Lose (belly)Fat & Get Sixpack Abs | 7 Min. Follow Along Fatburn Workout

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today I'm going to show you one of the

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workouts of our 30-day fat burn workout

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program and after the launch that we

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recently did we got a lot of questions

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about the actual workouts in the routine

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and the program because it was a bit

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unclear so that is what I'm going to

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show you today guys to give you a better

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understanding of the program the workout

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is made for complete beginners but also

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for more advanced people also one thing

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that I really would like to mention is

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that we get a lot of questions from you

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guys about how to get visible six-pack

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abs and many people think that you

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should train the ABS like every single

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day to get visible abs but that's mostly

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not the case mostly the case is that you

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have a little bit too much of belly fat

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or just overall fat and that you need to

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reduce the body fat that you have to get

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visible abs so that is why we also

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created this 30-day fat burn program for

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people that especially wants to lose

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body fat and this 30-day fat burn

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program guys is not only just a program

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but right now it's still a

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transformation challenge that you can

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sign up for and it will start tomorrow

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at the 17th of June until the 17th of

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July so if you're gonna sign up today

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that's still then you can still sign up

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and make use of the 30% discount and of

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course also make a chance of winning

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some epic prices because then the first

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number one gets a hundred zero cash

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price the second number gets a 100 euro

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my protein coupon and the third price

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will get a fifty-year of my protocol

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pump and in the last video I don't know

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if you guys have seen it otherwise I

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will put it up here in the screen we

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showed you guys that the winners of the

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previous challenge so you know so you

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guys know it is real we are really going

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to give away those prices if you're

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gonna get a really good transformation

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so that's it and let's get straight into

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this workout what's up guys welcome to

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the second workout of this week today it

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is Tuesday and that means we're going to

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do a leg workout core workout a cardio

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today we have six exercise again we're

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gonna do burpees mountain climbers

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jumping squats leg raises on the floor

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side lunges and Superman extensions

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we're gonna do a high-intensity workouts

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so that means that we're gonna burn a

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lot of fat because that is the goal of

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this program so for each exercise we're

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gonna do 45 seconds and then we have 15

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seconds rest so in total we are going to

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do five routes of this workout and we're

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gonna start off with the first route

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let's do this alright guys I got the

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timer over here I'm gonna start the

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timer and then we're gonna start with

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the first exercise burpees for 45

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seconds let's do this and three two one

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let's go okay we jump

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20 seconds to go on

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that second step is gone

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all right

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first exercise burpees the second

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exercise for the core mountain climbers

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let's do this

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no smoothies as fast as possible

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make sure you keep breathing

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fifteen seconds left

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alright the next exercise going to be

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jumping lunch in three two one to make a

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lunch is possible

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in the hot one

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fifteen seconds left

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four three two one

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all right this was a tough one the next

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exercise is for the core we're going to

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do a leg raises on the floor come on

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please sit down

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hands on the floor all right let's start

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45 seconds

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fifteen seconds left come on

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all right four three two one

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all right and then

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now we're gonna move on to the site

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lunch okay here we go three two one two

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step inside that's one

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- great

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that's right

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my checkup left

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four three two one

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alright alright guys and the last

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exercise is going to be the Superman

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extension this one is for the lower back

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so you're gonna lay down on your belly

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legs in the air arms in the air and go

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back like this

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45 seconds let's go

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when you take his left guys gone

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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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I definitely feel this in my lower back

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alright guys so that was the first round

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you probably feel it it's quite intense

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but that is exactly what we want with

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this program because we want to lose fat

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and build up our condition alright guys

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so that was the first round in total

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you should be doing five rounds

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that means you should do four more

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rounds just right now and that is it for

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this workout second workout of this week

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and then after this workout tomorrow

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we're going to do a strength workout

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again so that will be tomorrow on

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Wednesday so I'll see you tomorrow

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peace out guys alright guys so that was

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the full legs and core workout of the 30

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day fat burn program so I hope that you

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guys got a better understanding and a

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better idea about this program and that

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is actually really accessible and easy

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to follow and sign up and join this

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program because you can do this just

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with your own body weight and as I said

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at the beginning of the video today is

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the last day that you can sign up for a

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30 day fat burn program so if you want

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to sign up for this program then I click

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the link down below and I hope that we

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can help you to obtain the best body

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within 30 days of time so that's it for

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this video I hope that you guys like

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this video please put a thumbs up if you

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did and I'll catch you guys in the next

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video peace out guys

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