Michael's Mobility & Handstand Workout - Training Vlog

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what's up guys it's Michael Fair from

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calisthenics family and welcome to

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today's video

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it is Tuesday today it's the second day

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of the week and today I'm going to have

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my instant workout my second workout of

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my new program in which I'm gonna focus

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on the planche and the handstand for at

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least the next coming eight weeks so

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that's what I'm going to show you today

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in this video so stay tuned and enjoy

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the video guys

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alright guys so welcome to the video and

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like as I said I'm gonna film I'm like

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document everything what I'm gonna do in

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my new customized program for myself

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first of all to motivate you guys to

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inspire you to start with calisthenics

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or with just training or butyrate

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training in general but also to evaluate

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myself because from my own experience I

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know that if I'm gonna film myself every

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single time a knife and I'm gonna make a

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video or if look about it and I'm gonna

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edit the videos then I'm actually kind

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of giving feedback to myself and

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evaluating myself at the same time and

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that has always been the best times from

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my calisthenics journey when I was

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filming myself and also editing and

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publishing the videos so that is also

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why I really want to do this and I'm

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just really excited to share this

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journey with you guys so today it's a

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handstand workout but before I'm gonna

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dive into the workout as you can see I'm

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standing here at the office right now so

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this is where all the magic happens

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all the editing work and all the like a

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developing work on our programs and

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we're all so busy with new things so let

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me show you real quick my my yeah my

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desktop my computer because here this is

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where I'm creating my own customized

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program at this moment let me just show

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you the workouts that I'm planning for

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today so here you see my sheet so you

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can see the workout that I did yesterday

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Blanche straight arm and today it's all

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and sent work out and as you can see

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today it's kind of a low intensity

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workout compared to yesterday but I'm

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gonna do some shoulder mobility hip

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mobility core one arm hands and attempts

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and their hands and training and here

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you see the rest of the workout and so

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this is basically the sheet where I

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create where we create our custom

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programs and here you can see all the

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exercises that we have to create our

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programs and once we have our exercises

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picked out then we can create a

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customized calisthenics program so as

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you can see guys that is basically how

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we always create our own programs also

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programs for our clients and that we

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have been doing for the last two to

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three years so every like new period of

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eight weeks we are creating a new

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program for yourself with new program

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goals together self-motivated and to

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work up to new and harder goals of

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course so yeah let's start this

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handstand workout right now but before

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I'm going to start with the workout I'm

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gonna have a vegan pre workouts scoop

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before I'm gonna start to give myself a

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little bit more energy because it's

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already quite late it's 5:00 p.m. and

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I've been up since 6:00 in the morning

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already so yeah that's what I'm gonna

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get and yeah this one's really nice if

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you want to try it check out the link in

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the description for a 35% discount with

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our own

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goat and then I start this workout

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alright guys so as you can see I'm

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standing here downstairs in the upcoming

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gym so let me give you a quick update on

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the gym how it looks right now it's not

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really a gym actually still in the

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middle of the process of creating

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building painting everything but it's

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actually already looking a lot nicer

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smoother and nicer and neater and in

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this little area it's where I'm gonna

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have my handset workout right now

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because I need the wall today and

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outside we don't have a good wall and

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I'm using this plastic wall right here

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so I can slide on the wall and you can

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see this thing this piece of equipment

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right here and we are about to create a

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new video with this piece of equipment

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because this one is a very special one

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so stay tuned for that video so now

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let's get into the workout

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alright guys so I just finished with the

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five minutes of gym row and I'm using

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the gym rope from PE field this one

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right here I think a few videos ago we

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did a jump rope workout so if you're

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looking for a fat burning workout with a

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jump rope definitely check out that

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video and if you're interested in this

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and like boots chimp ropes and then I

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would definitely recommend to these I

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put a link in the description for more

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information about the product including

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a discount so now I'm going to move

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towards my warm up my shoulder work

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let's go

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alright guys so I just finished my

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and now it's time for the first part of

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the workout increasing my shoulder

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mobility because I know for the

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one-armed handstand and just getting

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better in your regular headset shoulder

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mobility is very very important and

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before I created this new program for

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I've been doing some research about

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shoulder mobility and also shoulder

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flexibility and one thing that I was

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knew for me was the big difference

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between mobility and flexibility because

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my ensure that flexibility is pretty new

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so that means that I'm really flexible

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in the muscles in the shoulders

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but mobility is something different and

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that is new for me and that is like the

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amount of like movement that you have

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without using like an external force so

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for example if you're working on your

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shoulder flexibility you can use the

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wall for example to lean in the wall and

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from there like open up your sure solar

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like this and then you're working on

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your shoulder flexibility with shoulder

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mobility is the amount that you can move

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your shoulders without the wall without

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an external force so just like this

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going up without arching my back so

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that's what I'm gonna work on right now

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because no one arm Hansons also in the

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record and send that shoulder mobility

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is very important so let's get into the

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first exercise shoulder mobility on

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alright guys so that was the first

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shoulder mobility exercise and one thing

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that I'm trying to do is to keeping my

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lower back in contact with the wall so I

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can't arch my back so this has to be in

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contact with the wall and from here

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raise your shoulders and try to touch

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the floor

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touch the wall with your hands well and

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I still haven't you know been in contact

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with the wall alright guys so that was

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the first exercise I just did 3 sets of

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10 repetitions and I'm gonna move on to

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the second mobility exercise which is

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that Y stretch on the wall so I'm gonna

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stand in this position wait let me just

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show it on the wall so you're gonna have

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this wide extent on the wall I think

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your lower back towards in contact with

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the the wall and from here try to get

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into a wide position while keeping your

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elbows contact with the wall and also

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your lower back and upper back

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all right so this one as you can see is

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a lot harder and with this one I only do

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three repetitions and put all my effort

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in getting as high as possible while

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having my elbows locked into the wall

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all right two more sets and then I'm

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gonna move on to the last Shogun where

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the exercise of today oh all right so

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that was the last set and as you can see

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guys what I'm trying to do is every time

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when I breathe out I'm going to put my

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hands a little bit higher so it's like

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and for me that works really well so

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let's move on to the third mobility

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exercise of this workout and that is on

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the floor and this is going to be even a

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harder exercise so let's get into this

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one right now

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alright guys so what I'm gonna do I'm

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gonna lay it out like this put my hips

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in the air and get posterior pelvic tilt

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so squeezing your glutes together and

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your hips forward and from here I'm

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going to try to get my my shoulders in

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the air as long as possible and this one

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is really really hard with very fair use

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my mark

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thirty seconds two more sets

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all right so time for the last set and

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what you can also do to make a little

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bit more challenging is to make little

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pulses which are arms so trying to go up

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and down to increase your mobility even

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more and of course you're also having

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that static holds while doing the pulses

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so it's like a win-win so let's try this

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one this probably looks so simple guys

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but this is definitely one of the

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hardest exercise so right now I'm gonna

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do some hip mobility and I'm just gonna

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do some 10 to 15 minutes of mobility so

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I'm not gonna like share every single

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exercise that I'm gonna do I'm actually

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not going to do like if you exercise but

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I'm just gonna do like a little routine

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a little sequence just with the flow

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what comes up in my mind and that's what

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I'm gonna work on see where I have some

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tightness and after that I probably feel

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ready to start with the handstand

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one-arm handstand and the instant

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practice of today so let's go

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alright guys so I just finished the

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mobility routine that turned into a

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complete full body mobility and

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flexibility of 32 minutes and that's how

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it always goes when I'm practicing yoga

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stretching in the beginning I think like

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hmm I don't really like doing this

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because I'm pretty stiff and once I'm

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actually doing it then I'm gonna do it

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like for 10 minutes 20 minutes 30

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minutes and I just can't stop and I

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actually reached a new goal today with

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my back bending I don't know if you guys

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have seen it but I went all the way from

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like yeah complete back bending with my

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hands towards the floor behind my back

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and from there going back up and that is

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something you really feel in your core

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for next time I'm gonna try to do more

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repetitions of that so always try to

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keep going forward and now guys I'm

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going to start with the actual handstand

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workout I think I'm completely warmed up

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my shoulders are really warm

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I'm feeling really open and I'm feeling

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ready to start with the one-armed

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handstand so let's

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alright guys so I did my very first few

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holes of the one-arm handstand attempts

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but I noticed that it's not really

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working today I'm quite fatigued and

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sword in my scapula from yesterday's

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pledge workout so I might have to switch

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my my workouts a little bit maybe the

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handstand training in the morning and

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then branch training in the afternoon

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but anyways I'm just gonna continue with

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the workout and I'm gonna practice the

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exercises on the wall because I think I

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still need to work more on the wall and

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strengthening my scapula my shoulders

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instead of practicing after wall so I

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have three exercises today so let's get

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into the first exercise and it is the

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wall handstand taps so I'm gonna try to

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tap my elbows or my shoulders to

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strengthening the scapula and within a

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straight arm handstand hold so let's go

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all right so those are the first two

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sets of the hands and shoulder taps and

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man these are very hard I can see that I

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can move my hands a little bit closer to

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the wall to get that nice straight

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alignment so that's what I'm gonna try

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in my last set

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I did 20 repetitions of elbow taps

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instead of shoulder taps because I

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noticed that the shoulders are still a

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little bit too hard so let's get the

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third set in and then I'm gonna move on

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to the next exercise

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alright guys that was my handstand

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workout I had to hurry up a little bit

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so that's why I did the three exercise

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in what sequence the wall had said

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that's the wall one-arm handstand bolts

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and also that well one-arm handstand

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walks on the blocks and all those three

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exercises were very difficult for me

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that so this shows me that I still have

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to work a lot on my scapular strength

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and that I have to leave the one-arm

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handstand the free one hand set for a

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while and just practice on the wall

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because guys when I started with gevis

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enix I literally rushed through my

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workouts and also I rushed through my

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goal so I really wanted to get a swelled

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bench with one arm and simple but um I

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actually didn't have the basics so this

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is what I'm trying to work on with this

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program so this time I'm gonna do it

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smart and not fast so that's it about

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this workout guys I hope you liked this

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video and that you get some inspiration

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motivation from this workout if you got

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some tips for me please let know in the

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comments down below I would really like

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to hear that and also guys if you want

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me to create a video about a special

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topic please let us know in the comments

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and I'll catch you guys in the next

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video tomorrow I'm going to do a new

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workout my pledge bent arm workout so

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I'm already looking forward to that but

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I think it's going to be a pain in the

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ass because my shoulders are already

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tired so that's it's about this workout

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guys in this video I get you guys in the

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next one please like this video and

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subscribe for more videos

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