout I have a

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whole program scheduled out for the 8th

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for the next coming 8 weeks and I'm also

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want to share that with you guys in the

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next coming videos I'm gonna do is the

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little vlog a little serie on this

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journey and in this journey I'm also

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gonna share every single workout and

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every single exercise that I'm gonna do

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I'm not completely finished with the

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program but I'm gonna show it to you

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very soon in one of the next videos so

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yeah today a pledge workout and it's

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actually going to be a beginner blanch

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workout as I see myself as a complete

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new beginner to the planche

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last year I was able to hold the

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straddle planche for a few seconds but

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it was not with a very good and optimal

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form so that is why I'm gonna take a few

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steps back I'm gonna start from zero

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from there I'm gonna hopefully get

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better in the planche and finally work

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up to the straddle planche again so that

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is why I also created a beginner pledge

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workout for myself today so I'm gonna

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get to the park and Luke where are my

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s-- at the calisthenics family Park

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right over there my bro Yannick is

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already over there but before I start

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guys make sure to subscribe to our

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channel for more videos in the future

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and also please smash that like button

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and now let's get into the more

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alright guys so welcome to the video I

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just finished my warmup and if you guys

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want to see my warmup please let me know

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in the comments and I can cover that in

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one of the next videos so I'm gonna

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start with the first exercise and the

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first exercise is going to be the actual

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flange holds so I'd like to start with

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the static hold I'm gonna do the static

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blank shot with each price training that

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I'm gonna do three times per week before

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my actual pledge workout so this is

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basically going to be a test on so I can

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check what my current level is and if

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I'm progressing during the week and the

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workouts so I'm gonna do this for four

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times and I'm gonna see what my best

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blanche hold is at this moment and my

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goal is to reach at least a five-second

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hold if I can't reach the five-second

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hold then I have to take a step back

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with the planche progressions seller

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let's go

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alright alright guys so there was my

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actual first pledge hold of this new

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program it was like a advanced explains

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for seven seconds I think so now I'm

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going to try to do the exact same

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movement advance tuck planche but now

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with the legs open so a straddle

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advanced tech flash let's go

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alright guys so now you could definitely

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see that my hips we're a little bit too

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high so they have to be at least equal

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with my shoulders so that's why it's so

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very important to do some

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self-evaluation to check your own form

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so now I'm know what I'm gonna do about

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in the next set so same set same

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exercise with hips a little bit lower

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alright guys so that was the first

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exercise or not really exercise but just

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a check where I'm at with the pledge now

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I'm gonna move on to my actual pledge

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training and the first exercise is going

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to be the power swings to straddle

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planche so I'm gonna do an l-sit and I'm

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with a little bit momentum I'm gonna try

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to get to the straddle planche and then

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go back and the goal the purpose of this

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exercise is to get better in my lean

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while making use of the momentum so

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that's what I'm gonna do right now and

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this workout guys is actually a straight

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arm French workout so that means only

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straight arm work such as presses leans

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and holes so let's get into the first

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exercise of the planche training of

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today let's go

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all right guys so as you could see as I

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got further into the straddle planche I

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tended to bend my arms and that is of

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course very bad so right now I'm gonna

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try to do the exact same but without

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bending my arms and maybe don't go don't

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go all the way - straight to straddle

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alright guys so that was definitely a

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lot better so I've just decided that I'm

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not gonna use the momentum but I'm gonna

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do it controlled from l-sit to advanced

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tricks pledge or just tug flinch while

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keeping my arms straight protracted and

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pressed down like this alright it's two

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more sets

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four to six repetitions

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alright guys so I just finished the

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second exercise or actually the first

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exercise of the planche training workout

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the lc2 tucked planche and now I'm gonna

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move on to pledge lean presses so with

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this exercise I'm trying to lean as much

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forward into a plank lean hold and then

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press back to a pike stand and go with

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this exercise is of course to get

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stronger with my straight arm pushing

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strength while keeping my upper back

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like protracted and not arched so let's

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get into this exercise three sets in

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total of like four to six maybe eight

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repetitions let's go

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alright guys so that was the first

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planche lean press and I just watched

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the video back and I've noticed that I

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need to have my upper back a little bit

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more protracted so I'm gonna make it

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and also maybe put the prayer that's a

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little bit closer to the poles so I can

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more focus on my scapula and almost and

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I'm also gonna put my shirt off so I can

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actually see my form so that's also very

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important guys put your shirt off

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so not only to show your gains but also

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to check your own form let's get into

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the second set

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alright guys so I just finished with the

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flange presses and now I'm gonna move on

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to the third exercise which is going to

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be the max planche lean holds and with

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this exercise the goal is of course to

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increase my planche lean as far as

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possible as I can while keeping a nice

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alliant body with a scapular protraction

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in the upper back so let's get into the

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third exercise planche lean holds

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alright guys that was my last planche

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lean hold and as you can see I still

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have to work on keeping my scapula

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protracted while leaning forward so

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that's what I'm gonna work on in the

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next few weeks and now it's time to

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finish this work at off with my with

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less exercise some isolation work some

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straight arm races so let's go alright

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guys so for this exercise I'm gonna use

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these elastic bands and I'm gonna stand

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right here where I can do like 12

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repetitions so if I'm going to stand

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here of course it's gonna be pretty easy

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so find a spot where you can do like 10

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to 12 reps and then protract your

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scapula depress and from here

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four inch motion

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maybe hold his head up

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alright alright guys so I am back in the

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car so this was my blanche workout of

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the day the very first planche work out

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of my new program and like I said I'm

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gonna focus on the planche and the

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handstand in the in like in the next

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coming weeks and I'm gonna take you guys

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with me so there was more of a vlogging

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video and we're gonna do more vlogging

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videos just like this in which you're

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gonna see me training and also I'm gonna

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collab with a lot of other people also

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subscribers some clients but also other

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people other youtubers so that is what

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you guys can expect in the next coming

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videos and of course we're also gonna

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still do our instructional videos if you

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have some requests about some topics

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that you want us to cover so this was my

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first training tomorrow I'm gonna record

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a new video a new training vlog and then

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I'm gonna work on my handstands my

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one-arm handstand and of course I'm

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gonna take you with my workout so for

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now I'm gonna finish this workout off

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with the little car crusher from the my

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vegan line this is the chocolate orange

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one and I can tell you guys this one is

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freaking amazing

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the taste is actually so much better

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than the car crusher so look at this

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guy's so let me enjoy this vegan car for

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sure so that's it about this video guys

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please let me know what you think about

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this video and also don't forget to

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subscribe on our channel for more daily

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and weekly videos please put your thumbs

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up and I'll catch you guys in the next

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video peace out

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