Learn the Tucked Planche in only 5 minutes | Beginner Tutorial

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what's up guys it's Michael here from

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Celtic family with another calisthenics

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instruction videos and today I'm gonna

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show you how to start with the planche

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from zero so stay tuned for that you'll

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alright guys so welcome to this

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instruction video and as you guys

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probably know I'm pretty busy with my

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plans journey in the last videos at this

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moment and I got a lot of questions from

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some people on how to start with the

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planche and like I can't tell you how to

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get the straddle planche or the full

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prints because I'm not there yet but I

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can help you to really start with the

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planche from zero so in this video I'm

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gonna show you how to start with a

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pledge from zero towards the third

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branch if it's the first progression so

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and this video is especially for people

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that really can't do like a frog stand

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or like maybe even have a hard time with

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push-ups so I'm just gonna start with

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the very basics and work up to the touch

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Blanche so I'm going to show you guys a

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few exercises that you can work on so

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let's talk about the Turks planche the

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planche is an aesthetic exercise to

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regard work on our static bolts and

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static loads are the exercises in which

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you hold a certain position for a like a

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few seconds so the first exercise is the

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Turks hold so what you're gonna do place

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your hands on the floor and from here

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just lift yourself up like this

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and just try to hold that for maybe five

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seconds then ten seconds then 15 seconds

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and if you're getting more comfortable

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with this exercise you can move on to

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the next variation work on your predict

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Blanche alright guys and one thing that

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is very important you have to keep in

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mind with this exercise is that you have

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to depress your shoulders so press your

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shoulders down so you're you're gonna

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create space between your traps and your

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neck your shoulders and neck so don't

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you like this but press down by pushing

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into the parallettes hi guys let's the

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first exercise the first progression now

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we're gonna move on to the second

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progression and that is the extent so

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you place your hands on the floor your

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fingers wide and spread open and create

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a little bit space in between you're in

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between the hand and the floor so from

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here move forward and place your elbows

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at the inside of your knees and push

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them to the towards the side so and now

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get your feet off the ground and just

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try to hold this snack as long as you

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can alright so that is exercise number

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two the frog stat and if you're getting

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more comfortable with this exercise you

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can move on to a little bit harder

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variation of the Frog stand which is

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with straight arms so it looks like this

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same thing but now you're gonna place

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your elbows not at the inside of your

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knee but on your knee so like this

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and make sure to keep you on straight

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first start here only a few centimeters

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with your feet off the ground and if you

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can't do this then you can also bring

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them fine alright guys so if you're

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comfortable with these three exercises

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you can combine the first one with

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advanced tick-tock stand and get the

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tucked planche so for this I'm gonna use

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the prayer that's again because it gives

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me a little bit more space to move so

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now instead of the static exercise now

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we're gonna do a dynamic exercise so

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we're gonna make some like really small

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pulses so we've gotta start in a dark

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hole again so from here and now try to

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move towards tuck planche so here and

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and then at last guys the final step of

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course is the tucked planche so if you

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if you're getting more comfortable with

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like three five maybe six reps of the

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dynamic exercise before then you can

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move on to the Tuck planche so let me

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show how it looks so really important is

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that you protract your scapula so

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straight arms and try to create a hollow

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bed so not an arch back like this will

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first push push into the ground straight

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arms and from here wall forward and

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bring your knees as close as possible to

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your chest and now protract scapula and

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from here don't start to straight your

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legs but bends relax and lean forward

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and try to hold this

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alright guys so these are basically five

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exercises to work to tuck planche and to

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build the foundations of your straight

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arm strength in order to maybe move

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forward to like cooler exercises like

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the l-sit to handstand with straight

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arms for example like this

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so that is an exercise that you can

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workout too but of course it's really

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important to build that foundation with

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the exercise that I've just showed you

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so guys I hope that you find this little

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instruction video helpful and that you

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can have some ideas how to start with

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dark planche and with straight arm

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strength so please if you did like this

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video subscribe for more and I'll catch

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you guys in one of the next videos peace

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