Living our Dream Life in Tenerife

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what's up guys what's up it's michael

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and yannick over here from calisthenics

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family and as you can see we are in a

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very special location we are in tane

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reef for a work content trip

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for the next month

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and that's why we decided that we're

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going to create some vlogs during our

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stay probably three to four vlogs yes of

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our stay right here um and today will be

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our first vlog so we basically just

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gonna share some things that we do when

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we're here some workouts some training

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some dieting but also some sciency and

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just some random stuff that we are doing

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so basically right now we are about to

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meet up with

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an old friend of us yeah an old friend

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so that's gonna be marine it happened to

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be that he is exactly at the same place

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at the same time here in tin reef on the

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island but i coincidence so we're gonna

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have a workout with marine we're gonna

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have a bush workout right yes exactly

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push workout it is actually kind of a

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bodybuilding push workout because we're

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going to a regular gym and basically uh

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join his workout so quite funny that we

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as kensington family doing the first

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workout in a gym yeah we already went to

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a calisthenics park but for the video

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for the video you can expect a lot of

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calisthenics workouts as well so because

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there are a lot of great spots already

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and that's also what we're gonna film we

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have the drone as well so expect to see

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some great content for the next coming

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weeks so without further ado let's go to

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the gym and let's meet up with marine

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yeah yo matt

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gagman there he is

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ryan and taylor reeves

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where's he mad

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keep the same energy

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all right guys so i just got back from

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that workout with my rain i'm sitting

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here on our balcony um it was an awesome

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workout and i just want to have a quick

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conversation with you guys on

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um like the whole reason why we're here

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and what we are doing here but also um

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what it actually took to come here

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because i don't take this for granted

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because it's just awesome that i'm able

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to work and live from this awesome place

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here while in the netherlands the

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weather is really [ __ ] and it feels like

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a holiday but at the same time it's also

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work because we will stay here for one

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month creating content and

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um yeah just living the life and like

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being able to work from everywhere where

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you want was actually one of our

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life goals since the start of our online

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career and this is the first time that

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it's happening right now so that's why i

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want to take this moment and stand still

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it's just it's just really amazing um i

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just want to thank you guys as well for

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showing support um

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from the beginning of our journey so

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anyway this the view here is really

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really amazing um

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so let me show you guys where i'm at

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where i stay at this moment i give you

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guys a little house tour and also show

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you the view what i'm seeing right here

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because it's unbelievable

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all right guys welcome to our apartment

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let me give you a quick tour of our new

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apartment our new stay

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i'm staying here together with my sister

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hi guys

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jalex stays in a different apartment

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together with his girlfriend anyways

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let's first go to the balcony because

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here we have the amazing view

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look at this

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so freaking awesome

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we got the beach over there palm freeze

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this white village over here

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super cozy

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so that's the view and this is our

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little balcony over here so we can work

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from here outside but also inside

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and right here we have the living room

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this is my bedroom

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right here

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pretty amazing

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got a queen sized bed and also my own

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bathroom over there so that's really

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really convenient

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over here we have

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my sister's bedroom

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then we have

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the kitchen

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pretty spacey here we can cook

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prep our meals etc

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right here we have our mountain bikes

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that we just hired and right here we

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have our mini

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bathroom which looks really really nice

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last but not least

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we have our own

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jacuzzi as well

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freaking awesome

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yeah so that's our stay

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alright guys so we just finished some

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work here in the morning did my online

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coaching and now it's time for a quick

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break and we hired these

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e mountain bikes

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they look pretty sick

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actually as you can see

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really cool bikes

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and um

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we're staying here

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uh pretty

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located high up in the hills so we have

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a lot of hills and mountains as well so

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we're just gonna explore the area right

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now and do a little tour as our work

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break so let's do

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it brighter right through the gray

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all right so it's about seven o'clock

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right now it's already

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dark outside

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and we are going to the supermarket to

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do our weekly groceries so

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we're about to go right now and then

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i'll show you what we will eat

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in a week so let's do this

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all right guys so we just finished our

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groceries so let me show you what we got

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first of all we got a lot of fruits as

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you can see

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naranjas aka oranges

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we got bananas

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we got apples we got frozen fruit as

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well for breakfast

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next to that we have a lot of vegetables

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as well we got broccoli

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we got some bell peppers salad

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um and we have our

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carbs as well we have whole wheat pasta

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of course we have some crackers whole

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wheat crackers as well and a lot of

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greek yogurt as our breakfast to get our

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proteins in

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and we got some chicken as well

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and next to that

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some nuts to get our healthy fats in

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and some

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cheese of course to enjoy ourselves a

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little bit while we're here

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at our content trip so this is basically

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a short summary of what we eat during

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the week

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when we're at home and of course we're

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also eating out like two or three times

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per week when we're here especially in

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the weekends so that's what we are

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eating during the week so yeah

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buenos dias me amigos today is another

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beautiful day here in taylor reef

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blue sky as you can see and it's not

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just a regular day it's a very special

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day because today it's thursday and we

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decided together with yannick my brother

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that thursday is going to be our content

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creation day so that means that every

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thursday we will go out and look for a

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awesome place a calisthenics park or a

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nice place at the beach or just a really

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good place to create some good video

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content for youtube so on these days we

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will create our high quality video

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productions and we have the drone with

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us so today we're heading to a small

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calisthenics park here in the area and

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create a really awesome video for you

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guys today on youtube i'm really excited

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let's get to that park and meet up with

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alright guys

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we made it to the calisthenics park

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the bro yannick here as well yes

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so what is it that we're gonna create

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so we're gonna record a youtube video in

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this beautiful park and we're gonna

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create a video on how to get strong

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shoulders for calisthenics and also to

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learn calisthenics skills exactly so

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let's do it and we also have the drone

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so we're gonna create some epic shots as

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well because this area is just amazing

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and we're here with

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some random guy from uh rasmus rasmus

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from estonia from estonia

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so you're also doing calisthenics right

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i've been doing it for over five years

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now five years yeah

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the hardest thing is the full plan

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exactly so this is really great about

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calisthenics you know meeting people

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from all over the world um you also have

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instagram right can people find you on

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instagram yeah of course what's that

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instagram i don't know how

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we want to sound when you spell it out

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but it's rasmus johansson all right we

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put the graphic over here people can

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find you

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all right so let's create this video and

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get a worker

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so we just finished recording that huge

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and now

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it's about time to

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create some epic drone content

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let's do it

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unbelievable this man is a legend

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when it comes to creating drone footage

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it's actually a different kind of

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craftsmanship man

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at first

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it was really hard but now

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he is killing it

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this was the smoothest

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the smoothest flight i ever took so

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you're gonna definitely see this kind of

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footage in the next

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like real video film production in the

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next youtube video so stay tuned for

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all right we are here in

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tayden reef janik as well and

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what's up raul we're jumping in with

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raul right here yes you found us on uh

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on social media social media yes and

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then i started following you later

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since june of this year okay yeah yeah

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so it's been great all right nice man

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and you're starting calisthenics as well

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yes yes yes now you have to right you

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have to yeah you're all of my motivation

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i've been i've seen different um

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calisthenics uh teachers like okay doing

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online but nothing convinced me and you

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all both

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are i'm really grateful that's great to

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hear man thank you so much well

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definitely going to train together of

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course we're here for a month so great

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time great awesome man

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