Master the Backlever with these 5 Secret Exercises
then watch this video
to find out the
The backlever is a gymnastic
and calisthenics strength exercise,
That involves holding the body horizontal to the ground
The backlever can be scary and uncomfortable to learn
as you need to hang in an upside down position.
Also, when learning the backlever there are so many
things that can go wrong which can lead to injury.
So to avoid you to make mistakes
and to boost your backlever progress,
I'm going to explain the five
most effective exercises to learn.
The backlever.
For this video.
I won't get into the regular progressions
because I think you all know them like the tucked,
One leg, straddle and full backlever. Instead,
I want to dive into best exercises
that really build up your strength for this exercise.
Watch this video all the way to the ends
to score for this week's giveaway.
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And let's get started.
the backlever requires proper warmup
and shoulder mobility.
So before you do any of the exercises
that I'm about to share, make sure to do the following
warmup exercises
Okay, so now that our shoulders and arms are warmed
up, let's get started with the main exercises.
when training the backlever
don't make the mistake of doing short attempts
only with bad form instead of doing
short attempts and quickly falling down.
You want to spend time in holding a good position
of the backlever to build the necessary
strength and learn the right body position.
Therefore, backlever pulses are very effective.
This exercise involves small controlled movements
of the body while holding the backlever line.
To perform the backlever pulses
Start in a full backlever position
with the body vertical to the ground.
Your arm should be straight and elbows
can be locked to the side of your body.
From this position, initiate small controlled movements
by pulling yourself just a slight distance
away from the bar while maintaining perfect form.
Then pull yourself backward
with straight arms to the bar again.
You can start with very minimal pulses
And once you progress, you can try to make the gap
between your body and the bar bigger.
You can do this exercise in several variations,
for example, a straddle or a one leg.
Depending on the progression, you are working towards.
this exercise involves emphasizing
the eccentric or lowering phase of the movement.
This will get you strong
and the full range of motion in the backlever
and allows you to train harder progressions.
For example, when you want to move
from a straddle to a full backlever.
to perform to backlever negative
start in a full backlever position
with the body vertical to the ground
and arms straight from this position.
slowly, lower your body
towards the ground in a controlled manner,
focusing on the negative
or the ecentric phase of the movement,
Aim for around
Make sure you're able to control
the full movement from top to bottom.
This exercise is also great for building strength
in the full range of motion of the exercise,
but in a concentric way from bottom to top.
The benefit of this exercise is that you can really focus
on doing more reps
and building straight arm pulling strength,
which is required for this skill.
So with this exercise, start in a German hang position
with your arms straight and scapular not activated.
From here,
tuck your knees in as close to your chest as possible.
The closer you tuck to your knees the more
you can focus on pulling with straight arms.
From here.
pull your body towards the bar while keeping
straight arms until your feet touch the bar.
go back in a controlled manner and repeat.
If you can do this easily for 6 to 8 reps.
You can try this in an advanced tuck position
with the knees pulled away
With all variations.
This exercise improves core strength
and body alignment for the backlever
Many people confuse this exercise
with the reverse hyperextension.
You should avoid this
exercise as it teaches you bad technique
as you
arching your lower back too much,
which can lead to a banana backlever
and lower back injuries.
So instead you want to do the tucked to full Superman
where you really focus on developing a straight line
and good posterior pelvic tilt with this exercise.
Find an elevation where you can bend your hips
at the edge of the elevation while being able
to grab yourself tight with your arms,
your hips should be off the elevation.
That's very important.
Start in a ucked position and from there,
Extend your legs until they are
straight in line from head to toe.
hold this position for about one second
while squeezing your glutes and lower back
to activate good posterior pelvic tilt position.
Go back in a controlled manner and repeat.
This is an isometric exercise
as you keep your body in a static position.
This exercise is great for understanding
the technique and building strength
in the new progressions that you're trying to learn.
For example, the straddle backlever
or the full backlever,
Start in a vertical position
where you bring your body in the right position,
tense your glutes and keep your posterior
pelvic tilt From here, lower down
until you're at a 45 degree angle
and try to hold this position for as long as you can.
Let go just before you feel you are losing your form.
Alright guys, these are the
Let me know in the comments
Also, let me highlight our backlever
Skill Mastery course.
that you can find in our calisthenics
Family workout app.
This program teaches you to backlever
in a very structured way.
it consist out of five levels from ultra beginner
to expert, and contains over 75 different
exercises that you can perfectly keep track of.
You can start a level one program for free in our app,
so make sure to download our app in the Google
play or App store and give this a try.
Lastly, let's get into
this video, we will give away one
set of our calisthenics.
Family Rings
so you can practice your backlever anywhere you want.
after publishing this video.
The winner will be announced in next week's video.
This is what we gave away in last week's video.
And the winner will appear right here in the screen.
All right, guys, thanks for watching.
Don't forget to, like, subscribe
and put your bell notifications on,
and I'll see you in one of the next videos.
Peace out.